[spoil]All credit goes to DK.[/spoil]
We here at Simple are simply here to tell you about a little war starting right now. Against who you may ask? Swagger is who. Their swag just isn't simple enough for us.
But, this was not always the case. Their swag was quite simple once, and we got along fine with our NAP agreement. That is, until we had a problem. A cross-noble is all. We made contact in an attempt to rectify that.
Now, we here at Simple wanted to keep things...simple. So we decided to take some time to discuss how we would handle this rather annoying situation. That's when the problem happened once more. Only this time, our resident Dwarf was quite displeased.
Now, like I said, we here at Simple are quite...simple. So even after that, we made one last attempt to settle things peacefully so as to focus on bigger priorities.
Alright, let's do a quick recap. Two of Swag's members took villages that our members cleared and nearly nobled (loyalty anywhere from 5-17, and in one case actually nobled). When contacted about the situation, they refused to cooperate and threatened to bring the all powerful Wobble down upon us. What does Wobble have to say about that?
Let's hope that doesn't mess up that plan for Kevzbad. ;P
Swag then claimed that a member, who has no say so in these matters, can get his whole tribe to merge into them. The worse part? He openly admitted that he recruited a player he KNEW we had an Operation against just to spite us. In other words, took in a refugee during all of this tension.
Let's check the current Swag-O-Meter.
Oh dear. Seems they are out of swag. Can't get any worse, right? *sigh* Oh how I wish that were true.
It seems Swag is scrambling to get even more help against us. And how are they doing it? By claiming we broke the agreement! Gah, the nerve! We are just a group of simple, innocent, people. We even have a picture of a cat to prove it. :3
Thus, we came to the realization that it would just be simpler if we made Swagger's villages our villages. After all, we are just a simple lot.
We here at Simple are simply here to tell you about a little war starting right now. Against who you may ask? Swagger is who. Their swag just isn't simple enough for us.
But, this was not always the case. Their swag was quite simple once, and we got along fine with our NAP agreement. That is, until we had a problem. A cross-noble is all. We made contact in an attempt to rectify that.
[/spoil]Beast of Death Lives Jan 02,2013 08:40
It has come to my attention that one of your members, [player]terrorcore21[/player], has nobled two villages that our player, [player]Smokefield[/player], was in the process of nobling. Now, we here at Simple are quite enjoying our current diplomatic relations and would like to continue them. That is why I am contacting you instead of just telling Smoke to take them back. In other words, we are requesting that Terror allow Smoke to take them. The following villages are the ones in question.
I hope we can work this out peacefully.
Kevzbad Jan 02,2013 09:47
This is a case of cross nobling.
Two players going after the same village.
I am not going to ask a player to give up a village because of that.
Both players are targeting splash
There is no op against smokefield.
And records show that he is already been under heavy fire.
Sorry but cross nobling is not a reason to give back a village.
Perhaps better chat between players like asking could be done in future.
Ask smoke field to stop targeting splash.
is all I can say.
Beast of Death Lives Jan 02,2013 10:12
Can you provide reports to show that your player was attacking first?
Kevzbad Jan 02,2013 10:13
dont have time to look for old reports mate.
Its cross nobling.
Sorry. splash is tribe less and everyone is targeting him.
Beast of Death Lives Jan 02,2013 10:16
I would appreciate it if you would actually work with me, not just blow this off and say my member is the one in the wrong. Cross-nobling or not, the villages should go to the one who started going after them first. I'm currently sitting on two reports that show Smoke began hitting the village when it was at full loyalty.
It does not matter how this happened or if that target is tribeless or not. There is currently a NAP agreement between our two tribes, which is why I am talking to you in an attempt to settle this matter peacefully. Thus, I would like for you to provide reports. Should it turn out that your member was the one attacking first, that will be the end of it.
Kevzbad Jan 02,2013 10:27
I am not blowing this off.
This a NAP agreement beast not an alliance.
Cross nobling happens. Its done and over with.
There is no Give the village to the player that hit it first. That is an alliance. or tribe mate.
NAP means do not target other NAP players. HE did not target you. He targeted splash.
Its a cross noble. The time stamp shows that he sent the nobles before your member took the village. ( If I memory is right) Which means cross noble
Which means it is not an attack against your tribe.
Please do not continue to debate this.
We both have better things to do.
Beast of Death Lives Jan 02,2013 10:41
So you would rather take all this time to tell me pretty much nothing instead of just showing reports/time stamps to quickly show who did what? If this is how you feel, then very well. I see no reason to carry on such a pointless conversation.
Your lack of cooperation is unsettling and, frankly, disappointing.
