KillerGorilla's startup guide (testing in progress)


Edit in: Guide is currently being Tested on W50


This is a start-up plan for worlds that use old units + Paladins (my fav unit settings). The guide itself has been developed from notes and things I’ve remembered from past start-ups.

By the end of the guide you will have what I consider to be a quality village build with a good troop count, putting you in a great position to noble a second village.

Feel free to post or pm any questions/criticisms you have regarding the guide.

Stage 1: Boredom

Prelude – This stage of the world is certainly the most uneventful and boring, because until your Paladin is built there isn’t really much you can do. Unless like me you like to stare at your screen till you have enough resources for the next upgrade.

Build Statue

Build Paladin (begin farming with the Paladin as soon as it’s made)
Iron 1
Clay 1
Wood 1
Clay 2
Wood 2
Clay 3
Wood 3
Wood 4
Wood 5
HQ 2
Build Barracks

Step 1: Make 7 Spears then begin sending them farming with the Paladin. Put all resources gained from farming and resource pits into making more Spears until you have 35.

Step 2: Now that you have 35 Spears you can begin sending them farming separate from the Paladin. Build another 7 Spears and begin sending them alongside the Paladin like before. Now stop building Spears except to replace ones that die.

Note: You should now have 2 farming groups; in farming group 1 there will be 35 Spears, in farming group 2 there should be 7 Spears and 1 Paladin.

Step 3: When your Iron resources are 300-400 from filling the Warehouse, upgrade the Warehouse to level 2. When Iron becomes close to overflowing again build the Market and trade the Iron at the ratio 1k Iron for 2k Wood.
Whenever 1 type of resource comes close to overflowing again upgrade the Market, when 2 or more do upgrade the Warehouse. Do this throughout the rest of the guide.

HQ 4
HQ 5
Smithy 1
Smithy 2
Research Axemen

Stage 2: Spear Farming

Prelude – Now that you have researched Axes you’re able to split up your farm groups even further, because sending at least 3 Axes with 15 Spears will ensure that they don’t die (as long as the village you’re farming doesn’t have a wall).

Current Troop count: 1 Paladin, 42 Spearmen.

Note 1: During the rest of Stage 2 each time you get within 40 farm space of reaching the population limit upgrade your farm level. In later stages increase this buffer zone at a sensible rate.

Note 2: If you manage to get your Barracks queued past the 3 hour mark, take a look at Stage 3 of the guide and begin upgrading the buildings in the order specified there.

Step 1: Build 6 Axes then split your troops into 2 farm groups that both contain 15 Spears and 3 Axes in each. With the leftover troops form a third group that contains 1 Paladin and 12 Spears.

Step 2: Build another 3 Axes & 3 Spears, when the third farm group returns add these troops to it.

Step 3: Now build another 3 Axes and 15 Spears and send them as a fourth farming group.
Repeat this process until you have 180 Spears and 36 Axemen, meaning you should now have 12 Groups of; 15 Spears, 3 Axes now farming (+ a paladin in one of these groups). Now stop building Spears and Axes, only build more to replace ones that die.

Stage 3: The Battle

Prelude – I’ve named this stage “The Battle” because now there’s a constant battle to keep both the buildings and barracks queued. However I think I’ve found the right formula to do it. In order to ensure we can always keep our HQ queued; we upgrade the Smithy first, because it’s cheap and has the longest build time.

Current Troop count: 1 Paladin, 180 Spearmen, 36 Axemen.

Note: Priority is to keep buildings queued 3 hours +. Only when you can achieve and maintain this should you begin making Axes again.

Smithy 3
Smithy 4
Smithy 5
Barracks 2
Barracks 3
HQ 6
Barracks 4
HQ 7
Barracks 5
HQ 8
HQ 9
HQ 10

Stage 4: Sneaky Scouts

Prelude – This stage is called the “Sneaky Scouts” stage because by following this Guide you should be the first (or one of) player(s) in your area to research and produce Scouts. Once you have Scouts begin scouting every player in your area (13x13 at least) from highest to lowest in points. The purpose is you’re trying to get a “Sneaky Scout” report of their Troops before they get Scouts themselves.

