Just A Short PnP: Wipe Attacks 404 Member


I'm not very good at these but figured this was worth posting.



And this is how they tried to rim these players.









And no, no pre-nukes. Sorry to say.


Interesting ...............................

Those Nukes starts before joining of 1984 member to 404 or later ?



I thought you said the guys you picked up -- cough, refugees, cough -- were good players. Maybe you should change your mind. ;)
So you post a couple reports from ex-1984 stacking the Kubrick account prior to ex-1984 joining your point whore tribe, villages that were previously cleared and the owner quit. What even makes you relevant again? Last I checked, when 404 family were fighting 1984, you did a grand total of nothing worth talking about, well, aside from later accepting a NAP and getting in a huge argument over skype that ultimately broke it. After which, again, you did nothing except try and fish us for info and poach a good 10 members off of Toxic family. Other than that, half of your new adds you only have because Farm Rat sent them over as orphaned puppies in need of a new home, and your spread is less than desirable.
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I thought you said the guys you picked up -- cough, refugees, cough -- were good players. Maybe you should change your mind. ;)
View attachment 226
So you post a couple reports from ex-1984 stacking the Kubrick account prior to joining your point whore tribe, villages that were previously cleared and the owner quit. What even makes you relevant again? Last I checked, when 404 family were fighting 1984, you did a grand total of nothing worth talking about, well, aside from later accepting a NAP and getting in a huge argument over skype that ultimately broke it. After which, again, you did nothing except try and fish us for info and poach a good 10 members off of Toxic family. Other than that, half of your new adds you only have because Farm Rat sent them over as orphaned puppies in need of a new home, and your spread is less than desirable.
LMAO. Cut me some slack, and learn what a refugee means.
You tried to take them down, and how many attempts were successful?
All offensive attempts went splat. The only one that made through was recapped with ease.
Learn to time support, then give us crap we don't have time for.
We recruited who we saw fit. You couldn't make the best of the situation, how sad. PM me, I will have e-napkins sent.


Hold on, let me get this straight.

A thread is made bashing Wipe using reports of players hitting an account set to delete. Well, it was supposed to be set to delete. Found out it was being account sat and passed around after launch (a whole different story). Which explains the small escort. Either way, the attacks were launched from small players.

Then, you say you recruited who you saw fit. Which is funny because one of those so called "fit" players (who is ranked 7 in the world by the way) attacks only with 4.6K axes and...one scout?

I wonder if you have ever heard of the word "irony".
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The village was cleared by minty fresh and he was farming it with axes. As we all err, at least humans do, sorry for offending fellow botters, he erred too. It was nobled without him noticing and farm run went splat. Of course if you farm as much as me or he, you might beacquainted to errors.


Hmm, if that's true, looks like a C button press to me. Why press C button? The way it calculates usually gives an inaccurate representation of what the actual haul will be unless you're in a desolate land no one ever farms. If that's you, by all means, press the C button. Otherwise, it's a lazy way not to have to go through the FA page and deal with the "5 attacks per second" rule for ages. FA Keypress and Ntoombs are godsends, much faster.

Anyway, back to PnP before someone derails thread further.


FYI ,LA as I thought, worked only on barbs? LMAO.
All in good spirit :D


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
Yeah I have nothing to hide so I'll provide the report he is talking about. The village in question was one I had cleared a bit ago and had regularly sent axes to in order to farm it. I have been doing this for weeks so i didn't notice when it turned barb briefly and then was nobled by a new person. Didn't really think anyone would be interested in an 800 pt barb. Probably should have checked before sending an afk farming run, but i didn't so below is the result.

P.S. Feel free to say what you want I'm not a huge poster on the externals so there is a decent chance I won't respond, just felt like giving the readers outside this conflict the full story


  • Report.PNG
    47.3 KB · Views: 21


I thought you said the guys you picked up -- cough, refugees, cough -- were good players. Maybe you should change your mind. ;)
View attachment 226
So you post a couple reports from ex-1984 stacking the Kubrick account

No one stacked kubrick account. Let's just say we got bored and decided to smash ninja and wipe/bleach trains and nukes. ez game ez life.
Don't blame your failure on an account been stacked when it did no happen. Not my problem you noobs heard about the account being deleted and took it for granted, and decide to take the potential free villas. But then, surprise baby.
But it is ok, you won the war. Now you can go back on nobling barbs. Barbs do no fight back. So i've heard at least.


Hey, Azrael.
Since he's off ATM, I speak on his behalf.
We merged into GNOMLANdSECURITY making it the most powerful account in the world. Should have 6 million farmed today. :)


Hey, Azrael.
Since he's off ATM, I speak on his behalf.
We merged into GNOMLANdSECURITY making it the most powerful account in the world. Should have 6 million farmed today. :)
lets get something straight

lots of players merging into 1 account does not make it the most powerful account in the world

it just makes it the most pathetic account in the world

now stop bragging about pointless shit that will change in a few weeks

Age of Ultron

lets get something straight

lots of players merging into 1 account does not make it the most powerful account in the world

it just makes it the most pathetic account in the world

now stop bragging about pointless shit that will change in a few weeks

Says the guy who recruits players based on their points :X (Fellas)


why dont you check my tribes entire location

we are based in k45 and top of k55

so yeah we must recruit anyone who has a high number of points

your argument is the most flawed i have ever seen


Well. You'll see soon. Our growth is just starting, we take looter by a 2.5 miln margin. We are extremely skilled players, and have a great spread. Not to be mean or rude, but the way you address neutral people all over externals could have adverse effects. As a leader of a leading tribe, you should deal with tact.