Now, we here at Simple wanted to keep things...simple. So we decided to take some time to discuss how we would handle this rather annoying situation. That's when the problem happened once more. Only this time, our resident Dwarf was quite displeased.
[/spoil]Beast of Death Lives Jan 03,2013 21:21
It seems another one of your members, [player]MADieval Penguin[/player], has nobled a village that one of our members was in the process of nobling. The loyalty was even down to 18 before your member took the village.
Now, I understand cross-nobling, that we are only NAPs, and that you're extremely poor at cooperation. But this is the second time this has happened, and your member sent his noble on a 45 hour trip. He even said so himself. Frankly, this is the last time this will be allowed. I suggest that you consider your current position and recommend that you have your members start messaging our members before taking ANY villages near us again.
This is all I have to say about this. I hope your response is far better than your previous ones.
Beast of Death Lives Jan 03,2013 22:15
To further show how we feel about these...situations, we have decided that any further nobling into K52 without prior permission from either myself or [player]HotForU[/player] will be seen as hostile actions towards our tribe as a whole and will be dealt with accordingly.
Kevzbad Jan 04,2013 17:45
Are you duke?
If not then You no longer have permission to talk to me.
Beast of Death Lives Jan 05,2013 05:59
Oh? Your members move in against ours and you refuse to cooperate with us over the situation. Then you tell me I don't have "permission" to speak with you? *laughs* I can't tell if you're more of a fool than I had originally thought, or so full of yourself that you think everyone is under you. Either way, you better learn to work on your cooperation before you bite off more than you can chew.
The Almighty Dwarf,
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 06:38
At least me and your Duke can speak on normal terms.
You have no idea what's going on.
Beast of Death Lives Jan 05,2013 07:22
I apologize for being straightforward and a bit...agitated with you and your lack of cooperation. I blame this solely on your lack of communication skills.
Simply learn how to communicate with someone who is trying to settle a situation that YOUR members are causing peacefully.
Ah well, you'll see the error in your ways soon enough.
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 08:53
still do not understand what the problem is.
My guy sent a noble train 45 hours away and took a barbarian village. To move north.
Your guy attacked him because he noble the barbarian village. (stole it as you think) but still 45 hours is not stealing the village... Its cross nobling.
Your guy attacked my tribe mate. with nukes to try and take it.
And failed.
So what is the lack of cooperation that I am doing.
Not letting your member have the village??
He dont deserve it after attacking my member.
He never once wrote me a message to ask for anything.
So why would I consider it. If he is pushing it off to you..
From what I see. Your member attacked. My tribe mate.
Now, like I said, we here at Simple are quite...simple. So even after that, we made one last attempt to settle things peacefully so as to focus on bigger priorities.
[/spoil]HotforU Jan 04,2013 18:28
I don't see why there has to be a new message. Frankly, that member is getting on my last nerve with all his whining. However, he is still in my tribe and allowing you to attack him would not do any of us good. To stop the cross nobling? Do you wish to have a shared planner? That would mean we could possibly move this up to an alliance if you guys are willing to cooperate with us. I honestly do not care if you forward any of this to UA. I'm sure they have more concerns than us. Please, stop using them as a deterrent. You are acting rather smug and I'm trying to work on a friendly basis.
Kevzbad Jan 04,2013 18:30
I am not using UA as a deterrent. He is the co-duke of this tribe.
I told you we are not a bashing tribe.
We are a total different tribe. UA ask us to help we help. He also helps us. with support and targets..
So It is only right for me to forward messages to my co
HotforU Jan 04,2013 18:32
I guess. I never claimed you to be a basher tribe. Anyway, how do you figure on solving any issues we may have.
Kevzbad Jan 04,2013 18:36
If you would right me a list of 10 different ways you see best for you..
Then I will do the same for you.
HotforU Jan 04,2013 18:36
Ugh, seriously? I'll talk with my council to see what they say.
Kevzbad Jan 04,2013 18:38
make the list 5.. we both have better things to do
HotforU Jan 04,2013 18:38
I would agree. 10 seemed a lot. Lol. I will get back to you.
Kevzbad Jan 04,2013 18:58
[player]rustymusic[/player] still sending attacks at our member MAD..
Has he lost his mind.
MAD never attacked him. And Mad has already cleared 2 of his villages by just defending.
I would advise rusty to stop his actions..
Rusty bluntly attacked a NAP player over a Barbarian village.
HotforU Jan 04,2013 19:09
Yes, I would agree. I'll cut his hands off.
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 06:36
I am willing to grant a 30 day alliance.
And after the set time of alliance all members that assist in ops or support will be grandfather in. All that do not should be kicked out of the tribe
There is a few things I do wish though.
Some members are to be kicked out of the tribe.