Current Troop count: 1 Paladin, 180 Spearmen, 50-80 Axemen.

Build Stable

Research Scouts

Step 1: Whilst Scouts are being researched, upgrade your Warehouse to level 7 (if isn’t already) in preparation for researching Light Cavalry later. It can be done with a level 6 Warehouse but I like the extra margin 7 provides.

Step 2: Now that Scouts have been researched make 20, as soon as each Scout is produced immediately send them out to Scout players from highest to lowest in points within your: 7x7, 11x11 and 13x13 map area (go up to 15x15 as well if you feel like it). Once this is done begin sending 1 Scout with each of your 12 farm groups, so your farming can become more efficient. Use the remaining 8 scouts in your village to keep scouting players in your area.

Stable 2
Stable 3
Research Light Cavalry

Stage 5: Light Cavalry

Prelude – First of all Congrats! All of that tediously slow Spear farming has now paid off because you’re now able to make the best farming units in the game. During this part of the guide your target will be to get your: Stable, Barracks and HQ all building over 3 hours as soon as possible.

Current Troop count: 1 Paladin, 180 Spearmen, 70-100 Axemen, 20 Scouts.

Note 1: If you find any players who have only built Spears for defence, use the simulator to see how many of your Axes will die if you send them all. If it’s less than 10% clear them and they can become an extra farm. However to be prudent just farm them with Axes for 1 day. If they haven’t rebuilt any defence during that period begin farming them like any other village.

Note 2: Whilst you’re trying to get your Stable queue going it’s worth building the Wall and upgrading it to level 5,because it’s cheap and takes long to build.

Step 1: Spend all resources on making Light Cavalry. Trade any excess Wood or Clay for Iron, even if it means having to trade 1k Wood or Clay for 700-900 Iron. Once you have 5 Light Cavalry send them out farming with 1 Scout. Every time another 5 is made build 1 extra Scout and send them off farming as well. So your Stable queue will look something like this: 5 Lc, 1 Scout, 5 Lc, 1 Scout and so on.

Step 2: Once your Stable is queued past the 3 hour mark start queuing your Axes again. When both the Stable and Barracks are queued comfortably past the 3 hour mark, begin upgrading your Iron mine and don’t stop till you reach level 20. Then alternate between upgrading Wood and Clay till they’re both level 18 (upgrade the one with the resources you have the least of first).

Step 3: Once you reach 100 Light Cavalry change your Spear farming groups to contain: 20 Spears and 4 Axes in each instead of 15 Spears and 3 Axes (meaning 9 farm groups instead of 12).

Step 4: You should now begin to notice that your queues are starting to get longer because your LC are bringing in resources faster and from further away. Once you reach 200 LC its worth stopping LC production to build an extra 50-75 Scouts that stay in your village to block any potential players trying to Scout you in future. I would also recommend changing your LC farm groups to contain 10 Lc in each instead of 5.

Stage 6: Rapid points

Prelude –During this stage you’ll notice your overall points rising quite rapidly because of the: HQ, Barracks, Stable and Market upgrades. Remember we’re not doing these upgrades for points or ranks, we’re doing it because it helps us grow faster (not very convincing I know).

Current Troop count: 1 Paladin, 180 Spearmen, 300+ Axemen (maybe more or less depending on whether you’ve lost some clearing), 50-75 Scouts in village (+ ones in your farming groups), 200+ Light Cavalry.

Note 1: Once you reach 400 Axes I would advise taking some time out of Axe production to build 100 Swords. Then when you reach 700 Axes I’d recommend building another 120 Spears and 150 Swords on top of that. The reason for this is you don’t want to be known as the guy in your tribe who always calls for support every time some noob attacks him, this will just irritate your tribe mates and make you unpopular.

Note 2: When you reach 500 LC I would recommend taking your total Scouts tally to somewhere between the 350-400 mark. On every world I’ve played so far I’ve always had to do this at some stage or another and each time I’ve regretted not doing it sooner. If you’re scouting a player who looks like they know what they’re doing, I’d recommend sending 1 Catapult with around 300-350 scouts; so they either dodge thinking it’s a real attack, or at least leave in a smaller amount of scouts so you can get a full report.

