Farming (LA) LA Enhancer (ntoombs19's FA Filter)


Ibra Gonza II
Quickbar Entry
- Note from Moderation Team -
Please note that while this script is Approved for use, it is considered
illegal to leave your computer(*) and have it farm for you automatically. This will be considered as botting and punished as such.
(*) by for example using a weight

Renamed to LA Enhancer
There is a lot in this script so I understand it will be confusing to some people. If you have any questions or would like to report a bug, please message me or contact me on skype (username: ntoombs19).

The script (This is different than the one before)
//Edit by mod// currently working and legal version:


Original version:
[COLOR=#333333][I]javascript:$.ajaxSetup({dataType:"script"});$.getScript('');void 0;[/I][/COLOR]

Settings Menu

What it does
This script has 3 main features: Filtering, page loading, and key commands. As you can see in the settings panel, you have the ability to load 1 page or all pages by setting last page to 'max'. So, "load pages 1 to max" will load all the pages. The script will show you what page is currently loading so your browser won't hang. For users with a poor network connection, the page loading can take a long time so loading fewer pages at a time would probably be a good idea. When clicking A, B, or C, the row containing those buttons will be hidden. If an error occurs such as "Not enough units" or "You can only send 5 attacks per second", the row will reappear and my script will not think it has been farmed yet. By setting filters, you can farm even faster by not having to check for various factors such as the last report, wall level, estimated resources, or whether the last attack received a full or partial haul. Those "info" images will provide details as to what that particular feature will do when you hover over it. The script also includes integration with the FA Keypress script to allow you to farm even faster. Now you can farm with the master button so you won't have to think about which button to click.
Disclaimer: there is no validation for correct input. It is the users responsibility to ensure all inputs have valid values.


