It seems to me Mongol that you have much larger problems to deal with than taking out the inactives of -rip-
[SPOIL]Village Points Old Owner New Owner Date/Time
55 00 27 (517|524) K55 9,541 stien8 [S²ORM] BladeK1ng [GotRob] 2012-05-06 - 07:34:07
016 (791|572) K57 9,520 jeremiah118 [Mongol] trueblue1 [S²ORM] 2012-05-05 - 23:11:08
023 (792|572) K57 9,798 jeremiah118 [Mongol] xchopper [S²ORM] 2012-05-05 - 20:18:36
Zombie Zeitgeist (786|575) K57 9,549 jeremiah118 [Mongol] wildgrass [S²ORM] 2012-05-05 - 16:39:27
005 (802|595) K58 9,303 jeremiah118 [Mongol] xchopper [S²ORM] 2012-05-05 - 11:15:14
Zombie Zeitgeist (786|569) K57 9,189 jeremiah118 [Mongol] wildgrass [S²ORM] 2012-05-05 - 10:18:11
Tren (515|523) K55 9,541 stien8 [S²ORM] BladeK1ng [GotRob] 2012-05-05 - 05:00:27
301 (782|577) K57 5,741 SirBiggun [Mongol] trueblue1 [S²ORM] 2012-05-04 - 22:56:54
010 (781|580) K57 5,636 SirBiggun [Mongol] xchopper [S²ORM] 2012-05-04 - 18:14:49
002 (786|573) K57 9,723 jeremiah118 [Mongol] trueblue1 [S²ORM] 2012-05-04 - 17:28:52
Trenuletul Magic (509|515) K55 9,612 stien8 [S²ORM] BladeK1ng [GotRob] 2012-05-04 - 16:47:21
009 I DONT THINK SO (781|579) K57 7,265 SirBiggun [Mongol] xchopper [S²ORM] 2012-05-04 - 16:40:15
57 00 07 (716|592) K57 3,891 teedeejay97 [Mongol] stien8 [S²ORM] 2012-05-04 - 12:31:01
011 (778|579) K57 9,479 jeremiah118 [Mongol] trueblue1 [S²ORM] 2012-05-04 - 12:09:56
Zombie Zeitgeist (786|569) K57 9,194 wildgrass [S²ORM] jeremiah118 [Mongol] 2012-05-04 - 11:51:31
006 (783|575) K57 9,728 jeremiah118 [Mongol] trueblue1 [S²ORM] 2012-05-04 - 10:43:12
010 (781|580) K57 5,622 xchopper [S²ORM] SirBiggun [Mongol] 2012-05-04 - 10:02:05
019 (782|569) K57 9,578 jeremiah118 [Mongol] trueblue1 [S²ORM] 2012-05-04 - 02:32:59
Zombie Zeitgeist (688|554) K56 8,085 GRV78 wildgrass [S²ORM] 2012-05-04 - 01:24:45
010 (781|580) K57 5,630 jeremiah118 [Mongol] xchopper [S²ORM] 2012-05-03 - 23:28:19[/SPOIL]
It seems as if S²ORM has taken a liking to nobling Mongol villages. Could this turn into a war between the shAve split-off tribe S²ORM and the rim tribe Mongol? Can Mongol handle fighting both S²ORM and -rip- at the same time? Let's find out
I for one am ready with my beer and popcorn