Step 1: Build HQ up to level 15.

Step 2: Build Barracks to level 10 then Stable to level 5.

Step 3: Resume building HQ till you reach level 22.

Step 4: Build Barracks to level 15 then Stable to level 10.

Step 5: Build Market to level 15.

Step 6: Build Wall to level 10.

Stage 7: Catapults

Prelude – The village seems to be coming along very nicely now, we have troops being produced at a good level and our building queues are looking very healthy. What I recommend now may be seen as controversial to some; however it has always worked for me in the past which is why I still do it.

During this stage we’ll be rushing Catapults at the expense of researching Rams. The reason: Catapults are a multipurpose unit; they can demolish a wall, as well as destroying important buildings. This is something I have always found very useful to stop those 90%+ offense players just repeatedly dodging your attacks. If you keep taking down their important buildings such as: Farm, Smithy, HQ and Barracks it should entice them into doing an all or nothing attack on you, which you can then simply dodge and Backtime.

Current Troop count: 1 Paladin, 300 Spearmen, 250 Swordmen, 700+ Axemen, 350-400 Scouts (or in the process of making), 400+ Light Cavalry.

Note: It’s worth taking 15mins now to read some Catapult strategy guides, particularly the parts about using Catapult waves.

Step 1: Upgrade Smithy from level 5 to 12.

Step 2: Build Workshop and upgrade it to level 2, then Research Catapults. As soon as they’re researched begin making them.

Step 3: Whilst the Catapults are being researched keep upgrading the Workshop till its level 10.

I would advise stopping Catapult production once you have 140. However if you’re in a Catapult fight with another player keep building them till you’ve won.

Final Stage: Academy

Prelude – First of all Well done for making it this far! Even if you don’t end up using this guide I hope you’ve at least found some parts interesting. In this Final Stage of the guide apart from the occasional Farm & Warehouse upgrades (when needed) we’ll just be upgrading the Smithy to level 20, whilst looking for some potential Noble Targets.

Current Troop count: 1 Paladin, 300 Spearmen, 250 Swordmen, 1k+ Axemen, 350-400 Scouts, 500+ Light Cavalry, 140 Catapults (in the process of making).

Step 1: Upgrade the Warehouse to level 24. The reason we’re doing this now is so we don’t have to waste time doing it later. A level 24 Warehouse meets the storage requirements to upgrade the Farm to level 29, and this is the maximum you should have before nobling a second village.

With regards to Farm upgrades you’ll just need to mix them in-between your Smithy upgrades as and when you need them.

Step 2:
Upgrade the Smithy from level 12 to 15. It might now be worth considering researching Heavy Cavalry if you feel you need some extra defence; because like Catapults they’re a multipurpose unit in terms of they can be used for both offense and defence. If you decide you do need the extra defence I would recommend obtaining at least 800 LC first, then making just HC after.

Step 3: Now that everything’s queued and you have a general idea of when you’re going to slip in your Farm and Warehouse upgrades during the Smithy push. It’s time to start thinking about who you want to Noble.

Here's some things I think about whilst deciding

- Does your target seem experienced? Check their TwStats and see what their accounts are like on other worlds (obviously if they’re using an alias this doesn’t work).

- High Barracks and Stable; because you want to be able to produce Troops quickly as soon as you take the village.

- If they’re in a tribe how many members will be able to Support them in time?

- How good is the Tribe they’re in? You can tell a lot just by looking at their Tribes profile. If they have: a large ASCii sword, lots of spelling mistakes and diplomacy listed, then chances are they’re not that experienced.

- If you noble the village how much will its future farming disrupt the farming of your first village?

Final Step: Now that you have the Academy I recommend building 4 Nobles before attempting to take a village (so you can send a train). If you can’t do this due to world settings, upgrade the Academy to level 3 and build 3 Nobles. If you have to do the latter then I recommend nobling someone no further than 7 hours away, because you’ll be giving them too much time to pull in support.

Troop count when Nobling: 1 Paladin, 300 Spearmen, 250 Swordmen, 2.5k+ Axemen, 350-400 Scouts, 1.4k+ Light Cavalry (or 800 LC and 400+ HC), 140 Catapults, 4 Nobles (or 3 on packet worlds).

The End
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It's mostly ok, but some points you are missing:

- You don't need to wait until 7 spears to start sending them with your pally, 4 is enough to compensate the longer travel time
- Your spear count varies on the amount of barbs & inactives near you, it's not a fixed amount usually
- You're skipping rams completely and don't build them at all in the guide. This is simply foolish if you're going to noble any player that isn't playing something like 90% O, if you can't break their wall you will suffer a great amount of extra losses when clearing them. Also 10 workshop is much more than you will ever need on anything but Bonfire villages.

Probably has a few more small things, but I'm in a hurry now. Might add some stuff later.


Some points are ok others i think are not very good at all.

I noticed in stage 6 you said to build like 200 swords and 120 spears??? Why would you do that unless you use the to support your tribe. If someone attacks you your best bet is to dodge the attack and back time them. It shouldn't matter if you are off line when they attack as you should have sent your troops out until you get back.

Also you do not need anything like 350-400 scouts that is way to many all you would need is 1-3 scouts per farming wave so 100 odd should be fine most of the time. Only having 500 LC when you build your acad is also not good that is not very many at all.

Also as Failuree noted you can start farming way before 7 spears. What is the build you want when u get an acad???


There are many start-up guides, most far superior to this one. This really didn't need to be written or posted.


There are many start-up guides, most far superior to this one. This really didn't need to be written or posted.

Seconded that.

But Hey! Don't get ur hopes down u might do sthn better in the future. ;)


I've put the stuff I've quoted into spoilers.

It's mostly ok, but some points you are missing:

- You don't need to wait until 7 spears to start sending them with your pally, 4 is enough to compensate the longer travel time
- Your spear count varies on the amount of barbs & inactives near you, it's not a fixed amount usually
- You're skipping rams completely and don't build them at all in the guide. This is simply foolish if you're going to noble any player that isn't playing something like 90% O, if you can't break their wall you will suffer a great amount of extra losses when clearing them. Also 10 workshop is much more than you will ever need on anything but Bonfire villages.

Probably has a few more small things, but I'm in a hurry now. Might add some stuff later.
Depends on the distance of the Barb, but I find 7 to be a good general figure.

180 Spears is something thats always worked for me. As soon as BP ends you want to be farming every barb/inactive in your area. If you've only built enough Spears to get you through the BP stage, then you're going to have to waste time building more Spears. This is time I'd rather be spending on getting to LC and possibly building up my axe count.

Like I said Catapults are a multipurpose unit; they can demolish a wall, and they can take down important buildings. When nobling you'd simply target the Wall with your 140 Cats, if they're 80% plus offense (most players with a decent village usually are) you're not going to suffer that many casualties. Workshop level 10 is because Catapults play a critical role in my guide and you want to be making them asap.

Some points are ok others i think are not very good at all.

I noticed in stage 6 you said to build like 200 swords and 120 spears??? Why would you do that unless you use the to support your tribe. If someone attacks you your best bet is to dodge the attack and back time them. It shouldn't matter if you are off line when they attack as you should have sent your troops out until you get back.

Also you do not need anything like 350-400 scouts that is way to many all you would need is 1-3 scouts per farming wave so 100 odd should be fine most of the time. Only having 500 LC when you build your acad is also not good that is not very many at all.

Also as Failuree noted you can start farming way before 7 spears. What is the build you want when u get an acad???
Yeh they can be used as: support, sniping, spiking etc.

Just before my Academy is actually built I will normally have around 140 farm groups each containing 10 Lc and 1 Scout in each. That leaves me with 210-260 Scout that I leave in my village on standby to get a rapid scout report if/when needed, or to block anyone trying to Scout me. 100 Scouts is not fine at all, how do you intend to block someone sending 400 Scouts at you? Plus I wouldn't even do that, I'd send 1 cat with 300 odd.

I never said you will have 500+ Lc once you have an academy. This is roughly the amount you should have at the beginning of the stage. The number you want is right at the bottom of the guide.

Like I said in Failures reply, it depends on the distance. But I think 7 is a decent figure.

2004 Artemis

Like I said Catapults are a multipurpose unit; they can demolish a wall, and they can take down important buildings. When nobling you'd simply target the Wall with your 140 Cats, if they're 80% plus offense (most players with a decent village usually are) you're not going to suffer that many casualties. Workshop level 10 is because Catapults play a critical role in my guide and you want to be making them asap.

There is a major difference however between catapults and rams. Catapults can attack the wall, but they only lower the actual wall level, not the wall bonus, and they do that after the battle. Rams behave quite differently.

When rams attack, they do so in two different phases. The first phase happens before the battle. In Phase 1, the rams can lower the wall bonus (the percentage defense increase given by the wall, up to a 107% increase in defense) by up to half the levels. So a level 10 wall will give the bonus of a level 5 wall, a level 20 wall of a level 10 wall, and a level 19 wall that of a level 10 wall. The amount of rams needed to do this is fixed and does not depend upon the amount of defense. The maximum needed is 213 for a level 20 wall.

The second phase occurs after the battle. This is when the wall level is actually lowered. The amount the wall is lowered is based upon the number of surviving rams if you win the battle or the amount of defense killed and the amount of rams you attacked with if you lose. To learn a bit more about this, look for the guides by cheesasaurus and capibarbaroja.

About the guide itself:
Guide was decent, here's a few of the points I had issues with:
  • You mention to build the first resource levels after the statue. If you're not touching a barb, it's better to build them before because of the huge resource difference between level 0 and level 1 mines (5-30 resources/hour)
  • If you don't plan on defending against attacks (which you don't with your low defense counts), you don't need to build up the wall. I did like how you advocated building some defense, although, I would suggest upping it a bit. A good time to do that is while your doing your smithy rush (15+), switch to build spears and hc.
  • Definitely would advise you to not skip rams. As I mention above, rams are crucial to stopping the wall bonus of a village. Also, if you're not going to keep the workshop building 24/7, you don't need to build it up to level 10.
  • Something you didn't mention about nobling with just 3 nobles is cotraining. This is when you and a tribemate each send two nobles timed closely together (preferably within a few hundred ms) to hit a target allowing you the benefit of a full train. The last world I did a start on, I helped tribemates and they helped me on our first couple nobles so we could avoid building the costly level 3 academies and still have a train quickly.
  • Building off that last point, I would touch a bit more on team work. Having a solid tribe that works together makes a huge difference in start up. It's a lot easier to take out a target if several players in the target tribe are all being nobled at the same time.

You've definitely made a good start with the guide though.
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Yeh ofc Rams are better than Catapults at lowering Wall levels, which is why apart from my 1st village I'll always use them. From my experience though I'm yet to encounter someone whose had anywhere close to enough defence in their first village to give my offense any problems (even with a good wall and myself not having any rams).

This is a typical defence I encounter when Nobling my first village:

Could definitely include some HC for the defence side maybe, but then again 2.5k axes and 1.4k lc was the minimum I stated in my guide. The amount I have varies depending on whether I've been in any battles prior my first nobling attempt. But for example if I haven't had any problems my troop count would probably be a lot higher. However my point here is that rams in your first village really isn't necessary due to the Wall not being the deciding factor; it's the defence troops in the village that decide the outcome. So on that basis I'd rather have the Cats for their building demolishing abilities, maybe after I've reached my 140 Cats target I might start making Rams. As I'm yet to test the guide though I'll see how it goes in W50, if not having Rams effects my attacks too much then I'll probably revise the guide to include some. But atm I'm still pretty confident their absence won't be felt too badly.

I prefer to build the Statue first so I can farm the Barbs/bonus' before anyone else. Building the pits before the statue might give you like 5-7 resources more than doing it vice versa. However when you take into account the amount of resources your pally brings in, even with just a half an hr (or so) head start, I think it does make the decision to build the statue first worth it.

I build up the Wall at that stage simply because it's the only building you can afford to build, and like I said it's better to build it now rather than later because when you do have a steady supply of resources, I'm sure you'd rather not be spending them on upgrading the wall.

Team nobling is a very good idea, but if I included that then I would have ended up including lot more tactical stuff, instead of just focusing on what the guide is, which is a startup guide.

The guide hasn't been tested yet, probably will try to get the title changed to include "testing in progress" or something. But I'm currently testing it in W50, I expect my troop counts at the stages past Stage 2 to change a fair bit as they were just estimates, and I'm looking forward to seing whether the Cats will give me the advantage I think they will.

Finally. Thanks for taking the time to read it.


OK guide but, I know many people who prefer more of an offensive approach in the beginning phase of the game. Good guide for a new player I think. Experienced players have different points of views on how to start off a world.


well of course, experienced players dont need a guide, and can likely adapt to most situations on their own, silly FireBow :p


I never said experienced players need a guide. Point out where I said that lol.


I hate to bring back a dead thread.... But i thought I would give some feed back... I have always been very willy Nelly at start up not really paying attention as I was at my strongest in mid game... Could do well enough at start to not get rimmed in then at the 5 to 10 villa mark start going strong..... any way long story short stumbled across this guide did not follow to the "T" but found in an interesting Read did not agree with all of it but used it as a starting point to build from there. Used in on .US W1 where I am ranked third and have been in the top 20 pretty much the whole time.... Not saying much considering the competion on .us right now but just wanted to thank KillerGorilla as I did find this guide helpfull but would recommend that any player useing it not follow it to the letter but find what works best for them.

Deleted User - 3135

Only have to get to the first building of wood to 5 and clay to 3 to see that this guide isn't that great. No point in commenting more.


There are some bad points and some good points. I just want to say some things that could improve your guide:

1. You do not need to build defence. Presuming you have been farming and clearing, by the end of 1.5-2 weeks, when being attacked starts getting dangerous with cats and rams and nobles coming out, there will be no threats in your area. If there are, then instead backtime as you will likely have a stronger offence than them.

2. There is too many scouts in my opinion, you only need as many as you are going to send with your farming runs, whether that is 50 or 100. However, making 500 scouts or so wastes precious time which you could be queuing lcav. As I have said before, by the time people get 500 or so scouts, you will have already nobled and be on your way to nobling them.

3. You dont really need a wall if you plan on dominating. Use backtiming instead of stacking as defence of choice.

I am sure there are several other points to improve on, but I just posted a few I noticed skimming across the first part of your guide. Good job mate


first of all when nobling you should have atleast 5k axe and 2k lc.and i mean ATLEAST.and farming groups should be of 30-100 lc with 1 scout.i agree with the amount of scouts because people sometimes scout with 200-300 scouts and you need double the amount to kill them all.and when you say to stop building lc for a little while is have to have everything running 24/7.if you said to stop building lc for a while so you could save resources to build a certain building then your thinking need to build the maximum troops you can build while still having enough resources to build the building.this guide was not a guide ful of random stuff it was a good try but in the late stage you just totaly fall apart.but most people mess up in the late stages when you are at about 2k points they just go way behind in troops and fall apart so i cant blame on that but just tell the mistakes you made


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Scouts in the first village are mainly for farming, only new players scout before an attack. If I want a village early game I take it as I know that I will have more troops than others. Only when morale & the few troop whores near me get to a stage that their villages are worth nobling is any intel worth having & by then have a scout village for the job.

I hate guides that set levels for troop buildings prior to a noble as a lot does depend on if you need to rebuild or if you have the resources to feed them.

I also tend to go very L/Cav heavy in the first few villages to gain resources which the low number you mentioned does not do unless no life mega active.

You need rams & cats in your first village without question.

I think a lot of the guides should be call "start up experience" as the info inside can help others but could also do them more harm than good.
All in all its nice to see that players are willing to pass on how they have done at the start which will help others who read one way or another.


Just after reading this start-up guide and am sorry to say that its completely useless for the amount of time put into making it.

First off I rather make pits first before statue, this adds 30ish minutes to your startup/getting a paladin but you get more res in the meantime. Then I would go statue pally. Upgrading your pits higher now can be usefull, but personally I go for hq to get barracks now, this gets you farming much faster.

Next your troop count, 1 pally and 42 spears... why stop making them? no need to..... researching axes is totally pointless at this stage, keep building spears, i think i stopped at 200ish on w50.

"The Battle" is something that makes 0 sense, you should be ensuring your troops are in constant que not necessarily your HQ but if your farming correctly then you should be able to manage both fairly consistently.

After this you should be getting to LC and hammering them out.

Righto well seen as w50 is a speed world I would recommend going higher than 22 with your hw... well even if it wasnt i would atleast go to 24, on w50 26 is the way to go...

Troop count when Nobling: 1 Paladin, 300 Spearmen, 250 Swordmen, 2.5k+ Axemen, 350-400 Scouts, 1.4k+ Light Cavalry (or 800 LC and 400+ HC), 140 Catapults, 4 Nobles (or 3 on packet worlds).

no rams? 250 swords? My nobling troop count was 150 spears (just whatever was left) 4k+ Axe, 200ish scouts (enough to send farming raids with 1 scout each) and 2.5k+ LC, also 150-200 ram, cats arent needed for nobling but I do like having 200 to knock farms down....

I prefer having 3k LC this nearly ensures you are going to be able to quickly re-make your 4th noble. also it allows you to split your lc leaving 1k lc at home to farm while the rest are nobling.

All people need to know when starting is build hq build stable build barracks build farm build troops build workshop, nothing else is majorly needed until you want to noble, other than that farm farm farm.

For real new-comers who arent sure about the activity i would suggest build a load of D first, I know it sounds wierd but if you end up in someone like myselfs 15x15 you will need to be either good or fully D, this slows down your growth hugely but in the end keeps you alive long enough to maybe noble a few villas which is a rush when starting off, then from there if you are active maybe try to get a co-player over forums or join a decent tribe (many tribes in the pre-made section like teaching people through sitting and information) and go offense, thats when the fun really begins ;)


@MTAR - Sorry ... Useless amount of time to make that guide?!? I think it's not needed to be said ... Give your visions and all is ok ... At least that guy try to do something ... If you think that have enough knowledges then made one startup guide !!!

So ... You personally think that upgrading your pits is usefull and starting for HQ and then barracks ... Then produce 200 sp and all is good ... You think that your vision is better then him ?!?
Sorry I think that there have many different situation ... What will be your move if you have 1 abandoned in 7x7 or 3 in 15x15 ... Just a simple shout ... You will stay with 3/2/1 and possible to hit a spike with your first 25-30 sp ... So what after ?!? Ooooo sorry I got it - you will restart and you will never play in that situation, these situation are played by those players called "noobs" ...

That's all :lol: ... Too busy


just... I have never played what? Dont say things about me you dont know. I have played a fair few worlds and have done well on the ones I have played, playing in the core, semi-core and rim. I have never been rimmed or anything like it. On w50 (which is the one where this one is being tested) while I only had 4 barbs in my 15x15 to start off I managed to get to 2nd in growth behind Shirime before quiting due to it being boring (this being 2-3weeks late).

There are different situations and all are played differently... As you can see i said "I PERSONALLY GO FOR HQ AND BARRACKS" no matter what situation I am in, troops still are extremely important, not 42spears but a high number, they can be used for spiking when in a competitive area and used for farming, to say make 42 and then make axes is a bad plan. Also in his "the battle" he only has 36 axes for this period, something which is far to small if he is in the competitive area which you are saying, if you are in a tough area you build a big amount of axes not a small amount, if your in an easier area you by-pass axes at the start and go straight for LC, simple as.

So your whole basis on this is you think I will hit a spike and restart? Just go back to your whole I was giving information here, harsh as it may be, but if people are going to use this as a start-up guide they will be farmed making it easier for players like me.

If your going for defense in a tough area buidl split spears and swords
If your going offensive in a tough area build axes and lc to clear
if your going offense in an easy area go lc and eventually axes

Now go back to your hole and dont call me out again.