looking for recruits in NE k42 / SE k32


~i ta dawa~ is looking for new recruits in NE k42, SE k32, NW 43, and SW33 This new world has some new features that every tribe will be trying to take advantage of. I have a few ideas on how to utilize the new church as well as the shared forums but as any good leader I am more than happy to take new ideas and will give rewards, acknowledgements, and positions of power when they are due. along with offering the new ideas I can also say that this tribe will offer you everything you need in order to succeed, support, resources, and even some premium points if we are going to war, and you are in a leadership position, or you have some attacks coming in and need it to help you see how you are going to take care of it. When you are attacked I can assure you that I will organize several members if not the entire tribe to retaliate and help you to recover your losses. post here or pm me in the game srtayl3333
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