We will share forums.
We will share noble planner.
You want a strong hold in k52 and I respect that. Your tribe will grow north and my tribe will grow south.
The players to be kicked can be internal noble or noble by either alliance.
After 30 days. Those that are worthy to stay will. Those that are not will be noble.
My tribe will only target those that are to be kicked out. As your tribe will do the same. Internal noble the players that are not active. Not working as a team.
Selfish players to be booted.
during the 30 days if members that prove themselves wish to merge they may be granted.
You spoke of wanting 1 powerhouse tribe.
I'm asking that of you just the same
Perhaps a merge in days to come.
I await your reply
HotforU Jan 05,2013 06:59
I will have an answer for you by 05:00 ST on 07.01.2013.
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 08:42
If you have another choice I would like to hear what you offer
HotforU Jan 05,2013 14:05
Oh btw. [player]KAMIINFINITY[/player] you recruited is a refugee. May you please kick him.
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 16:19
Not a refugee.
I see no evidence to support your claim on that.
HotforU Jan 05,2013 16:25
We have had an op on him for too long! He kept escaping to tribes for protection and halting this op. We will conduct our op as planned! It will begin later today. Please do not interfere.
HotforU Jan 05,2013 16:27
You speak to me like you want an alliance. You recruited in k52 without so much as asking me if we currently had ops on this guy. In this case, we do. Please remove him [player]Kevzbad[/player].
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 16:28
Yea I know about the op on him.
Also know who is attacking him etc.
Also know your plans.
Which is why I invited him.
HotforU Jan 05,2013 16:29
You want war then?
HotforU Jan 05,2013 16:30
You come to me wanting peace and now you do this? Why would you invite Kami knowing full well we had an op? Explain to me.
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 16:31
No. but you do. As you said so your self.
I want the tribe gone. etc....
You speak of peace but then you get 50 members and speak of war.
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 16:32
Author said:Not really on the forum. more of chats. Kinda got a talk with hot abt afew stuff. hes thinking of pushing SWAG outa here...
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 16:33
I know who is stacked.
I know where support is from.
I know who to target.
I know where your O and Your D is.
And yet you want to war me...
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 16:34
Every member of my tribe has a spy inside your tribe.
At least 2 or 3 different ones.
From past tribes or friend ship..
And you and your diplomat cant see the bigger picture.
HotforU Jan 05,2013 16:35
I am unsure as to where you get this "intel." It is incorrect. I have never said that I wanted you gone. Show me the proof if it exists. Also, you know none of that. Show me your proof! Until that point, you have nothing and are clearly instigating hostilities not even 24 hours after you show interest in an alliance.
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 16:41
The NAP is over.....
Your diplomat has insulted me enough.
HotforU Jan 05,2013 16:43
Then block him. Talk to me as you wanted to do in the first place. I am the duke. [player]Kevzbad[/player], I'm afraid you're receiving false intel. You're not even offering me up any form of proof that we had any intention of breaking our NAP. Just some word from your "spy?" He didn't even offer anything in that comment you showed me. Explain to me why you are pushing for this instead of negotiating with me?
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 16:53
Negotiate ....
HotforU Jan 05,2013 16:55
Yes, can we not come to a peaceful resolution rather than upsetting the rim further than it already has been. I will be completely honest and open with you. As I said, ignore DK, he's being foolish about this right now. It is time to keep cool heads and see if we cannot find equal ground here.
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 17:03
Equal.. I am listening.
You are not buying time. So if you really have a valid point I would make it.
HotforU Jan 05,2013 17:07
I'm not trying to buy time. I see you have already initiated some attacks. I am just hoping to go through with this alliance. Only then can we tell if we are able to work cohesively. I'm sorry I wanted a time span to accept it, but it was a huge proposal. We stick to the north and you to the south, as described and see if we cannot weed out the lazy players and possibly build this "super tribe" that both of us discussed. That sounds much better than the current situation. Considering there are far bigger tribes worth warring. Together, that makes us a much more lethal force. Warring together only shows weakness in the rim and allows bigger tribes to take that advantage and pretty soon we're not only facing each other, but those to our east/north.
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 17:14
I have yet to send 1 attack.
HotforU Jan 05,2013 17:18
[player]terrorcore21[/player] sent two trains that I know of so far. Are you willing to accept the terms that you stated in the alliance agreement? The only reason I wanted a time limit was to finish this op on kami and see who all participated so I could get a better look at whom to remove. Understandable, yes?
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 17:19
Hot. How many players do you have that are worth your time to keep honestly. Right now tell me.
HotforU Jan 05,2013 17:24
I see your point, but at this point we are weeding them out. Dealing with internals and for the most part, everyone is active. If not in forums, then I have seen or received info that they have sent support and other tribal actions. I'd say I could trim the fat of course.
