Mirror mirror on the wall am i the biggest noob of them all?


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Oh look at that dual dragons also has the same ods but you guys won’t question it because his names not doodz‍♂️Dumb hypocritical mongs

Deleted User - 848983838

All I can say in reply is get a life you bunch of nerdswhy do you care so much? Do I live that rent free on your mind I haven’t spoken or mentioned you in weeks but you always have something to say about me. It’s quite cute to be honest but really weird, go outside boys and you ropey I don’t even know why you’re talking you lead us to a shit show pal

lead you? i got "control" in june/july. i can lead a horse to water, but if the horse took a shotgun and blasted himself in the face and refuses to drink water I can't really do anything can I?

Deleted User - 848983838

100% would've had greg and as much as I dislike him now I was 100% ready to get rid of you for him had he not decided to fuck me over twice.

Cassius au Bellona

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Also are you going to say the same to -fac-? Who has 4 million points more than me yet worse ods than mine? You noobs pick and choose who to come at lmao

you do know that players like fac on the frontline are not supposed to send out their troops to support, compared to your backline account that has been completly usless in all terms? no?


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Lol okay ropey yeah I’m sure you wasn’t at fault for anything in the tribe forgot you was such an elite player. Bored of you hypocritical clowns now cya

Deleted User - 848983838

Lol okay ropey yeah I’m sure you wasn’t at fault for anything in the tribe forgot you was such an elite player. Bored of you hypocritical clowns now cya

dont think anyone could of led this sad group to a win with or without the mistakes i made hat ive said ive made multiple times.

but yea kidding yourself if you think the fault lies with me if you gonna start saying im trash.

how did you end up with 12 mil oda war stats and 5.6 mil ods total lol


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dont think anyone could of led this sad group to a win with or without the mistakes i made hat ive said ive made multiple times.

but yea kidding yourself if you think the fault lies with me if you gonna start saying im trash.

how did you end up with 12 mil oda war stats and 5.6 mil ods total lol

low oda? Because I was backline and not involved in the war at all for ages since YOU told me to focus on boom or have you forgotten? And low ods was because I was covering my own ass against boom since I wasn’t being helped by anyone in the tribe. Yeah it’s low but other people are even lower than me and our tribe was literally a shit show with no organisation what so ever. It was pointless sending support in the end because by the time it got there it was a trucks villa because the leaders decided to prepare for the war in a shit way

Deleted User - 848983838

low oda? Because I was backline and not involved in the war at all for ages since YOU told me to focus on boom or have you forgotten? And low ods was because I was covering my own ass against boom since I wasn’t being helped by anyone in the tribe. Yeah it’s low but other people are even lower than me and our tribe was literally a shit show with no organisation what so ever. It was pointless sending support in the end because by the time it got there it was a trucks villa because the leaders decided to prepare for the war in a shit way

oh yea how could i forgot that massive oda against boom you had. which ended what at the end of July/early august.

covering your ass against boom? you literally had 12 mil ODD less than a month ago before gauss started hitting you, that is absolutely nothing to excuse yourself from not having ODS lmaooo.

you might've thought you were having some big fight but constantly the numbers showed you weren't and yet you run your mouth because heygen nuked boom and you capped some villages?

for as much as you talk and then get on my case immediately when i laugh at the 5 mil ods gauss pointed out you think you would have done better to back up all this talk lmao. it was kinda fun to watch it go down i'll admit one of the only entertaining portions the last few months was watching you and greg spit at each other

Deleted User - 848983838

to be fair you weren't really the worst you just happen to be posting and i still have angry feelings about -t- to yell about.


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Like i said it was a shit show everything was. As soon as I lost my co I couldn’t be bothered and seeing that we was losing and everyone was giving up what was the point in putting in effort to help and support others

Deleted User - 848983838

forgot some actual answers.

hensonjet and nightlady

Deleted User - 848983838

What do you think about heygen? For all the villas and points he had he was useless

"I'm not a defensive player"

Proceeds to have more defense than Jamie and I combined.

-t- council shocked pikachu

If we had ultra instead of heygen we would've done a lot better assuming ultra had no leadership role. We would've lost but ultra at least cared about the tribe he was in.

Fuck heygen

Deleted User - 848983838

2.5 mil ods before end game.

Gained about 20 mil finally defending klennes like 3rd or 4th major op defense and then the last 25 mil was from me, reesc, Jimmy, etc sitting and sending packets out and not heygen.