Mr Hustle Was Right

Deleted User - 3135

Oooh. The evidence game.

I'll bite ;)

Gladly! Evidence only proves the truth.

You say we knew a long time before the alliance with Munch about a merge. We heard rumours...from people like you, who we didn't trust. So we did information digging. Every conversation we had, I only bothered having to get a bit more information. That isn't the same as 'knowing' something. But anyway...let's look at the first time it was mentioned by Munch.

View attachment 6596

Oh look, the alliance was agreed on the 30th June. And...the very next evening, they mention this:
"So run, it's looking like we will agree on a merge"

We removed Munch leaders from the diplomacy chat specifically to stop things like that being deleted. As it's rather incriminating.

The screenshot I sent earlier showed you had said you knew for many weeks. This screenshot is less than a month before mine. As I say, I don't have yours and munch leadership chats, but they attest to the fact. While the war didn't break out till several months later anyway. It was before the border agreement. Something you said it was not.

In terms of when we disliked Run - and how you caused that (though of course, I'm sure these screenshots must be fabricated as part of my web of lies). I've always been clear on that. You bragging to the world about 'you making Cicada to go to war with JheeeZ' was the moment when we decided Run was going to be next on the list. That was back in...what...April?
View attachment 6598

This was from before I took over Run, when Sword thought I was spying (many many players were accused of it back then). Back in April. I took over 1 May. What had happened, and myself and sword spoke of it later, is that it wasn't that I was saying that it was entirely me, only that the timing was impacted by me. Which is what I already said in my previous post. It was in an attempt to persuade sword that I wasn't somehow acting for jheez, which she assumed because I came from Jheez (after I jumped continent when they tried internalling me).

So you interpreted information that you were given that was not true. But given we spoke regularly at that point, why did you never bring it up?

Here's a conversation - about you - before the word 'merge' ever came up. Again, making it clear how we felt. It also mentions that time when you decided to work directly for JheeeZ, telling your tribe to open fire on Warpig, who had diplomacy with us. Which really didn't go down well, as you will no doubt remember.

View attachment 6597

In order to focus Pain we needed Jheez not to be fighting us, as we would have been very easily removed from the world had Jheez attacked us. I therefore made every attempt to stop that from happening. That caused some in Munch some trepidation, as was somewhat reasonable for some to believe. They wanted an insurance policy, which makes sense.

Oh and just for fun, here's some evidence of us having a conversation about Bloodhood continuing to annoy Cicada. And yes, this was in part about ego :oops:

View attachment 6595

This was in August when we had started fighting and taking caps of Jheez, and was the point when you started to try to construct this weird obsession you have with me in order to declare on Munch.

Regarding your conversation with DaWolf, I'm pretty certain he was saying what we expected when we opened fire. Nothing about Cicada council's decision-making of who to go to war with. Context is king, and that is certainly out of context. But I can give you the reason behind that statement. We had seen Munch:
  • Start a war with Pain and then recruit a significant amount of them (it is ironic that they then make Disuniter out to be a 'traitor' when they have numerous people who were warring them in their tribe - but to each their own)
  • Open fire on SPAM as they disbanded, once they were losing significantly in their war.
  • Open fire on JheeeZ after Voyage said that they would delete if that happens. And after JheeeZ began to lose villages to Cicada and have key players quit.

Have posted the screenshot to show that's not true.

Nothing you posted disproved what I did in any way, it just showed what I was saying was true in some desperate attempt to disparage me personally, which is low. The fact is, you only started to create this vendetta against me from August, when for months you had known about the merge. Even if it was fair game for you to have a vendetta against me, I had told you I had stepped down from leadership, and offered for my account to be internallled given I was playing W115.

Given that was the case, not only was what you say not true, your argument doesn't even make any sense.

So lets finally just admit what happened, you had to choose which of your two allies to war, and you decided to make me the scapegoat in order to break it with Munch. Unfortunately it wasn't really a perfect reason and didn't make much sense with me not even in the leadership or world, but you ran with it, and have ever since.
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One Last Shot...

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Why would I in any way bother to let you know months in advance that we intended to attack Run? That would be poor leadership.

