Last Backstabber WINS!


It all comes down to this. End-game phase is about to begin.

No one can deny the fact that world 70 is full of twist and turns..

backstabbing, manipulation, incompetence, decency, self-righteous, liar, meltdown, over-confidence, inflated ego, misplaced trust, more lying and deceitful act.

The question is....

One Last Backstab for the world win?

We'll about to find out soon..

honorable mention to those back-stabbing players to stay alive:

*sidd 271
really? seriously? are you really that hungry for the world win? you already achieve to win a world as rank 1 player. one of the most upset DSy4 players vocally when Infect decided to backstab them. Yet, you rather win a world with the tribe who backstab you and your friends. Never wanted to be an underdog, huh?

Sharon, saving yourselves by just telling one side story was humiliating. Please stop justifying your move blah, blah, blah. It doesn't make any sense. Atleast the world knows what kind of person you are now.

**The Repo Man
You should not be on this list but shame on you for allowing Infect to recruit more on DSy4 given that Ronin was fighting DSy4 for weeks before Infect launched on empty frontline. That was unacceptable at the very least. Sudden silence on externals prove that Ronin is more passive and submissive on their relationship with Infect. But now, showing hostility against them, we'll see how this one plays out.

It was like one sunday morning in Pearl Harbor, Americans was never prepared nor aware on the incoming onslaught. The infamy decision lead to disappointing DSyFail. Infect will be forever tainted as the best backstabber in the world.

You might be a good Duke but you don't know how things should be handle at this stage of the world. 3 months ago, I still hold a firm believe that DSy4 will win this world. It's amazing how one person can ruined something that you worked so hard for more than a year. Lessons learned I guess.

There should be some backstabbing in a few months, and that set of backstabber will surely do it for the world win. Let's see who.


I have one wish.
I wish that the war, the final war that is about to start, will be long. Very long and bloody.

There will be few more tricks when this war will start. Sure there will be, at the beginning.

But if the war will be long and bloody we, all of us, we will have to go back to the real values.
To trust the tribe mate that stands at your left side, that is spilling blood like you, but still shares some support with you.
To trust the tribe mate that stands at your right side, that although invited to betray you for an easier win, stands and falls with you.

Some may enjoy the spying and the tricks and the politics.

But I still think the most, probably the silent ones, still believe those values to be the real deep joy and satisfaction you can get from this game.

- Tholus


Personally I think we should all vote one 1 1k or below point player, Rim all OTHER small players and resistors in the world and then hit delete giving that player a world win at 2k points.


damn . I loved the Pearl Harbor thing .. not bad really .

I guess you could look at it that way .

But a strange fact on the Pearl Harbor . from history .. do you know it ?
If not . let me bring you up to speed.

All the generals and all the high "borns" were out on vacation . when Pearl was under attack . find that strange ? Guess not.
And something even more fun.

Pearl harbor was the most ADVANCED Harbor at that time . With insane Radar's .. they were able to see the attack before the damn plains even decided lift from the ground .

And a huge plus .
The Jap's attacked only because Americans refused to pull back some of there ships . at the early stages .

Again strange enough this dose sound like Dsy and Infect back in the day


**The Repo Man
You should not be on this list but shame on you for allowing Infect to recruit more on DSy4 given that Ronin was fighting DSy4 for weeks before Infect launched on empty frontline. That was unacceptable at the very least. Sudden silence on externals prove that Ronin is more passive and submissive on their relationship with Infect. But now, showing hostility against them, we'll see how this one plays out.

I was placed on this list because I didn't recruit enough enemy accounts to make you happy? Because I am passive and submissive?

You think me demure?

How delightfully adorable.


Not just me, Ronin now become the top bet of majority of prominent players who are not playing this world but closely monitoring the outcome here. You backstab us all, those who are watching and cheering silently for your tribe to suceed in this world.

Let's look back? How did the war with DSy4 started? Motor and friends being recruited to Decipher. This is basically the same thing but this time, you didn't say a thing. Infect just recruited who they want, given their obvious advantages in numbers and some of the positioning, yet you let it happen. I presume you had a say on the new recruits as Ronin and Infect seems like to have a good relationship for a long time.

I've never seen something like what Ronin did, from Far Southern Region to North West.. In a matter of months. Very Impressive. I never thought somebody can pull it off but you did. It is even rumored that Ronin have one and only Duchess. If somebody can order that kind of authority for a long period of time, from being a food to actually have a very good shot to win a world, like I said.. impressive.

That's why I'm upset, not just me.. I'm speaking for the people who wanted you to win. In a way, we feel like you betray us.


You flatter.

Unfortunately, what goes on behind closed doors does not always have obvious results to those who watch on the outside, and regretfully I am still disinclined to discuss Ronin's private affairs. However, I do appreciate the kind words.

But while we are looking back, I feel it necessary to remind you that Ronin has never done as we were supposed to in this world. Had you been following our progression you would notice that we have been foolish and reckless in our endeavors. That we have not followed the path that you believe we should have should not be surprising.

For the most part, Ronin runs itself. What has been accomplished has been accomplished because of them, not necessarily because of the actions of a single individual within the tribe.

As for your implication of betraying our fans, we're not out of this world yet. Your disappointment seems to be premature.


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damn . I loved the Pearl Harbor thing .. not bad really .

I guess you could look at it that way .

But a strange fact on the Pearl Harbor . from history .. do you know it ?
If not . let me bring you up to speed.

All the generals and all the high "borns" were out on vacation . when Pearl was under attack . find that strange ? Guess not.
And something even more fun.

Pearl harbor was the most ADVANCED Harbor at that time . With insane Radar's .. they were able to see the attack before the damn plains even decided lift from the ground .

And a huge plus .
The Jap's attacked only because Americans refused to pull back some of there ships . at the early stages .

Again strange enough this dose sound like Dsy and Infect back in the day

liric the conspiracy theorist? can't say that surprises me

anyways I will confess to being a bit confused about the whole sidd thing based on what little i've heard about it,a lot of thats probably just because I know so very little about it though


Ronin isn't silent. We are ever watchful and ever more dangerous for it. Enemies beware...


I swear that this world is ran by 14 yr olds. Ive never seen such incompetence, naivety, and sheer immaturity from top tribes/players and ive seen on this world.

To say the start of this thread is a *wee bit* melodramatic is like saying the pacific ocean has a wee bit of water in it.

Ive never seen such a contrived "end game phase" as ive seen here.

DSY simply fell because they were bad. No top tribe disintegrates in 45 days due to one event, or many.....simply ridiculous.

And im sorry, the way this world has been playing out, any future war will be done in 45 days after people get frustrated that the admins havent given the world to a victor yet lol

Here is to real worlds where you actually have to fight for a while to win a world haha.

One Last Shot...

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Bit of a lame thread to create this late on; I think the W70 forum has heard enough of the insults about individuals on this list by now and to hide behind an alias when calling people out is only necessary if you yourself have something to hide.


Have to agree with Googly that this post is pretty lame and the fact that you are hiding behind a different user name makes it worse.

Why don't you share with us who you are?


I'll make a guess, and say TW Observer is someone who used to be apart of the smoke/virus/bad/audreyspirates/whatever else name changes they have group of players who were just completely wiped off the map.

Could be wrong, but that's my guess.

One Last Shot...

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TW Observer, I was thinking someone in DSY4?

It could be a past member of DSy4, but I would assume if that is the case it is somebody from a very long time ago who hasn't been actively playing for a long time.

Anybody who has been active in the past 2 months holds no grudge against Sidd 271 (so far as I am aware) for his decisions on this world. I doubt any recent DSy4 member would feel Sidd 271 backstabbed any of us. And that comes from someone who he is happily nobling (when the trains aren't sniped) :)

I feel that it is somebody very much active with a stake in what happens next.