I'm looking for a new tribe



I'm not happy with the tribe I'm currently in right now. They did some dumb things to the world and now I'd like to join a tribe that can offer me stuff and not do screwed up things like that. Whatever that may be, considering the context which I introduced 'that' in the first pla..blah blah blah.

Skills..sorry...skilllz that I have include:

-I am/was/could still be a spy (I'm a 7hr-24day-365wk spy)
-Propaganda Minister/Information Minister
-Not a tribe-hopper (isn't that good enough on its own?)
-Very Active
-I'm literate (and will use punctuation.)
-I'm a carebear
-Oh yeah, I'm also not, but could very well soon be, a fugitive
-Mid-size player (suggested serving: 400k points)
-I use Webster's version of the dictionary

Skills that I lack
-Team Spirit
-Tough Thick Head
-Everything else you can think of

Please send me an invite if your tribe :
1)Is interested in having me be a spy (both ways)
2)Would like me to say a lot of good, accurate information* for your tribe-mates
3)Needs someone to take a lead in whatever K I'm based in (k33, a little of 62, possibly others).
4)Is weaker than the top 1 tribe, yet better in some way than the top tribe.

Oh, and for the internet-speak only people, I've translated the above into something understandable: Pleez invite mee!!1 I'll b vary gud. Gif me lots of money/rezorcees Thanx :)

*Results may vary. Ask your Doctor if MrNagoo is right for you
171 people find my application insufficient in meeting their tribe requirements, and moved on the the next best guy down the list in these forums (not finding any, of course).
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