My entire point was that we agreed to an alliance, and only AFTER that were we made aware of a merge. And that was only after Munch were clued in to the fact that Run were in our sights. We never would have agreed to the alliance had we been told that there would be a merge.

Hidden agendas is not conducive to good diplomacy. That's how that entire chain of events was seen.

Regarding the rest of your comments, about you being 'a weird obsession started in August'. I just provided a screenshot of dukes in Cicada talking about disliking you, back in April. That alone shows that you had already caused us to dislike you, a long time before August. We just chose not to divulge that with you specifically as there was no reason to bother giving you personally the heads up that we would be going after Run.

Regarding the rest of your post...Munch and Cicada were regularly discussing your antics as you were making matters worse by the day throughout August. So yes, August was a big turning point. But that was because of what you were doing.



A lot of what you are saying is "I had told you...". The problem there is, as I've made expressly clear, we don't trust you in the slightest. And that is down to your approach and behaviour.

So, you telling us 'information' pretty much got ignored as none of us believed it. And the information about 'merging' from Munch came after we agreed to an alliance.

That was a major part of our issue of trust...what sort of ally decides on a merge with another tribe within 24 hours of an alliance agreement, but hasn't told the tribe they were doing diplomacy with when they were aware we didn't trust Run and knew that you were working with JheeeZ.
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Deleted User - 3135

Yes, "paper Bloodhood", because my account was largely played by my co, comply or die (he can confirm) and only happened to be in the discord channel. I don't see how that chat adds anything. While your screenshot from April was nothing to do with your apparent dislike for me either, you were still very chatty and talkative with me personally.

Again more screenshots to try to paint a picture and disparage me personally, while you deleted the chat so Munch's own words can't be shown to show that you did know of us merging into munch when you agreed their alliance. You cherry pick one of your conversations that the other side don't have access to.

My screenshot also shows you were not frustrated with me, but with munch for hitting spam. I mean come on, in the screenshots I showed from July you were asking if we were definitely going to merge, if there was another option. How does that then translate to me being the issue? You can say you would hardly tell your enemy is your enemy, but given your whole argument apparently hinges on your vendetta for me, it doesn't make much sense. The fact that you can't show a single piece of evidence to support this other than from August 2020, when you had already started to construct your argument against me, proves this.

You only started speaking against me after Jheez was virtually gone, when I was too. Your own screenshots prove this, adding more screenshots from August doesn't prove anything other than your persistent effort to go after justification to break the alliance.

Besides which, how was that really any decent justification anyway? To attack your ally for a player who was not longer playing and had stepped down more than a month before you declared? Not only did you declare on Munch, your ally, lets not also forget you:
- Only gave them a few days notice and broke this on false pretenses (admitted later). Your first attacks started coming in 1-2 days before declaring.
- Declared on your ally while they were at war with another tribe and knew they had no stacks, because you thought it would be easy.
- Did all this on the basis that you didn't like a player who was no longer there.

Why does this even make sense? It doesn't. I admit I'm a big mouth, there's no news there. I admit I can have a bit of an ego at times. And you know what, not everyone likes me, that's ok. But how is this any justification for any of your actions? Its not.

The fact is you knew about the merge from well before Munch/Run attacked Jheez leading to their demise. Per Munch, you knew before your alliance. Per the screenshots I showed previously, it was certainly much before they declared on Jheez.

The irony here, is that nonstop from jheez tried to NAP munch to get them not to declare and focus westwards. They said no out of their commitment to their alliance with you. Had they done that, Jheez never would have collapsed so quickly and you would have been in considerably worse position. You would have beaten them eventually sure, but growth was slow, and other tribes much faster. Your answer to this gift was betrayal. Had they not had more integrity and loyalty than yourselves, there's no question that cicada would be in a vastly worse of position than it is at present.

You gained so much from Munch/Run hitting Jheez. Your answer was betrayal on false pretense.
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One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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You're hilarious :oops:

Just because you really are not able to accept that you genuinely pissed us off to the point of wanting to go to war with Run, I thought I'd waste a few minutes hunting through the duke chat. Run were so insignificant on this world that we rarely bothered speaking about them/you, so you'll have to make do with two.

