Looking For Opinions: Gifting Villages?


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So, as Im sure everyones seeing it. People quit Tribal Wars pretty frequently. Like, EVERYDAY people quit. Due to w.e reason.

TW needs to come up with a way to make merging/gifting villages easier from the quit players. I know this system could be abused, 100's of players quitting all gifting one player their village. But there needs to be a system to make it as fair as possible.

Like after 30 days in tribe, when you quit (hit delete or go barb) 20% of your villages are RANDOMLY gifted to RANDOM tribe mates.
60 days in tribe 25% of villages
90 days 30% of villages
120 days 40% of villages
180 days 50% of villages

Players quitting happens, but it makes other players quit. That leads to internaling. Which is the most boring thing about TW. Then people get bored from internaling and then quit themselves... Its a never ending cycle.

People quit this game. ALL THE TIME. There needs to be something done about this. If TW wants to keep players active and motivated. (not to mention more money in their pockets)

I do see some downsides

1. Someone is getting rimmed, a large player with 1,000 villages. He's been in the tribe for say 180+ days, he quits, and 500 of his villages are then 'gifted' to his tribe.

But IDK, Im just kinda brain storming here. Post some opinions, either with dislikes or likes. For the love of Be-jesus lets get something going on the forums lol


So, as Im sure everyones seeing it. People quit Tribal Wars pretty frequently. Like, EVERYDAY people quit. Due to w.e reason.

TW needs to come up with a way to make merging/gifting villages easier from the quit players. I know this system could be abused, 100's of players quitting all gifting one player their village. But there needs to be a system to make it as fair as possible.

Like after 30 days in tribe, when you quit (hit delete or go barb) 20% of your villages are RANDOMLY gifted to RANDOM tribe mates.
60 days in tribe 25% of villages
90 days 30% of villages
120 days 40% of villages
180 days 50% of villages

Players quitting happens, but it makes other players quit. That leads to internaling. Which is the most boring thing about TW. Then people get bored from internaling and then quit themselves... Its a never ending cycle.

People quit this game. ALL THE TIME. There needs to be something done about this. If TW wants to keep players active and motivated. (not to mention more money in their pockets)

I do see some downsides

1. Someone is getting rimmed, a large player with 1,000 villages. He's been in the tribe for say 180+ days, he quits, and 500 of his villages are then 'gifted' to his tribe.

But IDK, Im just kinda brain storming here. Post some opinions, either with dislikes or likes. For the love of Be-jesus lets get something going on the forums lol

Im sure if something like this existed it would make your growth from internals much easier I guess.

but the idea of magically gaining villages without a fight, just because you are in the temporary number one tribe, is always appealing to your kind of players.


Non-stop Poster
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Well thanks for your 'little' jab at my account mate ;)

Internals are not something we want to do. It ruins the game. But if our tribe as a whole does not take the internal, enemies will.
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Internals are not something we want to do. It ruins the game. But if our tribe as a whole does not take the internal, enemies will.

So why should you get an advantage? Your tribe failed to keep the account active. Why should you get priority over those vills?

One of the most important things in TW is (and always has been) being able to stay active no matter what happens. Changing that would require rebalancing the game. For example, your suggestion would make defending far easier, because attackers couldn't just force accounts to quit and take the vills anymore.

You can't make changes this big in a vacuum. It has far-reaching consequences.

I'm not a fan.


So why should you get an advantage? Your tribe failed to keep the account active. Why should you get priority over those vills?

One of the most important things in TW is (and always has been) being able to stay active no matter what happens. Changing that would require rebalancing the game. For example, your suggestion would make defending far easier, because attackers couldn't just force accounts to quit and take the vills anymore.

You can't make changes this big in a vacuum. It has far-reaching consequences.

I'm not a fan.

In addition to this, there are some major flaws. For example, what if the person has less villages than the tribe has players? Who gets what then? Especially with the low %s he set.

