Merry Christmas From Santa`s Sack.


A beautiful woman, a good wine, a seat next to the fireplace, and a sitter handling my 3k incomings :p


A beautiful woman, a good wine, a seat next to the fireplace, and a sitter handling my 3k incomings :p

I can cover all of those....

beautiful woman?? (Arith)....not sure how beautiful Arith is but "she's' got some nice undies even SLURP's jealous ;)

good whine (Thorfalar)...great vintage and several players have gone on and one about his whine

fireplace (ViRuS/Disrus).... really could take your pick with these fire starters and I think more then a few would like to see them burnt at the stake :*

sitter (my scrubby love TW.P)....okay he will probalby quit and disband before you come back but he has a way with words...and i'll even get him a new PC (speak and spell okay Scrubby :*)

Slow Thinker is out of luck...recession :(


Santa's Naughty Little Helper ;)


If you're willing to skimp on the beautiful part, you can have Azzy. And the woman part.

as long as Azzy looks good in heels and a dress....I can make it work for Ballerond ;)


A more interesting world...a war between the top 2 tribes would do the trick.


A more interesting world...a war between the top 2 tribes would do the trick.

A more interesting world would be one where Rim tribes can actually put up a fight. Everytime a bigger tribe comes along, you guys just disintegrate.

Instead of trying to push for other people to war, why don't you war instead? Scared? Worried? Unprepared?

I know you were from theHun, probably now in HoneyB or some tribe over there. You guys ain't too far off from either the top 2 tribes. Want to spice things up? Then DO SOMETHING about it. Don't start hating on Yarr for recruiting Ninjas, or beating up KE, the tribe that you were unable to budge. And don't start saying Wobble are huggers.

Seems the nubs on the rims just can't do anything to influence the course of this world can they. :icon_rolleyes:


A more interesting world would be one where Rim tribes can actually put up a fight. Everytime a bigger tribe comes along, you guys just disintegrate.

Instead of trying to push for other people to war, why don't you war instead? Scared? Worried? Unprepared?

I know you were from theHun, probably now in HoneyB or some tribe over there. You guys ain't too far off from either the top 2 tribes. Want to spice things up? Then DO SOMETHING about it. Don't start hating on Yarr for recruiting Ninjas, or beating up KE, the tribe that you were unable to budge. And don't start saying Wobble are huggers.

Seems the nubs on the rims just can't do anything to influence the course of this world can they. :icon_rolleyes:


happy christmas all! I just want my 2 front teeth!



A more interesting world would be one where Rim tribes can actually put up a fight. Everytime a bigger tribe comes along, you guys just disintegrate.

Instead of trying to push for other people to war, why don't you war instead? Scared? Worried? Unprepared?

I know you were from theHun, probably now in HoneyB or some tribe over there. You guys ain't too far off from either the top 2 tribes. Want to spice things up? Then DO SOMETHING about it. Don't start hating on Yarr for recruiting Ninjas, or beating up KE, the tribe that you were unable to budge. And don't start saying Wobble are huggers.

Seems the nubs on the rims just can't do anything to influence the course of this world can they. :icon_rolleyes:

Dont worry, NIR family haven't gave up yet against Wobble and the war is starting to level out a bit now. :icon_smile:


I wish I'd started this world when it first opened, i've always wanted to try a no-haul world, limited-haul sure was fun :)


I would like a bottle of the belvenie 21 and chocolate pls


I can cover all of those....

beautiful woman?? (Arith)....not sure how beautiful Arith is but "she's' got some nice undies even SLURP's jealous ;)

good whine (Thorfalar)...great vintage and several players have gone on and one about his whine

fireplace (ViRuS/Disrus).... really could take your pick with these fire starters and I think more then a few would like to see them burnt at the stake :*

sitter (my scrubby love TW.P)....okay he will probalby quit and disband before you come back but he has a way with words...and i'll even get him a new PC (speak and spell okay Scrubby :*)

Slow Thinker is out of luck...recession :(


Santa's Naughty Little Helper ;)

I dont think you could afford me