Got one from April. This was shortly after we were made aware of your bragging about 'making Cicada attack JheeeZ'. That came directly from one of your trusted members who were a bit frustrated with you and felt a desire to share it, so please stop trying to deny it. You can twist it all you want, but we trust her far more than we ever could trust you.


And got another one roughly a week before we agreed to an alliance with Munch. We were discussing what decision we should make about diplomacy with Munch, and received a mail from someone in JheeeZ. The mail was suggesting about a merge discussion ongoing between you and Voyage. We were discussing whether to bring it up with Munch, as at that point nothing had been mentioned about Run/Munch relations. We chose not to.


We don't particularly care whether that merge conversation happened or if it was someone trying to troll. But as you seem intent on making out that there was only an issue with you in August, I'd just like to correct that assumption.

Given you have had no access to any real Cicada information - just crap we fed you periodically to leak information for a specific purpose and anything Munch chose to pass to you - you can't possibly know what our attitude towards you was. Call me two-faced if you like, as I didn't make an issue with you openly about what you were doing the majority of the time. I simply put up with you until putting in that effort had no purpose. But aside from you, the rest of the world were fairly well attuned to our view on Run.

But you are welcome to have whatever misguided insight into our minds that you want.
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Deleted User - 3135

I like that you dodge the inconvenient parts of my post and seek to further insult, posting irrelevant screenshots that show nothing.

The first, clearly in jest, and as we discussed, based on incorrect information.

The second, more misinformation, we weren't about to join jheez, so the chat is pointless.

What are you even trying to prove? What next, screenshots about my favourite cereal?


Active Member
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Start a war with Pain and then recruit a significant amount of them (it is ironic that they then make Disuniter out to be a 'traitor' when they have numerous people who were warring them in their tribe - but to each their own)

Pain got defeated and then the switch happened
We are still fighting you.
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One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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The first, clearly in jest, and as we discussed, based on incorrect information.

The second, more misinformation, we weren't about to join jheez, so the chat is pointless.

I have answered everything to the best of my knowledge.

You wanted proof that we intended to go after Run before August. I just gave you that. And now 'Googly must have been joking'.

You are extremely good at twisting facts, and trying to twist people's words. You seem to believe you know the meaning of words I type better than I do. You seem to believe you understand our interpretation of things better than we do.

Your arrogance and ego are truly exceptional, and yet completely unwarranted.

I'm going to block you at this point. I'll explain why - but I'm sure you'll know my mind better than me and give this world the luxury of your irrelevant opinion :rolleyes:

Here goes!

Run was led horrendously and was a constantly cowering tribe because of your attempts at leadership. You backstabbed Spit leaders to steal their tribe, jumped in on Munch's war, became their pet and then jumped in on Cicada's war. And then you ditched your team at the start of their first genuinely challenging war because you decided to spend your time on another world and left your team high and dry.

Tl;dr? I just realised I don't care about your opinions at all, because it just occurred to me that if I think the exact opposite way to you about this game, that is something I'm extremely happy with.

Thank you for bringing me to a point of enlightenment. And now you're blocked :)
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Deleted User - 3135

Run was led horrendously and was a constantly cowering tribe because of your attempts at leadership. You backstabbed Spit leaders to steal their tribe, jumped in on Munch's war, became their pet and then jumped in on Cicada's war. And then you ditched your team at the start of their first genuinely challenging war because you decided to spend your time on another world and left your team high and dry.

Once again, that's all fiction, a fabrication. You either have a very vivid imagination or quick to believe anything you read.

But for once this time, I think we can agree with one another. If this is the case, I'm happy to be blocked.
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Contributing Poster
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your post are all lies, you asked for helped because you couldn't defeat Jheeez, Jheez was infact winning against your pathetic arrogant tribe.

Now what your saying is that you could have beaten Jheez by yourself, without the Help of Run and Munch your tribe would be reeling from defeat against Jheez.

Your way of twisting the truth and making you look like champions makes me want to vomit. Now you can't win against Crunch then you resort to using spies, like Disuniter, well in fairness he fits your pathetic tribe because he is also a backstabber who just thinks of himself and not for the others. Selfish and arrogant tribe like yours will never win this world.

