All my dreams have come true at once hahaha that cracked me up :)
DeletedUser Guest Jan 11, 2013 #21 Drunk in the morning said: All my dreams have come true at once Click to expand... hahaha that cracked me up
Drunk in the morning said: All my dreams have come true at once Click to expand... hahaha that cracked me up
DeletedUser Guest Jan 11, 2013 #22 come and hope on the #1 account in the world where 23 people play 1 hour a day :icon_smile: You can make us complete :icon_redface:
come and hope on the #1 account in the world where 23 people play 1 hour a day :icon_smile: You can make us complete :icon_redface:
DeletedUser Guest Jan 12, 2013 #23 dave721 said: are you set on doing the full hour in one killer session or you prepared to split it into say 3 20 mins sessions or even better 4 15 mins sessions, as i have been known to take 3 sometimes 4 craps a day and need cover when nature calls Click to expand... That is hilarious...I actually laughed. Though I have to ask, what are you eating that provides you with three 20 minute craps a day?
dave721 said: are you set on doing the full hour in one killer session or you prepared to split it into say 3 20 mins sessions or even better 4 15 mins sessions, as i have been known to take 3 sometimes 4 craps a day and need cover when nature calls Click to expand... That is hilarious...I actually laughed. Though I have to ask, what are you eating that provides you with three 20 minute craps a day?
DeletedUser Guest Jan 12, 2013 #24 Dr. Doctor said: That is hilarious...I actually laughed. Though I have to ask, what are you eating that provides you with three 20 minute craps a day? Click to expand... he is eating nubs, this makes the body reject them like it would a virus
Dr. Doctor said: That is hilarious...I actually laughed. Though I have to ask, what are you eating that provides you with three 20 minute craps a day? Click to expand... he is eating nubs, this makes the body reject them like it would a virus