HotforU Jan 05,2013 17:26
I'd like you to know one thing about Kami. The reason he was tribeless was not due to lack of effort of recruitment into tribes. However, all tribes that have had kami removed him because he was considered to be a spy. I thought I'd inform you of that. He was spying for [player]X2--[/player], I believe he's Wibble.
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 17:29
Yea. do you not see who is on our tribe page?
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 17:29
why I invited him.
HotforU Jan 05,2013 17:30
But UA is part of [ally]AAA[/ally] now. Wouldn't that remove all association with Wibble?
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 17:31
HotforU Jan 05,2013 17:32
So, by what you're saying, [ally]AAA[/ally] and Wibble are allied? Come on Kevzbad. I'm not a bad conversationalist. I'm sure you have better things to do than have us bickering. What are your thoughts?
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 17:37
[player]sdcz6[/player] on xxx
How would you feel if i merged my tribe into your tribe? I am guessing you want to clear the area behind on our backline and my tribe would gladly help you out with that. We can take out tribes like [ally]Simple[/ally] for example. I have good players in my tribe and we have all had accounts that range from 1million to 9million points otherwise i wouldn't have recruited them. So what do you say?
Thought you would like to read this...
HotforU Jan 05,2013 17:41
When was this? Before he joined [ally]Looney[/ally]? I see you hid the date as well. This could have been when he ran -TR-. I know for a fact that he is not approved to deal with [ally]Looney[/ally]'s diplomacy like that. So, I would say it means very very little. I must go. I have to shovel off my roof. I will be back.
Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 17:45
sdcz6 on 28.12. at 21:38
HotforU Jan 05,2013 17:52
That is interesting espically when he has nothing to do with Looney's Diplomacy.
HotforU Jan 06,2013 04:06
This message has been forwarded by HotforU.
Alright, let's do a quick recap. Two of Swag's members took villages that our members cleared and nearly nobled (loyalty anywhere from 5-17, and in one case actually nobled). When contacted about the situation, they refused to cooperate and threatened to bring the all powerful Wobble down upon us. What does Wobble have to say about that?
[/spoil]HotforU Jan 06,2013 21:14
I have a rather serious question for you and I would like to discuss something if you have a minute.
WibbleWobble Jan 06,2013 21:21
You're speaking to the co right now, so I'm going to forward you to beefy ;D
HotforU Jan 06,2013 21:35
Aw, but he's no fun to talk to!
WibbleWobble Jan 06,2013 21:38
Well, you can talk to me if you like! I'm pretty boring too though :c
HotforU Jan 06,2013 21:53
Well, I'm sure you must be able to answer some of my questions. I was wondering what your relation to [ally]Swag[/ally] was. I had heard that they were under your protection, but that was before UA moved to AAA. Now, their duke is boasting [ally]AAA[/ally]'s backup to seize our k. Also, I have noticed that you turned some of Durex into your munchies. Not you personally, but your tribe. I just wanted to mention that [ally]Swag[/ally] is currently merging [ally]Durex[/ally] in. I thought you'd like to be aware of that. Also, how is the [ally]Yarr[/ally] war going?
WibbleWobble Jan 06,2013 22:04
Once again, I'm just the co.. To tell the truth, I didn't know Swag existed personally ;D.. I just deal with what's happening with the account, and Sumner deals with all diplomatic issues and such.
As for the Yarr war, it's going good I suppose. Hard to say at this point. The initial wave is settling, so we'll see how things continue from here on out
Let's hope that doesn't mess up that plan for Kevzbad. ;P
Swag then claimed that a member, who has no say so in these matters, can get his whole tribe to merge into them. The worse part? He openly admitted that he recruited a player he KNEW we had an Operation against just to spite us. In other words, took in a refugee during all of this tension.
Let's check the current Swag-O-Meter.
Oh dear. Seems they are out of swag. Can't get any worse, right? *sigh* Oh how I wish that were true.
[/spoil]Kevzbad Jan 05,2013 22:41
Simple broke the NAP we had between them.
They started stacking villages next to our members.
And making Op plans to take out our members.
Because of these actions we ended the NAP with them.
I was told to speak to you about wanting to war with them.
As I know one of your members wants to war against them. As he directed me to you.
Would you consider invading the north.
It seems Swag is scrambling to get even more help against us. And how are they doing it? By claiming we broke the agreement! Gah, the nerve! We are just a group of simple, innocent, people. We even have a picture of a cat to prove it. :3
Thus, we came to the realization that it would just be simpler if we made Swagger's villages our villages. After all, we are just a simple lot.