[Making]W21 Sigs

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Well I saw something like this on w19 and I thought it would be fun so I will be willing to make Sigs for tribes and players who want and to make it much easier and help your sig come out better please give this information:

EDIT: This can also be used as a guideline to yourself when making a sig to help it come out better and make sure you have covered the basic guidelines.

-The kind of style:

-Give an example of a pic:

-Would you like a phrase on there and if yes what:

-Would you like your tribe on there and if yes would you like the logo:

-What size you prefer for the sig:

-and anything else you wish you to give.

Feel free to give +Rep

They may take a while depending on the amount of requests and the amount of Time I have.

Here is a guide for you players who want to make your own sigs and if you like it I may post it in the general section:

Ok, first off, you need to get a grahipic design program. One of the most common is Adobe PhotoShop. I will be telling you how to make a signature in Adobe Photoshop. It costs quite alot though. I'm afraid that MSPaint won't cut it though.

The tools
Now. You need to get familiar with some things in Photoshop. On the left side of the screen, you should see some tools (buttons). These will be the main things you will use for creating signatures.

The main tools you will be using in this tutorial are the Brush tool (It looks like a paintbrush), the fill tool (The paintbucket), and the eraser tool (The eraser... lol).

Also, look at the menu bar on the top of the screen (File - Edit - etc. etc.). One of the dropdown menus should say "Filters". Alot of people use these for making signatures... and most of those signatures look like Cr*p because they overuse the filters. In this tutorial, we will only be using Filters -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur.

On the right side of the screen there should be a box called "Layers". Photoshop works in "layers". For example, if you write some text (I will tell you how later) and put the Text Layer under the picture layer, the text will appear under the picture in the actual signature. If you put the Text Layer above the Picture, it will appear above it.

Starting off
Now that we have got the tools down, we can start creating the signature. Yeay!
Go to File -> New.

There should be abunch of settings you can fill. We are just going to set Width and Height though. You can enter any width or height you want, but for this tutorial we are going to use 400x150.

A blank document should appear the size of a signature.

Now now now. What to do, what to do. I say we brush allitle to spark up the picture.
Don't worry, don't worry, I'll tell you what to do.

The brush tool is a tool where you can draw on the picture. The brushes that come with Photoshop allready are "freehand" brushes. There are other types of brushes also. You can download some that have preset patterns, so you just click once with the brush tool on the picture and it does some crazy stuff. Like if you are using a leaf brush, when you click, it will make a leaf. Grunge brushes make patterns for grunge signatures, Tech brushes make patterns for tech signatures, etc.

You can get brushes from alot of places. You can google "Photoshop Brushes" or look for some on http://www.deviantart.com. I made my own Brushes, and so can you, but It's really complicated and time consumming to make them, so I won't tell you how to in this tutorial.

Try looking for some Grunge Brushes on deviantart... You should find some good ones.
When you download the brushes, They are in a ".abr" format. Put the file anywhere you want on the computer, just remember where you put them.

Now, go to your photoshop window and click the little paintbrush icon on the tools menu on the left side of the screen.

On the top of the screen, some settings should come up. On the left of those settings, it should say "Brush:" and then the currently selected brush. Right next to the selected brush, there should be an arrow. Click it.

Alot of stuff should have just popped down. This allows you to change the brush size (Although you shouldn't change the brush size on preset pattern brushes) and the currently selected brush. On the list, there are only the Defualt Photoshop brushes, which can be used for somethings, but not everything.

Now. To get the brushes we just downloaded. On the Upper Right of the little box that just dropped down There should be another arrow. Click that one.

Lots of things there, eh? Well, I'll tell you what you need to click. Click "Load Brushes". A File Browser should open up. Go to where you saved your brushes and double click them. Now, on the list of brushes, scroll all the way down. Hazzah! Your brushes should be there now. Click on one of them.

Good job. Now one of your brushes are selected.
Don't do anything else yet.

Remember the layers we talked about before? Well, on the bottom Layers Box, there should be something that looks like a little stikey note being folded back. If you hover your mouse over this for a bit, It should say "New Layer". Click that button.

Congratulations. You have made a new layer. Now we can brush.

Take your brush and click somewhere on the signature.

Bang :D Looks cool allready, eh? (Not really, I know)

Now this part of the tutorial I can't really help you on... It really just takes some practice until you get the right brushing teqniquie.

What I ussally do is get my brush out and keep the color of it black.
I brush around a bit.

Color time!
Now, find a render. A good place is http://gamerenders.com.

When you find a good render, copy it and paste it into Photoshop using (Ctrl+V) or Edit -> Paste.

Now, Paste it again.

Notice, that every time you pasted it, It made a new layer for each one.
Click on the eye next to the top render layer. This should hide the layer. We will unhide it later on.
Click on the bottom render layer.

Now, Hold Ctrl+T. This does Free Transform. Free Transform is used for a lot of things, like scaling, rotating, distorting, etc.

When you have pressed down Ctrl+T, on the top you should see a bunch of settings. The ones we are looking for are Width (W) and Height (H). They should allready be set too 100% for both of them. We want to change them to 200% each, or until the render covers the whole signature. Don't worry, it won't look anything like this in the end.

Now hit the Check mark on the right of the Settings of the Free Transform. The render should get blurred a bit so it does not look all pixely automaticly.

Now on the layers box, on the top left of it, there should be a dropdown box that says "Normal" (This is the blending settings). Click the box, and change it to Color, which is all the way on the bottom of the list.

I know it looks a bit wierd right now. Don't worry, it'll get better.

Filter time. Go to Filter -> Blur -> Gaussion Blur.

Change the Radius too 45 or a big number like that.

Hit Ok.

Now the color of the picture should look OK.

Render Time
Now click on the top render layer. The eyeball should reappear and you should be able to see the layer again. It's time for the eraser tool.

Click the eraser button on the tools box. The settings on the top of the screen should look alittle like the brush settings. Click the arrow next to the currently selected eraser. It should be a circle. Scroll down until you see a blurry circle. Choose the size 100 blurred eraser.

Now, brush around your render so it has no distinguashble line around it. Try not to cut too much off.

Next, on the layer box, Change "Normal" To Overlay.
If it is hard to see the layer, then set it back to normal and change the Opacity (Which is right next to the Blending Box). You need to fiddle around with the Opacity and Blending to get the right effect, since it depends how you brushed in the begining.

Congratulations!!!!!!!! You have just made your first signature!
Go to File->Save and save it on your computer, then upload it on the internet using imageshack.us or some other image hosting website.
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I will be asking you to make me a sig very soon, if that is okay ofcourse:icon_smile:

Ineed to figure out want i would like first :lol:

But for now, i added Rep :icon_cool:


I will be asking you to make me a sig very soon, if that is okay ofcourse:icon_smile:

Ineed to figure out want i would like first :lol:

But for now, i added Rep :icon_cool:

Thanks and I may issue

+Rep for Sigs




Ive played this game since World 1, been a forum user the whole time and never knew these boards had a rep system. LOL


This thread inspired me to make a signature image. I'm pretty sure it's the best one possible.


Sorry guys, but this isn't really the place for this kind of stuff.

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