MuFFiN wants you!


15. Name Royalist's favorite color. Grey

What is this supposed to mean? :(


question number one (or Question x ) should be what is the time now?

and the last question should be what is the time now? so people who r doing the form can give a more accurate time...


question number one (or Question x ) should be what is the time now?

and the last question should be what is the time now? so people who r doing the form can give a more accurate time...

You should mail Jimmyto about this great improvement. This way we could acctualy find good players to our mass-recruited peice of inactive cannon fodder tribe.


For the fun of it:

1. How long have you been playing? September 2007

2. What is your favorite type of muffin? Blueberry

3. Do you think muffins much more tasty, yet more beneficial to ones health and less fattening compared to cookies?

Well I guess that depends on how you make them, but in general muffins go better with coffee than cookies.

4. Do you have any experience in leading ops?


5. Do you think I am cool. :D

Debatable since you made this extremely long questionnaire.

6. Would I make a cooler blueberry muffin or chocolate muffin?

Just how am I supposed to answer this? Both?

7. What is better troops or points? (pssst the answer is points! ;) )


8. Who was the first human being to orbit the Earth?

Some Russian guy... can't remember the name

9. Do you think 12azor is a bit... feminine?

Not in the least

10. Are you familiar with the gospel of MuFFiNdom?

If we're referring to the "muffin song" then sure...

11. Can you cite the legend of the MuFFiN tree.


12. Can you type the letters of the alphabet backwards?

How much time do I have to accomplish this feat?

13. Do you think Pervis is a spy? O.O

No idea

14. Obama for president. Yes or No?

Not a chance in hell

15. Name Royalist's favorite color.

Given that he doesn't like black dawns I would assume he loves pink

16. How long is a fortnight?

14 days

16. Geschlossen! Yes, No, Maybe?


17. coke or pepsi?

Vanilla Coke - when I drink anything except for coffee

18. Ketchup or mustard?


19. Burger King or McDonald's?

Burger King

20. Are you active on this world?

If farming people with 10 spears is active then yes I'm active

21. Why do you want to be in MuFFiN?

Because you guys make hilarious questionnaires like this one...

22. What is the most villages you have ever had?

Around 800 over 3 accounts

23. Are you an aggressive player, defensive player, or an all around carebear who doesn't believe in troops?

I believe in inspecting villages for people without charge.

24. What is your favorite holiday?

Any holiday's good

25. How many muffins could a baker bake if a baker could bake muffins?


26. Wouldn't you rather be in nuked!? :S

It's my policy to welcome all tourists into my village where they will be treated with the utmost hospitality. Seldom do any troops return after visiting my villages since they understand that the good life is there and not where they came from.

27. Cna yuo raed tihs?


28. What does lol, ftw, tbh, and lmirl mean?

29. Are you active on the p&p forums.


30. Would you ever have "sexual relations" with a person of the same sex for a million dollars?

I'll stand before the firing squad or any other means of execution before that...

32. Do you think I am a good recruiter?


33. Is filling this out really worth maybe getting into MuFFiN?

No, I'm doing it for the fun of it though

34. Would you send pictures of yourself, doing various deeds, not of any specific nature, but mostly naughty deeds to a MuFFiN member to help get an invite? If yes, and you are a male send them to Dauthi.

Excuse me?

35. Why are MuFFiNs so damn cool?

Your edible, and tasty...

36. Would you be interested in starting our academy tribe, BaGeL?

Thanks but no thanks...

37. Swimming trunks or a speedo?

I maintain that humans are not aquatic creatures... I tend to stay out of the water...

37. Are you still interested in joining MuFFiN?


38. Do you think that the Power Rangers were the shit back in the day?

I never watched that show, ever...

40. Red ranger was cool, green/white ranger sucked....

No bloody idea either

41. Will you spell out words properly and not use any of that web slang crap the "cool" kids are using these days?

Real men can use proper English.

42. Would you support a tribe mate in need.

Without a doubt yes

43. What time(s) are you on during the day?

I don't have a timezone... I'm on whenever I'm on.