  • Load Pages: Load's a set number of pages. The first input is the start page, the second number is the end page. Setting this to max will automatically use the last page.
  • Order/Direction: Selects what the pages will be ordered by and in what direction. This setting and the load pages setting cannot be changed after running the script for the first time. To change these settings, the page will need to be reloaded and the script run again.
  • Hide farmed rows: Saves the the village coordinates of any village you send troops to using this script in the browsers cache. If this filter is enabled, the script will hide all villages that have had troops sent to it since x amount of time. The format is in minutes so for 2 hours, the input would be 120 minutes. Changing this value will not change the time for villages already in the cache but will be the timeout for villages farmed after that value was changed. It is important to note that this does not set the timer once the attack lands but rather sets the timer when the attack is sent. Clicking the reset button will only reset the rows that are loaded on the page (including hidden rows). It will not reset rows if those rows are not loaded.
  • Hide/show continent(s): Hides or shows a list of continents separated by a comma. This is useful if the terms of a diplomatic relationship with another tribe is to not farm in their K.
  • Middle column filters: These filters will only be applied if the check box next to them is enabled.
  • Hide hauls: will hide whichever radio button is selected.
  • Hide attacks: Hide's rows where the number of attacks going to that village is greater than, less than, or equal to a number.
  • Hide wall lvl: Hides rows where the wall level is greater than, less than, or equal to a number. Rows where the wall lvl is a question mark will be assumed to have a wall lvl of zero.
  • Hide distances: Hides rows greater than, less than, or equal to (pointless?) a number. This input can have a decimal value (eg. 30.2)
  • Hide scout reports: Will remove rows where the estimated resources are greater than, less than, or equal to a number. Rows without any resource information will be assumed to have 0 resources.
  • Attack time filter: Hides/shows villages attacked within a certain time. Useful for C farming.
  • Hide reports: Checked report types will be hidden.
  • Apply/Reset: Clicking "Apply Filters" will run through all the rows and hide any rows that match a filter setting. Clicking "Reset Table" will show all rows loaded even if they were hidden by clicking the button or by a filter.
Profiles allow the user to save settings in their browsers cache for later use.
  • Create new: Creates a new profile with the current settings. The user will be prompted to set a name for the profile. Profiles cannot have the same name.
  • Set default: Sets the selected profile to the default profile.
  • Delete: Deletes the currently selected profile. The user will be prompted to confirm they wish to delete the profile. The default profile can not be deleted.
  • Update: Setset the current inputs to the selected profile.
  • Export: Retrieves a string of text containing all the settings to be pasted in a notebook, forum, or mail.
  • Import: Opens prompt to paste exported settings
Keypress Settings
I stole this feature from crimsoni's FA keypress script. This aspect of the script works the same as that script. I recommend only mapping numbers, letters, and arrows for the keypress settings. Some of the characters won't show in text box the way they do on your keyboard so it may get confusing if you use anything other than the recommended keys.
Master Button Settings
This is what controls what action is taken when clicking the master button. If an MBS is enabled (checked) the script will look at that MBS and perform the selected action (A, B, C, Skip) if the row matches the profile. If the row does not match the first enabled MBS profile the script will then look at the next enabled MBS profile to see if it's a match and perform the action if it is. This process will occur for each enabled MBS in order until the row matches one of the profiles and the selected action is performed. If the row matches none of the profiles then the default action will be taken.
For those interested in viewing this script in a particular language, you can translate the following text into that language and I will add it to the script. Just change the text inside the quotes. Also be sure to tell me what language it is.
[SPOIL][NOPARSE]//Language: English
//Translator: ntoombs19
var filter_01 = "FA Filter Settings";
var filter_02 = "Instructions";
var filter_03 = "Created by";
var filter_04 = "Load Pages";
var filter_05 = "to";
var filter_06 = "Enable";
var filter_07 = "Hide All/None";
var filter_08 = "Scout Attack";
var filter_09 = "No losses";
var filter_10 = "Some losses";
var filter_11 = "Lost, but damaged building(s)";
var filter_12 = "Lost,but scouted";
var filter_13 = "Lost";
var filter_14 = "Order By";
var filter_15 = "Distance";
var filter_16 = "Time";
var filter_17 = "Direction";
var filter_18 = "Ascending";
var filter_19 = "Descending";
var filter_20 = "Hide Hauls";
var filter_21 = "Full";
var filter_22 = "Partial";
var filter_23 = "Hide Attacks";
var filter_24 = "Greater Than";
var filter_25 = "Less Than";
var filter_26 = "Equal To";
var filter_27 = "Hide farms sent to in the last";
var filter_28 = "minutes";
var filter_29 = "Reset";
var filter_30 = "Hide Wall Lvl";
var filter_31 = "Hide Distances";
var filter_32 = "Hide";
var filter_33 = "Show";
var filter_34 = "continent(s)";
var filter_35 = "Hide scout reports with resources";
var filter_36 = "villages attacked in the last";
var filter_37 = "minutes(s)";
var filter_38 = "Run default automatically";
var filter_39 = "Hide scout reports where C is disabled";
var filter_40 = "Farm Assistant";
var filter_41 = "Farm Assistant - Loading page";
var filter_42 = "Language";
var instructions_01 = "Checked report types will be hidden";
var instructions_02 = "Filters left unchecked will not be applied";
var instructions_03 = "Separate continents with a period. Example: 55.54.53";
var instructions_04 = "This filter will hide rows that were farmed \"n\" minutes ago. The default is 60 minutes. Changing the time will only affect newly farmed rows. Clicking reset will reset all the timers for each row but only the rows loaded.";
var instructions_05 = "Save and load your various settings configurations here. Changing profiles will load the selected profile. The default will load automatically when the script is run.";
var instructions_06 = "Adjust page size to 100 for faster page loading";
var dialog_01 = "Are you sure you want to reset your recently farmed villages?";
var dialog_02 = "You are already on the default profile. Would you like to create a new profile and set it to default?";
var dialog_03 = "Profile name";
var dialog_04 = "You already have a profile with that name. Please choose another name";
var dialog_05 = "Your profile name cannot be empty. Please try again.";
var dialog_06 = "You cannot delete your default profile";
var dialog_07 = "You cannot export/import the default profile. To export these settings, create a new profile, then try exporting again.";
var dialog_08 = "Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter";
var dialog_09A = "FA Filter: ";
var dialog_09B = "
Instructions: To import this profile, copy the following line of code then import the copied settings by pasting them into the prompt after clicking import on the FA Filter Script settings panel
var dialog_09C = "
var dialog_10 = "Profile Settings";
var dialog_11 = "Ctrl+V to paste here settings here";
var dialog_12 = "You already have a profile with that name.";
var dialog_13 = "Reload this script to see the new language. This page will refresh automatically.";
var profile_01 = "Settings profile";
var profile_02 = "Apply";
var profile_03 = "Reset";
var profile_04 = "New";
var profile_05 = "Set Default";
var profile_06 = "Delete";
var profile_07 = "Update";
var profile_08 = "Export";
var profile_09 = "Import";
var profile_10 = "Default";[/NOPARSE][/SPOIL]Languages currently supported:
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Arabic
  • Greek
Future Improvements
  • Hide success messages, error messages, or both
  • Asynchronous page loading
  • Sorting by wall and resources
  • Village priority list to farm from more important villages first
  • Custom troop order (send certain troops first, second, third, etc...)
  • Custom filtering besides wall and distance
  • Auto pagination to reduce page loading time
  • Add two new versions (FA Filter Lite, and FA Filter Mobile)
Last edited by a moderator:
Upvote 4


New Member
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Hello, could you add the language Portuguese - BR

//Português BR
//Tradutor: ntoombs19
var filter_01 = "Configurações do filtro FA";
var filter_02 = "Instruções";
var filter_03 = "Criado por";
var filter_04 = "Carregar páginas";
var filter_05 = "para";
var filter_06 = "Ativar";
var filter_07 = "Ocultar tudo/Nenhum";
var filter_08 = "Ataque Escoteiro";
var filter_09 = "Sem perdas";
var filter_10 = "Algumas perdas";
var filter_11 = "Edifício(s) perdido(s, mas danificado(s)";
var filter_12 = "Perdido, mas observado";
var filter_13 = "Perdido";
var filter_14 = "Ordenar por";
var filter_15 = "Distância";
var filter_16 = "Tempo";
var filter_17 = "Direção";
var filter_18 = "Crescente";
var filter_19 = "Descendente";
var filter_20 = "Ocultar compras";
var filter_21 = "Completo";
var filter_22 = "Parcial";
var filter_23 = "Ocultar ataques";
var filter_24 = "Maior que";
var filter_25 = "Menos que";
var filter_26 = "Igual a";
var filter_27 = "Ocultar farms enviados no último";
var filter_28 = "minutos";
var filter_29 = "Redefinir";
var filter_30 = "Ocultar nível da parede";
var filter_31 = "Ocultar distâncias";
var filter_32 = "Ocultar";
var filter_33 = "Mostrar";
var filter_34 = "continente(s)";
var filter_35 = "Ocultar relatórios de olheiros com recursos";
var filter_36 = "aldeias atacadas no último";
var filter_37 = "minuto(s)";
var filter_38 = "Executar padrão automaticamente";
var filter_39 = "Ocultar relatórios de olheiros onde C está desabilitado";
var filter_40 = "Assistente de Fazenda";
var filter_41 = "Assistente de Fazenda - Carregando página";
var filter_42 = "Idioma";
var instruções_01 = "Os tipos de relatórios verificados serão ocultados";
var instruções_02 = "Filtros deixados desmarcados não serão aplicados";
var instruções_03 = "Continentes separados com ponto final. Exemplo: 55.54.53";
var instruções_04 = "Este filtro ocultará as linhas que foram cultivadas \"n\" minutos atrás. O padrão é 60 minutos. Alterar o tempo afetará apenas as linhas recém-cultivadas. Clicar em redefinir redefinirá todos os cronômetros de cada linha, mas apenas as linhas carregado.";
var instruções_05 = "Salve e carregue suas diversas configurações aqui. A alteração dos perfis carregará o perfil selecionado. O padrão será carregado automaticamente quando o script for executado.";
var instruções_06 = "Ajuste o tamanho da página para 100 para um carregamento mais rápido da página";
var dialog_01 = "Tem certeza de que deseja redefinir suas aldeias cultivadas recentemente?";
var dialog_02 = "Você já está no perfil padrão. Gostaria de criar um novo perfil e defini-lo como padrão?";
var dialog_03 = "Nome do perfil";
var dialog_04 = "Você já possui um perfil com esse nome. Escolha outro nome";
var dialog_05 = "O nome do seu perfil não pode ficar vazio. Tente novamente.";
var dialog_06 = "Você não pode excluir seu perfil padrão";
var dialog_07 = "Você não pode exportar/importar o perfil padrão. Para exportar essas configurações, crie um novo perfil e tente exportar novamente.";
var dialog_08 = "Copiar para a área de transferência: Ctrl+C, Enter";
var dialog_09A = "Filtro FA: ";
var dialog_09B = "
Instruções: Para importar este perfil, copie a seguinte linha de código e importe as configurações copiadas colando-as no prompt após clicar em importar no Painel de configurações do FA Filter Script
var dialog_09C = "
var dialog_10 = "Configurações do perfil";
var dialog_11 = "Ctrl+V para colar aqui as configurações aqui";
var dialog_12 = "Você já possui um perfil com esse nome.";
var dialog_13 = "Recarregue este script para ver o novo idioma. Esta página será atualizada automaticamente.";
var profile_01 = "Perfil de configurações";
var profile_02 = "Aplicar";
var profile_03 = "Redefinir";
var profile_04 = "Novo";
var profile_05 = "Definir padrão";
var profile_06 = "Excluir";
var profile_07 = "Atualizar";
var profile_08 = "Exportar";
var profile_09 = "Importar";
var profile_10 = "Padrão";
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Reaction score
- Note from Moderation Team -
Please note that while this script is Approved for use, it is considered
illegal to leave your computer(*) and have it farm for you automatically. This will be considered as botting and punished as such.
(*) by for example using a weight

How much weight I have to avoid exactly?

EDIT: seriously is this a joke? x,D


Reaction score
@Nova could you confirm this? I would like to use your answer (anonymized!) in a Best-Of video im working on for years now. Its about the history and downfall of Inno and its founders and this decision - if real - would be a nice example of the incompetence*, that is flooding the company sins the swedish got involved... =)

EDIT: *of the 3 bosses, not yours or any other mods!


Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
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@Nova could you confirm this? I would like to use your answer (anonymized!) in a Best-Of video im working on for years now. Its about the history and downfall of Inno and its founders and this decision - if real - would be a nice example of the incompetence*, that is flooding the company sins the swedish got involved... =)

EDIT: *of the 3 bosses, not yours or any other mods!
I’m not quite sure what you want me to confirm? A note on post from 2013, which could be posted by either of several people that has since been left and/or been deleted from the forum software? I can confirm the note was added to the post, but I would think that is obvious.

For the message in the note, it should be clear enough unless we’re putting a lot of effort into misunderstanding it? You are allowed to use the script manually. You are not allowed to use anything to keep that key pressed down, a weight, duct tape, or whatever you can come up.

If the script is used that way, it will be a breach of §6.2; Bots, tools, scripts and other means which provide automated actions or replicate and/or allow access to premium functionality are forbidden unless explicitly permitted.

I don’t know if this is incompetent enough to make it to your production but that’s about what I can say to answer your request for confirmation.
If you want to know what I think about it, I think the note isn’t the problem. The problem is that this script, in my opinion, shouldn’t have been approved in the first place. At some point someone realized that clarification was needed, and made that note. Is it great? No, there are certainly things to learn from this and I like to think that we do and did.


Reaction score
The problem is that this script, in my opinion, shouldn’t have been approved in the first place.
Thats why Im EDIT-ing most of my comments: its hard to keep the critique focused one those who are in charge, not those who are on duty. (Hope my englisch aint that bad lol)

Anyway thank you for these open words. When the community and mods keep questioning some of the decisions of the past, it may can form an impact onto the future of the game — and as looking on the player counts of all Inno games, I think time is runnin...

EDIT: sry for the off-topic! im done for the moment^^


Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
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You probably shouldn't draw too many conclusions from that my opinion 11 years down the line is different from the one at the time. It's a lot easier to have an opinion and/or make a decision once you are already aware of the outcome; thus we try to learn from history to be better prepared for the future.

Say Bye

Non-stop Poster
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Does anyone else experiences problems with script? For me it responses http 522.


Active Member
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This script isnt running for me today, was working fine yesterday idk whats happened. Anyone else having it not run?


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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The scripts host is temporarily down. It should be back up soon.


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No it should not.

@Nova right?

EDIT: this is your chance to end this nonsense! You know that this script, like Farmgod, was only created to be misused by using a "weight" or whatever! This ridiculous bullshit is ruining the game while its kept allowed to pay the costs of running the server. What do you think about this @duck that quacks? @RedAlert?
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Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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No it should not.

@Nova right?

EDIT: this is your chance to end this nonsense! You know that this script, like Farmgod, was only created to be misused by using a "weight" or whatever! This ridiculous bullshit is ruining the game while its kept allowed to pay the costs of running the server. What do you think about this @duck that quacks? @RedAlert?
The script seems to be back online now.

What do I think about scripts being abused from players?

Well I think that in theory every scripts is abusable. Should we drop all scripts?
I think that in theory every car can be used as a tool to harm people? Should we stop using cars?

I blame the cheaters, I don't blame the scripts. That's what I think.

Scripts are tools and depending how WE, the players, use them, might make their usage illegal, even when a script is legal (as it is the case with this script for example).

A hammer is a tool that can break rocks and many other things, if you use it for that, there is nothing bad with it.
If you use it to break heads ... well ...


Reaction score
every scripts is abusable and in case u are suspect a(n other) player to's a ticket dude. now back at the end of the line. =)
OK then i will lurk for a while and guess we will mostly wrong anyway^^'

but thanks for these entertainin days everyone! mutch memories, memes and mirrors to chair =)
thats why i play these games, no matter ingame or forum/dc <3
EDIT: qucks if this was u at my old acc please reply here
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Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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every scripts is abusable and in case u are suspect a(n other) player to's a ticket dude. now back at the end of the line. =)
OK then i will lurk for a while and guess we will mostly wrong anyway^^

but thanks for these entertainin days everyone! mutch memories, memes and mirrors zu chair =)
thats why i play these games, no matter ingame or forum/dc <3
EDIT: qucks if this was u at my old acc please reply her
I dont really know what you intend us to do here, drop the approval for a script because it can be abused?

You want to see the list of my scripts (all approved scripts) which can be abused or list of scripts I have seen being abused?

So what should we do? Drop approval for them too?

Then what? Lets go look at all scripts I have seen being abused and drop approval for them too.

What will eventually happen is that all scripts will be disapproved, because there are ways to abuse each and every one of them. In one way or another all scripts can be abused.

Actually, even without scripts there will still be players that can abuse the game in other ways of automation.

This means that in the end, this problem is not a problem of scripts. Is a problem of greed, toxic greed which manifests itself in the worst possible way in online games, cheating.

If you love the game, as I think you do, then what you as a player can do is first of all to do your part and play in a fair way (meaning respect the rules of the game) and what you can also do is to report players you suspect are breaking the rules of the game.

While we do have our tools that help to find players who cheat, player reports are still an important help for us to keep the game free of the cheaters.
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Reaction score
Demanding the sourcecode is a good start. I didnt read your whole post because its sounds like mimimimi...
Anyway, here are my points. After the new rule was annoucend I couldn't hold it sry.
I dont really know what you intend us to do
end this nonsense
drop the approval for a script because it can be abused?
thats actually an interesting idea...or at least evaluating the probability of widespread abuse befor allowing such a script in the first place

You want to see the list of my scripts
You are a team member, so why should I look for illegal scripts?? I asked the same question in the german forum and nearly no one replied...guess why . Anyway thats why:
even without scripts there will still be players that can abuse the game in other ways of automation.

So yes, just like i demand a list for legal and a list for illegal scripts for the german forum, i demand it here as well. Because as I said it in the german forum:
You [any player] must also regularly check whether your scripts are still legal or whether they are doing something illegal. If the hoster goes down or an update adds a function that is illegal in our language version (the amnesty [for scripts that break german scriptrules] only applies to scripts from .net and .nl, but not .uk, .us. or the other language versions), you cannot easily recognize this.

That's why people who think they haven't used illegal scripts are regularly banned and then make a fuss in the forum because months of "work" (i.e. fun) are gone. But when they are then asked to post their scripts or at least check them themselves, there comes no more reaction by anyone...

Translated with (free version)
Without such lists we players have to fear, that the support will ban us for scripts, we didnt have the knowledge or even possibility for to check for rule breaking content/updates. Funny that a few hours later, that point gets realized by @Jirki88 too...i bet a dollar that was pure coincidence, but who cares?
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Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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Demanding the sourcecode is a good start. I didnt read your whole post because its sounds like mimimimi...
Anyway, here are my points. After the new rule was annoucend I couldn't hold it sry.

thats actually an interesting least evaluating the probability of widespread abuse befor allowing it in the first place

You are a team member, so why looking for illegal scripts? I asked the same question in the german forum an nearly no one replied...guess why . Anyway thats why:

So yes, just like i demand a list for legal and a list for illegal scripts for the german forum as well, because as I said it in the german forum:

Without such lists we players have to fear, that the support will ban us for scripts, we didnt have the knowledge or even possibility for to check for rule breaking content/updates. Funny that a few hours later, that point gets realized by @Jirki88...i bet a dollar that was pure coincidence, but who cares?
I can provide you a list for legal scripts that can be used on the .net server.

All the scripts found here:
are approved scripts.

If you have found a script not listed on these 2 forums, then the script is either:
- un-approved, so practically illegal, no matter what it does, even if it just prints a hello world
- private script (since you can only see script threads on private scripts forum that you have created)

If you are unsure which one of the options is (un-approved/illegal script or private scripts) then you can send the script for evaluation and we will provide you with an answer.

As for this:

Without such lists we players have to fear, that the support will ban us for scripts,

Keeping a weight on your keyboard is your personal choice to BREAK THE RULES of the game. That's it.

If you decide to do that, you express your malicious intent to break the rules of the game.

No matter if we provide to you a list of approved scripts and a list of illegal scripts, if you have the malicious intent to break the rules of the game, you will find ways to abuse even legal scripts and if you abuse with legal scripts then getting banned is only expected ...

You know, why I'm not afraid when I play for example?
Because I respect the rules of the game.

Never got banned, for as long as I followed the rules of the game.

Once used an illegal script, yes, true story, guess what ... got banned.

In 12+ years of playing Tribal Wars, have been banned only once for illegal scripts usage. One time in 12+ years.

Respect the rules, thats how. I use scripts heavily, rely on them on my gameplay. Actually I'm not playing on the UK server for example, because most of my scripts are not approved there and I can't play without them simply put.

