Someone getting Herpes via Ingame mails? :icon_eek:
Dukes get those all the time, usually from those 100 point noobs asking for invites. You live and learn I guess. :icon_sad:
Someone getting Herpes via Ingame mails? :icon_eek:
Pnp standard just getting worse and worse. 7hour phoney wars.
People faking people dieing . ...
what next :|
Dukes get those all the time, usually from those 100 point noobs asking for invites. You live and learn I guess. :icon_sad:
you making a semi decent post? i dont know.
Your opinion and I respect that. Does not mean I have to agree with it.
Noobs will be noobs :icon_cool:
you making a semi decent post? i dont know.
Could we let this thread stay about miwok? After all this was probably created cause he needed some attention. So lets not call knock and infamy dishonorable, lets not call Happy a bunch of big mouthed players, lets only talk about miwok:
Topics that can be taken up:
- Feelings about what he is doing.
- Concerns for his future in w57, will we loose our blogger?
- Expectations to his attacks
There is tons of other topic to pick up on, use your imagination and lets make Miwok a very Happy player![]()
well its not like he can ever stay on topic... which his own tribe member asks for
Fail flame. You cant stay on topic when the topic is dead, I.e miwok = quit. :icon_rolleyes:
Your all a bunch of internalling Noobs.
Decided it was a bad move and went crawling back with your tail inbetween your legs.
If we didn't reply to you, a source of our tribes comedic entertainment (your posts) would vanish. We cant let that happen, after all we are the leaders. :icon_wink:
where did yar mention knock! ?
and why are we all of a suddon a topic of intrest in this thread?
we havnt supported anyone other then knock members
why would i support 1 nap'd tribe over another Nap'd tribe??? its in my best intrest to see you both kill eachother,
i dislike the comments coming from hug toward knock with such little trust, or such negitive thoughts from some..
good to see how {HI} is really thinking of us [spoil][/spoil]
if you knew anything about what really happend you wouldnt be saying this.
Best post in this topic... +1 :icon_cool:
should rim the noob for getting everyone excited
I dont think i have shown a ego
Well Put PLease close this thread as the war is history (however brief it was) and so its irrelevantThe ego is fairly clearly shown in the making of this thread. As is the cowardice to not even follow through with the declaration made, and the need for attention that came from making this thread and then running back to mummy for your own protection. Shame :icon_sad: