

Not sure how INF's Leadership concerns everyone but anyway here goes, our merger was based around the fact that we had 2 top 20 tribes operating in the same areas fighting the same or similar wars seeking to recruit the same players, essentially we were friendly competition to each other, there was also the constant threat of blocking each other in. Hence merging Wrath and WarLegion was a natural progression for growth for both tribes, however neither was a superior tribe to the other and as such a merger had to be carried out on equal footing. It also signals a move away from a massed family structure towards a parent academy structure, something which i believe has already become more common but will have to become even more so as the world develops and the weaknesses of massed families become apparent as mass recruited tribes are eaten wholesale by their more streamlined and coordinated counterparts.

As for the current leadership I have led the INF family since the beginning of the INF, -MM- war when Mark5 stepped down after his disasterous leadership quarrels with MrCrabbs, which essentially doomed INF to falling apart, Wrath and Sloth were the tribes which were salvageable from the wreckage due to geography and the temerity of mine and Elias leadership in Wrath and Jenniewrens in Sloth. As a group we have taken a pair of tribe which most expected to die grew the family through the recruitment of INF-KN (regrettably) and WarLegion (a collaboration which proved to be perhaps one of the most fortuitous in W18's history). From a personal perspective wrath has come from ranked 44th and bordered by aggressive tribes sat on the border between k68 and 69, to having been one of the foundation stones in -INF which is ranked 8th and has an undisputed control of the south east.

However Wrath several weeks ago was very top heavy, and by merging greatly reduced the scope for leadership positions avaliable as many of the players who moved from wrath to -INF- were heavy contributors to the tribe and it was determined that a 2 duke leadership structure was ample and as such Sporanox the long term leader of WarLegion and architect of their growth and Warayama who for a long time has been an integral leader in Wrath responsible for the finely honed ship we were internally. Both are far better known internally than they are externally but i would vouch for each as being a leader of the highest calibre. As for other leadership very few tribes are likely to hold back the ambitions of loyal long term members and i would hazard a guess that contribution would come before titles, but that if anyone sought internal advancement all they woule likely need to do is ask how they can contribute, use their innitiative and benefit the advancement of the tribe and it would come naturally, the titles of the tribe at present accurately who i can see being the most active leaders in the near future of -INF-.

I will always be an active member of the tribe but have had to step back due to RL commitments and would defer to the leadership of our current dukes, but it is with great pride that i am able to hand over the leadership of a tribe which is in the best shape it has ever been rather than in a state of utter disrepair as was the case on the last 2 occasions i was made duke both in the original INF and (for those with long memories) in UN1TE.

sorry for the length of the post but its entitled INF so makes sense for someone to post an explanation and i guess im probably the best qualified.

i think that was supose to happen sooner or later or both INF-WR and INF-WL would find themselves waring each other out of boredom :icon_eek:


Of course, now -INF- is preparing INF-AM as a tasty snack to tide them over until they are ready to take on one of what I would term the "forum tribes".


Of course, now -INF- is preparing INF-AM as a tasty snack to tide them over until they are ready to take on one of what I would term the "forum tribes".

Go home and come back when you have a clue yea? There is still Wargod and what remains of UAN to destroy and INF-AM are part of this family. Go comment on some UA threads and say NE is planning on eating their other tribes.


Hey derick i like how someone with little vills has such room to speak openly about matters that dont really even concern him, i doubt you have done much for your war effort so really you are nothing to do with the INF/UAN war... As for AM being eaten thats never too happen and even if it did it would be a hell of a laugh as it happened a buch of great friends fighting each other hmmmm sounds like a game oh yh thats right this is a game, but i suppose its RL for you

We are the acadamy tribe but we are a dam good acadamy at that, top 20 for village gains, top 20 for players nobled, just because INF's acadamy is better and even higher ranked than alot of main tribes


Hey derick i like how someone with little vills has such room to speak openly about matters that dont really even concern him, i doubt you have done much for your war effort so really you are nothing to do with the INF/UAN war... As for AM being eaten thats never too happen and even if it did it would be a hell of a laugh as it happened a buch of great friends fighting each other hmmmm sounds like a game oh yh thats right this is a game, but i suppose its RL for you

We are the acadamy tribe but we are a dam good acadamy at that, top 20 for village gains, top 20 for players nobled, just because INF's acadamy is better and even higher ranked than alot of main tribes

Saving this for when I eat you.


lol ok and there was me an avid fan of your forum posts sword :icon_rolleyes: