Leaders opinions on the war so far...

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Finally, what I know you've all been waiting for, Leedeval. Who may be the friendliest guy in W35, if not, happiest. I asked him the same questions and his response, kinda shocked me :O IT WAS SCHLONG!

leedeval[/URL said:
1) storm should side with who they think is right first and for most.... and it that is not clear to them, then they should side with who is best for there tribe... who can give them the best chance to grow, and survive in this world....

2) i think it is still a long war... but, i truly feel that apoc is starting to show major cracks in their tribe... as long as things stay course, it is only a matter of time until they split and fall to the alliance...

3) it is hard to say what the world will be like at the end of this war... crazy stuff happens all the time... what i will say is that ex is made up of many many friends and that caries with it a great deal of pwr... many of ex have friends in several other tribes both in and out of the alliance... so, although it may be hard to say what the future has for ex, i can easily say that i see no reason why the same friendships keep growing, and building in an effort to win this world... tribes come and go, change names, change leaders.... accounts changes hands also... ppl come and go... but friendship last... and that does not change just because the map or colors on a map change...

4) long story short... joint leadership of apoc was not working... (don't want to rehash old issues) so i left... started RU and for the most part was on my way out the door in this world... a few came with me... and a few joined me... i started to push for a "back to basics/elite type tribe"... things did not go as i had hoped they would in that area.... this issue or reason i went to war with apoc was really over the aptitude or idea that apoc could impose their will on any and all of the war... as none were of size or pwr to stand up to them...
anyone that really knows me, knows (as someone once told me) "i don't roll like that"... so i started to stack the deck in my favor so that someone was able to stand up to them... who better to do that than me... after all, i was the guy that helped build them, so who would know there weaknesses better than me?

now take all of this and add in the fact that world 35 was dieing fast after aetost and many of his crew deleted... the world was barb crazy, and board to death.. ppl deleting left and right... both sides of the map...

being in leadership as long as i have been, i have many friends on both sides of the map/tribes/alliances/world... i did not want them to give up or get board and delete in this world before it was "truly won"... i wanted the winner "who ever it is/was, to actually have won it.. dominated it, taken it with no question that they truly earned it...

so i guess the reason i did it is two fold..
1) to have a clear unquestioned winner...
2) i wanted to have that tribe made up of my friends...

in my eyes, if i had not done it.. then neither would have happened... because my friends would have quite before the end.... and the noobs and unskilled would have been left in apoc in such a position and size in the world that no one could have had a chance to challenge them... so the winners of w35 would have been a joke for all of TW...

i personally would rather be part of a good tribe made up of my long time friends that lost, then a crap tribe of noobs that won because anyone of skill quite a long time ago...

hope that explains the methods to my madness... lol

thanks for asking... 8)

baron of *NSH*
baron of ~TBH~
baron of G.Khan
duke of APOC
duke of ex
and as always, "just a guy"