Also, 1-2 villages per church seems silly. Sure, you could trade villages, but how would that be any different than what we have now?

sidd 271

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Like after 30 days in tribe, when you quit (hit delete or go barb) 20% of your villages are RANDOMLY gifted to RANDOM tribe mates.
60 days in tribe 25% of villages
90 days 30% of villages
120 days 40% of villages
180 days 50% of villages


So when a player quits in the pressure of an op his villages will be auto assigned to his tribe mates :|

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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Personally I can see the logic behind wanting it as internalling is tedious and boring, but I think that your proposal wouldn't work - the reasons are covered above.

A better solution would be to change the 'length of time' you don't personally log in to 30 days (so it's completely inactive or a sitter has it), and then you automatically go barb. Combine that with a setting that blocks nobling barbarian villages, and the same result would happen.

There would still be some flaws in this, but it would at least have the same affect - the villages just go out of play for anything other than becoming a farm.


The thing is, if a person goes barb, it's a nice opportunity for other tribes to get inside enemy church areas. I agree on the fact internalling is freakishly boring, but this, I guess, is not the best option to solve that. We'll just have to deal with it.


Non-stop Poster
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So please, let me say this.

I do not feel like my above statement is flawless or GREAT at all. I just feel like SOMETHING needs to change with quit/deleted players.

Many of you made great and valid point. With which I agree with.

BUUUUUUTTT, ships were once made of wood. Are they not made of steel now?


Seems to me this is just Infect crying out because they have so many inactive players and they know that any bit of pressure will splinter there tribe due to any aggressor easily eating the bulk of them because the players are inactive.


Non-stop Poster
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Seems to me this is just Infect crying out because they have so many inactive players and they know that any bit of pressure will splinter there tribe due to any aggressor easily eating the bulk of them because the players are inactive.

lol, do you even play W70...?


lol, do you even play W70...?

I wouldn't call what I am doing playing w70...


But, I do recall how much of a pain inactive internals do to the tempo of the game....

Perhaps, rather than allow the tribe to get them. Maybe after some period of time when the owner does not log on, they go to 26 pt barbs with troops still in them to make them unattractive for anyone to get cheap vills


Non-stop Poster
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I wouldn't call what I am doing playing w70...


But, I do recall how much of a pain inactive internals do to the tempo of the game....

Perhaps, rather than allow the tribe to get them. Maybe after some period of time when the owner does not log on, they go to 26 pt barbs with troops still in them to make them unattractive for anyone to get cheap vills

Something like that is perfect! Its such a pain with the way it is now... Like you said, slows the tempo of the game and leads to other players quitting.


I just see massive swaths of non-growing(only way to fun do it) 26 point barbs with 6k spear/sword/archer stacks littering worlds when school starts for the annual purge of inactivity...Would be hilarious.


What if "going barb" was just exactly that. all your villages lose all their troops and the points get lowered... or raised to the average point value of the average barbarian village.... which is 3k points in this world

That way deleting accounts would be a viable option
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What if "going barb" was just exactly that. all your villages lose all their troops and the points get lowered... or raised to the average point value of the average barbarian village.... which is 3k points in this world

As I was reading the thread, I had this thought as well


What if "going barb" was just exactly that. all your villages lose all their troops and the points get lowered... or raised to the average point value of the average barbarian village.... which is 3k points in this world

That way deleting accounts would be a viable option

But then you have people who have been beaten already, deleting just to spite their enemies. Already a bit of a problem, but this would amplify it significantly. I also don't think TW wants to give any incentive to delete, especially given that most of these players are premium customers.


Well thanks for your 'little' jab at my account mate ;)

Internals are not something we want to do. It ruins the game. But if our tribe as a whole does not take the internal, enemies will.

While I never bothered to look at LordWard specifically, Infect has the least amount of internals relative to total captures, as well as the lowest actual number of internals of the top 3 tribes.

Additionally, under his proposed idea, he may not even be the recipient of the "gifted" villages. Given the fact that he said random distribution, there is a small chance he may never get a gifted village again.