Marijuana Legalization Debate


Vehicle exhaust kills brain cells and so does alchohol. Being a painter isn't exactly safe for the brain, heck.. whens the last time you saw those flooring guys come into your house wearing respirators before putting that glue down? We'd better start arresting all drivers, drinkers, painters and anyone that works with a glue, epoxy, or resign w/o a proper breathing apparatus.

You have made a point whilst shooting down my argument.

Would have been nice if you didn't.

The usual next step would be to shoot down YOUR argument with something awesome that makes me look pimp. Let's visualize that scenario.

*visualizes that scenario*

There ... that feels much better.

~The Magnus~
Pimping the scanario.


The usual next step would be to shoot down YOUR argument with something awesome that makes me look pimp.

I'm not sure it made you look like a pimp earlier when you tried to relate rapists to pot smokers. Maybe you should cut back on driving, I think the fumes might be getting to you.


Greetings to the W52 community.

Hugs, not drugs!

Marajuana use kills brain cells. Brain cells do not grow back. Once they are dead ... that is it. They are not Jesus.

Legalizing Mary Jane is silly. The person who started this thread with the silly arguments of economic and judicial upliftment is just plain silly. You need a hug. Not leagalization of a drug. The same argument could be applied to rape. Let's legalize rape so our prisons will be less teeming with rapists and send them back into society to rape and pillage in front of our children. Don't be silly.

This is the first time that the Magnus has seen this silly topic in TW. Hopefully t'will be last.

Fight for your mind.

That is all.

~The Magnus~
Hugging, not drugging!

Your argument that cannabis kills brain cell's is incorrect, The reason people started saying cannabis killed brain cells was because of the Heath/Tulane Study of 1974. Heath reported that rhesus monkeys when given the equivalent of 30 joints a day began to atrophy and die after 90 days. (that is 2700 joints, or average 1.25 joints and hour every 24 hours for 90 days straight. When Heath killed the test monkeys and the control monkeys and found dead brain cells in the test monkeys, he concluded that cannabis was responsible for the brain damage.
However, it has since been revealed how the tests were conducted.
Not only were the monkeys given 63 joints in 5 minutes, the smoke was administered through a facial mask with no additional oxygen. As you will find in any CPR or first aid manual 3 to 5 minutes of oxygen deprivation will cause brain damage. The monkeys were suffocating not loosing brain cells from the cannabis.

Comparing the legalization of cannabis to rape is moronic plus who says the economic benefits of cannabis legalization would be silly? Taxing the crop would provide wealth that could be used on hospitals or going after the real criminals in this world like the rapists you seem so keen on.



Brain cells die everyday whether you smoke marijuana or not. It's a natural part of human life. Anything that deprives the brain of oxygen will kill even more braincells. Should we ban holding your breath under water? No, but even that kills more brain cells than smoking a joint ever would.

Comparing marijuana use to rape is absolutely retarded and clearly shows an absence of any intellect in your head. I already feel like humanity has gone back a step with your comment, but I feel I should explain. Rape is a crime with a victim. In order to prevent and protect victims and future victims we need to lock up offenders. Marijuana use has NO victims. The controversy is over personal well-being, not harming others.

Fight for your mind you say? I'd open yours first...