Just look at SINTM right now, your sacrificing them. Also you sacrificied Death Orchestra, your tribe promised to give him a slot in CICADA once they betray PMS, and Death Orchestra was spying for your tribe all along.


not a bad start but you don't go nearly far enough

....or are you really naive enough to think that Jheez wasn't also part of Cicada from the beginning as well?


Non-stop Poster
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not a bad start but you don't go nearly far enough

....or are you really naive enough to think that Jheez wasn't also part of Cicada from the beginning as well?
Oh my god Ricky you can't just say that on a public forum, then they'll realize Munch was also part of Cicada the whole time!

Frying Pan Warrior

Still Going Strong
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Run was led horrendously and was a constantly cowering tribe because of your attempts at leadership. You backstabbed Spit leaders to steal their tribe, jumped in on Munch's war, became their pet and then jumped in on Cicada's war. And then you ditched your team at the start of their first genuinely challenging war because you decided to spend your time on another world and left your team high and dry.

Come on, I forgave BH, you can too. Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! It's over, we're all crunch now. No need to continue exchanging shots about some earlier political game drama.

Oh my god Ricky you can't just say that on a public forum, then they'll realize Munch was also part of Cicada the whole time!

Now they'll all know why Cicada is taking its time nobling Munch!!! The secret will be ruined!

=Bit Cloud=

Non-stop Poster
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Maybe we're just internalling ex RUN and then we will be friends with the crunchies who will then team up to stop a Spexit so the EU doesn't fall apart.


Non-stop Poster
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Run was led horrendously and was a constantly cowering tribe because of your attempts at leadership. You backstabbed Spit leaders to steal their tribe, jumped in on Munch's war, became their pet and then jumped in on Cicada's war. And then you ditched your team at the start of their first genuinely challenging war because you decided to spend your time on another world and left your team high and dry.

since SPIT was mentioned
the above is correct however it did occur in a round about way and also included outside influences

now live in the present and stop dragging up the past
all sides have made their choices, some very questionable but all the same
have fun and give us watchers a good show in-game

Deleted User - 3135

since SPIT was mentioned
the above is correct however it did occur in a round about way and also included outside influences

You can't shit on someone then follow with "now live in the present and stop dragging up the past" to end the argument.

9/10 of the claim you pretend is true you weren't even there for. For the other 1/10 it wasn't me who forced you out. It wasn't even me who was leader after you so how does that work?

Bizzare comment. Although it's now pretty clear who may have made it up in the first place.
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Non-stop Poster
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well one thing is for sure, CICADA members really save their info and twist them to their advantage

Leadership of CICADA are cold hearted players, well this game requires a strong stomach and a solid mind can't blame them for that


Deleted User - 9891796

9/10 of the claim you pretend is true you weren't even there for. For the other 1/10 it wasn't me who forced you out. It wasn't even me who was leader after you so how does that work?

Bizzare comment.

Am I the only one that read Aurora said "the above is correct however it did occur in a round about way and also included outside influences"? As in it's not as straightforward as you kicking her and taking her place? I mean I'm not privy to what happened but even I can tell you're just playing dumb.

Why is it so difficult for people to actually read what's written rather than trying to read between the lines something that's not there o_O

Deleted User - 3135

Am I the only one that read Aurora said "the above is correct however it did occur in a round about way and also included outside influences"? As in it's not as straightforward as you kicking her and taking her place? I mean I'm not privy to what happened but even I can tell you're just playing dumb.

Why is it so difficult for people to actually read what's written rather than trying to read between the lines something that's not there o_O

Conversely, why do you feel the need to take a shot at a topic in which you have no knowledge? Given you've asked me the question (although combined with a weird statement on people's ability to read o_O), I'll answer it.

Whatever words he uses to obfuscate his point, he was quoting a paragraph that included a number of points, saying it was about true. I am saying it was not only not true, it was a lie, while he himself was not even there for 90% of the topic he was agreeing with.

Even for the one part of the post he was there for, that you reference, I did not take his place, another leader did. Nor was I in any way behind his removal. I was in part the reason for his successors (several weeks later), but even then that was not myself. I ended up the eventual leader who went onto beat the tribe that moon and his successor were failing against, but that in no way links me to any part of Googly's work of fiction that Moon was apparently agreeing to.