Market pp trade


well with the information i have been provided i can say its a loop whole until more information or changes have been made


well with the information i have been provided i can say its a loop whole until more information or changes have been made

So you're making shit up? While we're at it, I dont like how you can buy a leprechaun with the new premium situation, its racist against leprechauns.


So you're making shit up? While we're at it, I dont like how you can buy a leprechaun with the new premium situation, its racist against leprechauns.

My countries rare specimens cannot be bought


So you're making shit up? While we're at it, I dont like how you can buy a leprechaun with the new premium situation, its racist against leprechauns.
watch out we got a tw externals idiot right here:icon_biggrin:

just dreamy

I havent read much about this idea of a PP market.

I have the worry of mass accounts transferring pp. I strongly think that with this idea, they should bring out an implement to stop mass supplying of 1 village from others.Something like they do with the Account sitting and support.. Instead of stopping attacks to a player, there should be a time frame of 1-2 weeks where you cannot send premium bought from the market with resources. or restrict all transfers of pp from the market so just 1 player can only use the PP bought on the market.

Stopping the transfer of PP bought on the market will mean there wont be any transferring to make a multi-accounter's accounts can only use the PP bought by them.


I havent read much about this idea of a PP market.

I have the worry of mass accounts transferring pp. I strongly think that with this idea, they should bring out an implement to stop mass supplying of 1 village from others.Something like they do with the Account sitting and support.. Instead of stopping attacks to a player, there should be a time frame of 1-2 weeks where you cannot send premium bought from the market with resources. or restrict all transfers of pp from the market so just 1 player can only use the PP bought on the market.

Stopping the transfer of PP bought on the market will mean there wont be any transferring to make a multi-accounter's accounts can only use the PP bought by them.

i agree but its just so much hassle for them to do, its a flawed plan to start with


If I was trading resources for PP, I sure as hell would be keeping all the PP I collected. I wouldn't be sharing it or giving it back. Screw that.


Actually, it is a good idea:

1. People buying res with PP get more res
2. People selling res for PP also get more res as they can use the PP to speed up res production or use lesser res on stuff with PP
3. People who cant afford premium can get premium
I'm not sure if PP gained can be used on other worlds, if it's possible:
4. People who cant afford premium stuff can just use w72 to earn the PP to assist them in their main world

This means it's not really p2w


How does that prove it's not p2w?

If I pay 50 dollars on resources in the market I'll be a lot better off than you if you don't pay anything. Especially if you trade away your res for pp


Well one thing that gets me...

I can trade 1000's of resources for only 10pp. so why on earth would I pay someone else 200pp's for less resources then the in game merchant.
IMHO I don't see it having a big impact on the game its self.