Looking for a co-player


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Hello guys, im looking for a co-player on w99, im in the RIMJOB family so we would have a good chance of getting somewhere in this world.

I'm from Belgium so it would be better (not necessarily needed) if you're online from 22ST - 6ST (ST as in server time)
A little experience would be great but isn't needed either since i can help you with that.

If you are interested post something below, or if you know people who are looking for a co-player forward them to this page please, thanks a lot.

Here are some stats on several of my accs:

Best solo world

Best co-player (I played on this acc but not on w8)

First world




Non-stop Poster
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Okay so I've found a co-player but now we're in need of a third (you know how it goes).
You'd need discord since thats the chatroom where we contact eachother.

Still part of the RIMJOB family, here is a link to our stat page: http://www.twstats.com/en99/index.php?page=player&id=11244629

We are both experienced players so no worries there.
Please forward this post to people you know who are looking to co-play.

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Non-stop Poster
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Oh man i didnt log in into my acc to post msg on the forum so i didnt notice your answer sorry, besides discord won't let me send you a friend req.
Here's mine: AwesomePVB#1815

Hopefully you still get to see this sorry for the late response dude dude.


But we gotta leave ana and go solo. brothers in arms and all that