Let's see if SCIOVA can fight shall we?:)


Here is the story of the "mighty" SCIOVA. A tribe full of n00b warriors and pointwhore sim city players

-A tribe that eveyrone likes to flame and accuse of pointwhoring.

-A tribe that many other tribes want dead.

-A tribe that despite all the disapproval and and critics is still among us.

-A tribe that seem to think that they are powerful.

-A tribe that its members are unable to even fight alone for a few hours and they go begging in their forums for help in the first sight of few incoming attacks

A tribe like SCIOVA has survived basically because they try to be nice and honest when talking to someone but behind his back trying to dig his grave by plotting how and when to attack despite all the friendships.

W5 was too boring for me lately. Therefore i decided to join the powerful ReV tribe and attack SCIOVA:)
It's so funny to see their villages falling so fast and their players screaming for retaliation and help in their forums and therefore everyone trying to help no matter if they are PAs and have said they won't help.

But of course players that have been traitors to their previous tribes why wouldnt be traitors to their PAs too...This should be expected.

But that was SCIOVA's mistake cause now i am even more eager to take them out of my own area:)

It's time for the sacred area of K17 and the close terittories to be cleared of the "hordes" of SCIOVA.

Hordes i said? no...hordes is for warriors...I should better say herd of sheep.
But whatever someone says you are, one is for certain: the doomsday is upon you.

SCIOVA has forgotten the act of war.
axes and swords were replaced by shovels and rakes.
armories turned out to be baking pans.
helmets became flowerpots and
the weapons that once used to be spears became scarecrows to scare the raven from the fields full
of vegeatables that once use to be
battlefields with dead corpse all around the place.

SCIOVA land and SCIOVA warriors LONG time ago..:

SCIOVA land and SCIOVA warriors NOW...:

The once SCIOVA fighters are now no more than lazy men drinking wine all the time in the taverns and
having fun all the time.


Now it's me that will haunt all their dreams and will destroy everything they have built so far.
Real troops will come and destroy everything in their path like plague turns trees black and kills men on an instance.
Rivers will turn red of the SCIOVA blood


Metaller promises that the sacred land of SCIOVA will soon be a blood place again and that corpse will once again scare the raven

Metaller declares war on SCIOVA.
The end of sim city pointwhores has come.
Warriors are here to rule.

Watch us approaching your corn fields and burning everything


PS: on a small note:

Side 1:
Players: metaller

Side 2:
Tribes: SCIOVA

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 34
Side 2: 2
Difference: 32


enjoy the fight SCIOVA...;)
dont start deleting please the fun just begun:)
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brilliant Mettaller. :)

it's a herd of sheep but apart from that good. :)


Pretty good, Metaller ^_^

Spoiler tags are always appreciated for larger pictures, just fyi <3


yay some guy thinks he king of the world for taking a few SCI villas, metaller do yourself a favour and stay away from the forums, your just making yourself look like an idiot.
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I find this one funny, you two can fight this war that I got going together :S.

You guys suck at PnP, I might just disband the tribe for this topic alone.

Boasting about this just sucks majorly, declare on SCIOVA? I did that already -.-, heres my stats anyway :S

Side 1:
Players: GhettoGirl07

Side 2:

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 78
Side 2: 0
Difference: 78


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 812,734
Side 2: 0
Difference: 812,734


I agree SCIOVA suck a little but so does this PnP, infact it makes ReV look stupid.

I dont like this, sorry.


Erm.. I'm rather indifferent to this thread ghetto.. but if wigsplitters agreeing with you there is something wrong. Unless he's just tryin to suck up for the next merge o_O


i have to disagree GG. the stats suggest Metaller fighting the war, and you have been illustrating your tribe is a group of players form V V V to take out SCIOVA, so why not; he's already took 34 vilages from SCIOVA on this game. you've only just got double and he's started way later than you on this game... although i do appreciate on this game what you are doing.


Bicky you have no say here, there is a bigger picture than wtf you would know about anyway.

This tribe is not just for VVV members to come and have pot shots at SCI.

PnP is not right for this subject, makes us look like hot heads, "Small tribe pawning big tribe". Not needed we already know whats going on.

What killed it is him and TRE are going to work together? He posts only his stats and not ReVs as a whole? Clearly trying to state were not a team, my tribe is ment to be a team not just 2 members who want to do it together.

Anyway, Met has done his thing and left to make his own tribe like I expected anyway as soon as I pulled him on somthing, I dont like people who dont want to play as a team.

So kiss my ass all of you who think im wrong.


Bicky you have no say here, there is a bigger picture than wtf you would know about anyway.

This tribe is not just for VVV members to come and have pot shots at SCI.

PnP is not right for this subject, makes us look like hot heads, "Small tribe pawning big tribe". Not needed we already know whats going on.

What killed it is him and TRE are going to work together? He posts only his stats and not ReVs as a whole? Clearly trying to state were not a team, my tribe is ment to be a team not just 2 members who want to do it together.

Anyway, Met has done his thing and left to make his own tribe like I expected anyway as soon as I pulled him on somthing, I dont like people who dont want to play as a team.

So kiss my ass all of you who think im wrong.

Someone wants to fight "friends" and that's not me obviously...

This game is about fun so i don't understand why i am not supposed to have fun and declare against SCIOVA...why not? because i am small compared to them? so what? because i want to brag for nobling SCIOVA villages?

well thats my problem. i nobled villages form the #3 tribe and lost only 2 so far so why not brag?

and YES i am hot headed never denied that.

And what did you say? working together? lol i almost didnt see you in rev forums saying anything about targets attacks etc..nothing...and then you complain about team work? oh come on...

and you expected me leaving? of course you did if you bear in mind our history of fighting each other and after what you said it was only natural i would leave. Noone can tell me what to do especially someone that i didnt have the best opinion for, for long period of time. Only people that could tell me what to do here were my 2 dukes aka andrew and dragon and noone else

and you don't like people who dont play as a team? then you better not look at a mirror...you may not like what you see...

Anyway i am not here to fight you, so i won't continue this.


Forums are nothing, I have hidden forums to use, feel free to tell everyone about ReVs forums, I use IGM and hiddens, ReVs forums are just for you guys I.E you and TRE to babble in.

You cant tell me im running things badly, You took a few villages cool So has all of ReV, you want all the glory for somthing that you dont deserve, Glory for ReV not you, so stick with your tribe.

I dont want you here and I was skeptical in the first place as were many others.

Back in the good old days we were at eachothers throats? Why? You were influenced by KAT and thought you were special, your perceived as a bad hard knock when in reality you get stacked and attacks noobs that cant co ordinate to save their lives.

Tribalwars is fun when we play as a team, I am more effective alone, but I still do my duties to my tribe and work with them.

You either are a team player or not either your words are misunderstood by me or im spot on, I couldnt carless tbh with you.

Your post looks like its all about you, im not in a tolerent mood for you or that crap today so I say good ridence.


Forums are nothing, I have hidden forums to use, feel free to tell everyone about ReVs forums, I use IGM and hiddens, ReVs forums are just for you guys I.E you and TRE to babble in.

You cant tell me im running things badly, You took a few villages cool So has all of ReV, you want all the glory for somthing that you dont deserve, Glory for ReV not you, so stick with your tribe.

I dont want you here and I was skeptical in the first place as were many others.

Back in the good old days we were at eachothers throats? Why? You were influenced by KAT and thought you were special, your perceived as a bad hard knock when in reality you get stacked and attacks noobs that cant co ordinate to save their lives.

Tribalwars is fun when we play as a team, I am more effective alone, but I still do my duties to my tribe and work with them.

You either are a team player or not either your words are misunderstood by me or im spot on, I couldnt carless tbh with you.

Your post looks like its all about you, im not in a tolerent mood for you or that crap today so I say good ridence.

You say you want to play as a team yet you come here and say that you didnt tell anything about plans to me and TRE...so much for a player that works with others.

I can tell whatever you want and yes imo you run things badly. I didnt want ot take all the glory. just wanted to have some fun. the problem with you is that you always want to be the center of the world and you want everyone to talk about you and noone else. thats why you also got pissed when i declared against sciron and not you. cause you want to be shown everyone and dont want anyone else to do something you wanted for yourself.

if someone doesnt want me here he can talk with me and i will talk with him..

And i didnt get influenced by anyone. KAT was a veyr good leader and i was 110% loyal to him as i was 110% loyal to andrew and dragon and they know that.

And many players form VVV this week have offered me support but i thanked them and said no cause this is my fight and noone else's. So your small brain should be able to understand that i have received no support form anyone and what nukes/nobles etc i kill i will kill them alone and without any help.

maybe you accuse me of something you do...getting supported and then going on your high horse saying you did everything great.

You want to emphasize tribalwars? well i emphasize tribalwars.

You couldnt care less about me? then why are you replying here?
Oh i do care about you..i care to see the time you will be gone. THEN i will be happy. cause if i dont like SCIOVA once, i dont like you ten times more.

And who cares if you are not in a tolerant mood? because the "mighty" GG doesnt like something everyone must shut up and do what you want?



metaller, all i can say to you. is you got what you deserved...

and LOL :icon_cool::icon_twisted::scout:


noone liking you ;)

enjoy being a looser and looking quite sad :)

oh also enjoy yourself when trying to make comebacks which FAIL :)
honestly you sound like a 11 yo when your talking back.
it's not very amusing to read, i actually start to feel quite sorry for how hard your brain must be working. :clay:


Long boring post, my point is, I dont care, my tribe is fine, we are nobling the enemy like what is ment to be done.

Argue with me all you want about what I bold out in words and how shitty a leader I am, im getting the job done with principles, go do your own thing see how far you get.

Play alone and die alone. Im done arguing with you, oh the "mighty GG" will be around alot longer than you so dont worry yourself to much over that.

Im hoping SCI are capible of rimming you :).