Infection Keeps On Spreading

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A short while ago, ~EPIC~ was declared a tribe of refugees, in an {I} Council Statement Of Intent.. They have since disbanded, after suffering from the very hand that is spreading this infectious disease.

However, this disease, will not be stopping here. This will not be a flashy declaration, but an explanation of why we are declaring yet again, so soon after our previous war (a matter of hours).

It had come to our attention, prior to the request of ~EPIC~ to join the {I} ranks, that there was an alliance going on throughout the entire southwest, against {I}. This came in the form of KACB, who sent a large amount of support to the below player. Interestingly, a large amount of this Defense landed after the trains hit, even when times were given...

665 - Almost Evil on 18.11. at 10:56
Please would you get your members if possible, to send urgent support to the following villages:

19. Deneb (266|730) K72 - attack lands on 20.11. at 13:23:18:418
17. Camp Chivalry (265|741) K72 - attack lands on 20.11. at 15:23:19:841
25. Supercell (262|721) K72 - attack lands on 20.11. at 16:37:55:720
16. Camp Iron Fist (263|740) K72 - attack lands on 20.11. at 17:00:53:447
10. Camp Honour (258|747) K72 - attack lands on 20.11. at 19:55:25:852
12. Camp Firenze (259|743) K72 - attack lands on 20.11. at 21:55:50:243
14. Weisshaupt Fortress (253|742) K72 - attack lands on 20.11. at 22:04:59:788
11. Supply Camp (257|746) K72 - attack lands on 20.11. at 22:06:06:510
02. Forward Base (265|750) K72 - attack lands on 20.11. at 22:08:51:637
29. Salamanca Camp (260|740) K72 - attack lands on 21.11. at 01:04:19:698
01. HQ (264|745) K72 - attack lands on 20.11. at 22:05:01:669
06. South Base (271|752) K72 - attack lands on 20.11. at 22:05:53:170

This was passed on to us by a player who wishes to remain annonymous. Usually, we don't condone the use of spies - it is a cheap way to play the game. We did not change our Op in the slightest upon receiving this intelligence. This information was verified when we saw some of the KACB support landing behind our trains.

So, KACB was supporting ~EPIC~. This alone would be enough to start a conflict with {I}.

However, the following then happened...


KACB has recruited an ex-member of ~EPIC~. Did we not make it clear enough earlier on?

ANY tribe who recruits ANY ~EPIC~ member who we declared on, will inherit the war that we started against ~EPIC~.

With this, {I} formally declares on KACB.

May this be a lesson to any tribe who wishes to recruit our enemy.

{I} Council.


MegaMasher today at 02:57
By now you all should be aware that the tribe of mass recruiting pups, Infection, has decided to declare war on us.

Hmmm, aren't you the ones who has 120 members a little while ago? Im amazed they managed to make it down to the 60s! Congratulations!


Wow you declare on a tribe 1/6th your size

Well done :icon_eek:

This is not even a war . Your top 3 players are bigger in total than their entire tribe

How big of you
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Warning was given. You did not have to choose to recruit a war refugee, or attempt to support an enemy. The decision was yours, not ours. We merely made it official.


This war does not need a thread...I've never even heard of KACB.

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This war does not need a thread...I've never even heard of KACB.

This is not a thread for this war solely. For every tribe that recruits a member of ~EPIC~, we will be adding to this thread. You can dislike the thread being here all you like, but it serves the purpose of giving every tribe nearby fair warning of what will happen if they try to recruit these players.


That really makes me want to recruit a member of epic now..

What if the other top tribes each recruit 1 ex-Epic member? {I} v World?

What if Happy had recruited that player instead of KFC or whatever their name is? Something tells me even the wordsmith Googly couldn't spin an excuse good enough to explain why Happy wouldn't be targetted.

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What if the other top tribes each recruit 1 ex-Epic member? {I} v World?

What if Happy had recruited that player instead of KFC or whatever their name is? Something tells me even the wordsmith Googly couldn't spin an excuse good enough to explain why Happy wouldn't be targetted.

Happy hasn't recruited any ~EPIC~ member since we declared on ~EPIC~. Thus, your point has no stance. Would we declare on Happy if they were to recruit a member of ~EPIC~? This is a "what if", which needs no answer unless this actually occurs. Your point has no grounds - you cannot know either way of whether or not {I} would declare on Happy, Infamy or any other tribe who recruits an ~EPIC~ member unless that happens, in which case you'd find out pretty quick.

Apologies for trying to make the forums a more interesting place. Obviously, it would be better if there was no activity on the forums.


My apologies as I failed to thoroughly read the inter-connected thread. The answer I was seeking was already in the other thread:

We also wish to take a moment to address the entirety of W57.

Any tribe which recruits any player from ~EPIC~ since war was declared, on the 11th of November, will inherit this war.

So if I read this correctly your answer is "Yes" to warring ANY tribe if they recruited an ex-Epic member, not a "what if".

Apologies for trying to make the forums a more interesting place. Obviously, it would be better if there was no activity on the forums.

Quit changing the focus. You issue a threat like a bad ass then try to back off it by saying it was for entertainment purposes only. No Googly means no forum activity. Amour-propre aptly describes you. Me + Internet encyclopedia allows me to post big words and talk in circles just like Googly :lol:

One Last Shot...

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The comment relating to making the forum thread was in relation to this player.

This war does not need a thread...I've never even heard of KACB.

And, why ask a question if the answer has already been posted? Kinda silly. The threat has been carried out so far, so why how am I backing it off? If this declaration did not happen, then we would have been backing off from the statement we made. Your logic makes no sense.
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am i tempted to recruit epic ?

Yes , us here at happy just love to mass recruit noobs :|


The comment relating to making the forum thread was in relation to this player.

And, why ask a question if the answer has already been posted? Kinda silly. The threat has been carried out so far, so why how am I backing it off? If this declaration did not happen, then we would have been backing off from the statement we made. Your logic makes no sense.

If you have ever known, seen one on TV or heard about Lawyers, they never ask a question to which the answer would be a surprise. The questions they ask are posed to speak to the listener(s), so that those who hear the answer will be swayed one way or the other, as thought provoking concerns. It is one thing to think and know something, it is an entirely different thing all together and far more influential to put that knowledge to words and allow its visibility to take its due effect.

It is good to be back to the ext. forums again. :icon_wink: