Looking for a Co player with flexible times



Thanks to that the summer is here, which means that both me and my friend wont have much time to be in playing tribalwars. So therefor we could need a third Co. The account isnt that big we started out late, but we are in the top 500 and moving up fast in the ranks :) Write to me in PM here or in skype (gabriel757981)

Things that you need to know/have before you even consider to Co play with us.

Willing to listen and discuss with me and minty before doing anything.

If you play in the same world you have to give up your acc because we wont give up this one.

Have the possibility to logg in at flexible times/ being super active.

Experience of playing TW (you need to have some prof to show that you got experience, TW stats works good)

of course the language is important as well!

Being loyal

Crazy G and Minty