Most Annoying/Scareh...


Hai guys.

I had this really crazy day where something really pissed me off and then something else really scared me. Yes, my life is so exciting.

I wanted to ask you guys though:

a) What really pisses you off?
b) What is your greatest fear?

You can accompany your choices with real life stories to amuse us. :p

Apathetic h0llygh0st

Consumer of Beverages
Reaction score
Alias's piss me off!
My greatest fear is to have to mod a spammy forum like your own Karma and not being able to join in on the spam :icon_sad:


a) People messing with my guitars.
b) Wet Paper (long story) and ants. Not combined though.....that would be toooo much.


a) mass recruit tribes (like apathy, sheeps,...) AND their attention whoring ^^
b) to be loved -.-'


Alias's piss me off!
My greatest fear is to have to mod a spammy forum like your own Karma and not being able to join in on the spam :icon_sad:

Tis tough. Tis tough. :/

a) People messing with my guitars.
b) Wet Paper (long story) and ants. Not combined though.....that would be toooo much.

Wet paper? Lol. What's the story? XD

a) mass recruit tribes (like apathy, sheeps,...) AND their attention whoring ^^
b) to be loved -.-'

That's your greatest fear? o.o


A) Meanies o_O check the above poster <3
B) Mod's *hides from Karma's infraction stick*


When people don't appreciate all the work I do to make them happy. As well as when someone brings up my gf when she has nothing to do with anything. And of course people who take games too far.

I hate the dark with a passion and big dogs.


A) Karma :icon_evil:
B) Karma :icon_cry:

... OK, no srs.

A) Michael Mcintyre... Grrrrr >.<
B) White shirts and sticky things.


Wet paper? Lol. What's the story? XD

First week I was at school it was a boys birthday. He was a bit of a knob and therefore most of the school got together, chewed up a load of paper and covered him in it (Before you say it was me, my bday is in April ;P) and I mean covered him. Anyway, from that day on wet paper made me feel sick. Litter patrol made me feel sick. Every year on my birthday I would feign illness to get the day off and every year my feeling towards wet paper progressed. At 15 my fake illness wasn't life-threatening enough and off to school I went. For the entire day I got more and more worked up about it, nothing happened but since then wet paper will make me projectile vomit and I'll run away from anyone armed with it. I'm now 37 and it has actually worsened with age. Spiders rock though.


First week I was at school it was a boys birthday. He was a bit of a knob and therefore most of the school got together, chewed up a load of paper and covered him in it (Before you say it was me, my bday is in April ;P) and I mean covered him. Anyway, from that day on wet paper made me feel sick. Litter patrol made me feel sick. Every year on my birthday I would feign illness to get the day off and every year my feeling towards wet paper progressed. At 15 my fake illness wasn't life-threatening enough and off to school I went. For the entire day I got more and more worked up about it, nothing happened but since then wet paper will make me projectile vomit and I'll run away from anyone armed with it. I'm now 37 and it has actually worsened with age. Spiders rock though.

Oh wow... This made me giggle.
You are win!


First week I was at school it was a boys birthday. He was a bit of a knob and therefore most of the school got together, chewed up a load of paper and covered him in it (Before you say it was me, my bday is in April ;P) and I mean covered him. Anyway, from that day on wet paper made me feel sick. Litter patrol made me feel sick. Every year on my birthday I would feign illness to get the day off and every year my feeling towards wet paper progressed. At 15 my fake illness wasn't life-threatening enough and off to school I went. For the entire day I got more and more worked up about it, nothing happened but since then wet paper will make me projectile vomit and I'll run away from anyone armed with it. I'm now 37 and it has actually worsened with age. Spiders rock though.
And this is why I hate spit balls.


First week I was at school it was a boys birthday. He was a bit of a knob and therefore most of the school got together, chewed up a load of paper and covered him in it (Before you say it was me, my bday is in April ;P) and I mean covered him. Anyway, from that day on wet paper made me feel sick. Litter patrol made me feel sick. Every year on my birthday I would feign illness to get the day off and every year my feeling towards wet paper progressed. At 15 my fake illness wasn't life-threatening enough and off to school I went. For the entire day I got more and more worked up about it, nothing happened but since then wet paper will make me projectile vomit and I'll run away from anyone armed with it. I'm now 37 and it has actually worsened with age. Spiders rock though.

That is some story. :O


B) White shirts and sticky things.

White shirts? Don't like the reservoir dogs look? Don't know if I want to know about sticky things but, (and I reckon it's to do with the wet paper) I don't like stickers.......especially those damned charity stickers that some toothless gimmer decides to punch onto your shoulder blades cause you donated some loose change.


A)... Nothing really :) People try to piss me off.. when they succeed... the next few weeks, I pay them back Tenfold :).
B)... Ok I'm sorry I'm Boring =/


a) These days it has to be wires. I hate them. My DVD players wire just won't work. I have to continuously kick it to get some sort of response from the damn thing. It shouldn't take 2 hours just to start watching a movie! :(

b) Probably losing loved ones and really close friends. Would be unbearable. I know many of us lose people we love, and I can't imagine how it feels. :/
Other than that, prolly cockroaches. They really suck. o.o


White shirts? Don't like the reservoir dogs look? Don't know if I want to know about sticky things but, (and I reckon it's to do with the wet paper) I don't like stickers.......especially those damned charity stickers that some toothless gimmer decides to punch onto your shoulder blades cause you donated some loose change.

It's nothing too interesting. I have quite sensitive skin, and so I could feel the starch in shirts no matter how many times I wore them. It added another layer of misery to my school days, so now whenever I see a white shirt I cringe - Certainly would never touch one again unless it was life-threateningly necessary.

And anything sticky. Yeah. Well, I despise anything that stays on my skin. Creeps me out.