What does this mean?
It means that if you follow the rules you dont get banned. If you do something illegal, as I did (when I got banned), or putting a weight on the keyboard to farm for you, then you shouldnt fear anymore about getting banned, you are asking to get banned.
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Reaction score
I can provide you a list for legal scripts that can be used on the .net server
Bro thanks for that, this changes everything! I would have never find that thread, im a total noob when it comes to scripts you know? -.-'
If you have found a script not listed on these 2 forums, then the script is either:
- un-approved, so practically illegal, no matter what it does, even if it just prints a hello world
- private script (since you can only see script threads on private scripts forum that you have created)
Again thanks for an information nobody asked for, as most mental players already now this...
Keeping a weight on your keyboard is your personal choice to BREAK THE RULES of the game. That's it.
What i actually asked at one point was the weigh, as my fingers has one (it weighs about 8.5g/0.3oz) and when I am keep pressing a button there ist no, NO way Inno can recognize the weight of my weight finger!
If you decide to do that, you express your malicious intent to break the rules of the game.
OK my friend. I decide to keep expressing whatever the forum rules allow me to express. Thanks for this, too.
No matter if we provide to you a list of approved scripts and a list of illegal scripts, if you have the malicious intent to break the rules of the game, you will find ways to abuse even legal scripts and if you abuse with legal scripts then getting banned is only expected ...
No matter if I read your whole comment or just answer it partially, if you have the malicious intent to derail the discussion about a script, that
shouldn’t have been approved in the first place
you will find ways to reframe the content of my posts and if you do so then getting me rageous is only expected.

Sry if my tone does fit the happy atmosphere of the Farmgod-Thread. I will work on this while .de devs get some questions to answer, as they asked us for...
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Reaction score
What i actually asked at one point was the weigh, as my fingers has one (it weighs about 8.5g/0.3oz) and when I am keep pressing a button there ist no, NO way Inno can recognize the weight of my weight finger!

Perhaps there is a language or translation barrier here, because it is clear to me what this means:
- Note from Moderation Team -
Please note that while this script is Approved for use, it is considered
illegal to leave your computer(*) and have it farm for you automatically. This will be considered as botting and punished as such.
(*) by for example using a weight

When it says "using a weight", it is referring to a weighted or heavy object. The word "weight" here is used to represent a physical item, not an amount of downwards pressure caused by our finger.

For example:
  • If I use this LA farming script and I lean my phone onto the Enter button to hold it down, then I walk away, I'm breaking the rules. The phone became a weight, or a weighted object.
  • If I am sitting at the computer and holding down the Enter button with my finger, I should be safe from a ban. If I am banned for this, I'd definitely appeal it. My finger weighs something, but I am not using a weight (a heavy object) in that scenario.
How can they tell the difference between a weight and someone's finger?
  • We've all seen the bot check that will appear from time to time. If we respond to this in a reasonable timeframe, they can assume it was a human holding the key down and not a weighted object.
Note that they don't say a weight is illegal - they say leaving the computer is illegal. A weight is just one example of how to make that happen. So if we used scripting software to digitally "hold down" the Enter key and walked away, it would be the same problem even though nothing is physically pressing a key.

Hope this helps. If a moderator wishes to correct something I've said, I'm happy to be corrected.


Reaction score
Perhaps there is a language or translation barrier here
You cant underestimate the truelyness of your words and how they provide a solide point within this argument.

Nether Alert, nor quacks or nova ever referenced to the obviously bullet-prove bot detection. I will never understand how people can have the forwardness to assert that there is organized boting and bug-using even possible in this game. Thats simply ridiculous!:D

Anyway i guess i have understand it now...why didnt came someone up with this earlier btw?

EDIT: damn how could I not see this
Note that they don't say a weight is illegal
@Swiftblade did u see this while copy-ing it?
(*) by for example using a weight
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duck that quacks

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
No it should not.

@Nova right?

EDIT: this is your chance to end this nonsense! You know that this script, like Farmgod, was only created to be misused by using a "weight" or whatever! This ridiculous bullshit is ruining the game while its kept allowed to pay the costs of running the server. What do you think about this @duck that quacks? @RedAlert?
no lol
if a script is approved it is because it is not a bot
if some player does something that leads to it becoming automated in any way then yes that is a problem, but it is definitely not a "rule" that all players do that or that the script was merely created with that intention in mind
especially because it doesn't make sense
even if you do put a weight on a button to farm
who's gonna reload the page?
an ilegal extension?

the argument does not make sense, the rules work as they do and thinking that every script dev has bad intentions and wants to secretly create bots would be to make up assumptions out of nowhere