Map Discussion


It has been a while since we had one of these, and these forums are very dead (wonder why *cough*) so figured I'd start another one. TPC I hope you don't mind me using your map for this, I saved the image and re-hosted it on imageshack so it doesn't take up space for you or anything like that scripting.


Notable changes-
~TSE~ lost quite a bit in the K11/12/21/22 area
The formation of DL
~OY~ dropping to only 1.5m points, with players joining mostly SCIR0S and R2-TRU
ARISA's merge into SCIR0S/SCIRSA
(My apologies if I missed anything that should have been noted)

Interesting wars I'd like to see, even if I know they'd never happen:

BNL/BNL-ET vs. ~TSE~- That added pressure from the opposite side of where the LFKD is hitting would put ~TSE~ in an interesting position, I'd be interested to see how they handle that

SCIR0N vs. HOPLOX- We're very intertwined and would have a huge frontline.

SCIOVA vs. Barbar- would be an interesting match-up in my opinion, BarBar are definitely survivors, but SCIOVA has quite a bit of firepower.

SCIOVA & SCIR0S vs. RFG- SCIOVA has the north, SCIR0S the south, would be interesting to see how RFG would handle that.

R2-TRU vs. SCIR0S/SCIOVA- Again, R2-TRU kinda surrounds SCIR0S, but SCIOVA borders them a bit in the north. Could be interesting.

V V V vs. SCIR0N/SCIOVA- Another massive war front

LFKD vs. only ~TSE~- LFKD and ~TSE~ have the largest singular border than the LFKD shares with any other tribe, and for them to focus all their power on one front would be interesting to watch.

Anyways those are my thoughts, most of these wars are pretty unlikely since this is a major tribal-hugs world, we all know it, why deny it...


almost no more VVV2(we are gonna disband it soon), and just check that map out, the lfkd area looks like a giant flaming skull. :D


Yeah.. and some of it's gray matter is seeping out on the right side..


I doubt ~OY~ has more than 10 active members. They will be under 1 million points in no time, the way R2-TRU is gobbling them up :lol:

Remember, if there were to be a war between SCIR0N/SCIOVA and V V V, then surely V V V+ and -=SP=- would play major roles as well. Very interesting (even if they are wild) possiblities you brought up... I just hope something in World 5 starts up soon.

Not sure DL will merge back into LFKD anymore, seeing as how another 3 players joined up with them today... is DL the new LFKD?:icon_eek:


Now with intresting wars i would like to add one


Now this is unlikely but would be a very good fight


TPC I hope you don't mind me using your map for this

I don't mind. I have plans for the maps. I plan on creating a website with lots more maps available. Continent maps, maps from older dates for comparison purposes, etc. I may start doing maps for other worlds as well.

I just need to find the time to do it.

As for the skull, the black holes are just because I've been too lazy to rename D.A. to DL in the map generation script.
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If you tilt your head to the right doesn't TSE kinda look russia-esque?


Wow VVV is quite big, SCI would get owned by VVV ;).

Unless ofcause i switched sides then SCI would win. Tennis i know you are itching to fight me but starting a tribe war is just selfish ;).


If you tilt your head to the right doesn't TSE kinda look russia-esque?

indeed it does :eek: one might also add that V V V looks like a big hammer and the LFKDs skull look without DL added is also kind of a nice touch ;)

The W5 maps could be molded into a great piece of art if someone had the time to do some photoshopping! *runs of to find a working crack for Adobe CS3*
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Wow VVV is quite big, SCI would get owned by VVV ;).

Unless ofcause i switched sides then SCI would win. Tennis i know you are itching to fight me but starting a tribe war is just selfish ;).

I think SCI would wreck you and you wouldn't really judge the outcome too much.



Wow VVV is quite big, SCI would get owned by VVV ;).

Unless ofcause i switched sides then SCI would win. Tennis i know you are itching to fight me but starting a tribe war is just selfish ;).
heh, first play a few turtle songs to wake up your inactive, flatline, and acountsitted members/turtles + that original duke who gets eaten at the moment.
maybe you have a chance then, as ofcourse, that's doubtfull.:p


Aww HOPLOX is overtaken by 17 members. Ben be sad? :p

15 DL 47.113.947 47.113.947 17
16 HOPLOX 42.138.880 59.548.733 135

TSE, good luck with VDOS!
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Heh... looks like an interesting day so far, guess these forums finally got some attention after being in the dark for so many months :p

Anyways, congrats to LotD for finally freeing yourselves... anyways just thought I'd post an image from the future so you can all imagine how the map will change...

I wonder where they'll all go. Is this BNL's shot at glory?


Bubbles88 = i LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLed. :p

TSE does what it does, people should lead their own tribe instead of leading other tribes,
we'll see what the outcome is, if its bad, i hear them comming, if the outcome is good, well, i hear them comming too.:p