44. Are you close to me or any other MuFFiN members, if so, who?

No idea, haven't looked

45. Are you in the NW? (That is where we are based.)

No but I'm in the northern tip of the world.

46. Did you notice a while back there were 2 number 16 questions?

Indeed, what was the point of that?

47. Did you notice that there was no number 31?

Obviously either the double 16s were a joke or some compromise had to be made.

48. When was the first muffin ever made?


49. How does one rate a muffin? Size, Smell, or Taste?


50. Who should be the w21 mod for the p&p forum?


51. Do muffins sleep during the day or night?

They sleep? Since when?

52. Aren't worlds with old world settings better than worlds with nooby new settings like archers and paladins and what not?

Less to remember > more to remember

53. What did 7 do?


54. Are aliens real? If so would they eat muffins?

Who knows, guess we're going to find out one of these days...

55. Kittens or puppies?

Puppies... kittens scratch...

56. Where is Waldo?

Busy beating up Garfield

57. Why is Waldo hiding?

Odie pulled a shotgun on him

58. What do you think of Waldo's fashion sense?

I wasn't aware a gorilla had a sense of fashion...

59. What is your favorite type of cheese?

Any kind

60. How badly do you want to be in this tribe?

Depends on how serious I am about playing this world I guess.

61. Do you have a pimp? (If not contact silk fox)


62. Why do muffins play a large role in the power of Chuck Norris?


63. Does Chuck Norris have a cousin named Nhuck Corris? If yes could he be Asian?

If taking the first letters of both words and swapping them produces a new person altogether then well... everyone would have a lot of relations...

64. Would you be willing to send me a small amount of resources, if it would help your chances of getting in the tribe? Keep in mind it would help your chances a lot.

I don't have a market sorry.

65. What are the cords of the super secret muffin base?

Probably your home village

66. Peanut M&M's or regular?


67. How many of each type of animal did Moses take on his ark?

I do not buy into that nonsense sorry.

68. What is the best way to clear a village with troops in it?

Buy it off the owner for a fair market value.

69. Did you know that as of this moment 95% of tribes in the top 20 have more than 65 members?

I don't pay attention, enough to do on 10

70. Did you know that 100% of that 95% are probably pointwhoring it up right now while most of the tribes that are half decent are building troops right now?

71. Why is The Ugliest Duckling so damn ugly? :S

Is this supposed to be a trick question?

72. What is the circumference of a moose?


73. Muffins are both huggable and lovable creatures found in the enchanted meadows of magical places. Yes, No, Maybe?

I eat muffins for breakfast :O

74. On a scale of 1-10 how awesome am I as a recruiter?

10 since you made this ridiculous questionnaire

75. What came first, the chicken or the Muffin?

It all depends on your perspective

76. Have you ever had one of McDonalds breakfast burritos?


77. You are really determined to get into this tribe aren't you?

When you've wasted half an hour of your time, you tend to finish what you started...

78. Are you really that interested in being a disciple of muffindom or do you just want to be in the tribe for protection or other reasons?

No comments

79. Are you familiar with one of the founding muffin forefathers, or more commonly known as, The Muffin Man?

He sells muffins on "Causeway Bay" I believe?

80. Why are millions of people afraid of the Muffin Man?

I was under the impression millions of people buy muffins off him...

81. Do you know how to chortle effectively? If not stop filling this application out and message daisypoo immediately for further instruction.

If my silent version counts sure...

82. Can one live on muffins alone?

Depends on what you spike your muffins with...

83. Will you send me a birthday present this year when it is my birthday?

"pmg free stuff pl0x" , I believe that would be a rather accurate description of this question and the related ones before.

84. Is floppy pancake's real identity Jim McWaffle?


85. Will you give me or any other MuFFiN's any premium points? :D

Depends... I hardly see the need for premium when one has under 150k points though.

86. Will you be a spy in our tribe?

I do not condone spying.

87. Favorite small mammal that lives in water. Beaver or rabbit?

Beaver... rabbits are EVIL.

88. Would you like to come to a party in my pants?

I'll pass.

89. Do MuFFiNs party a lot? Only all the time....

Hasn't this question been answered by the question?

90. If you were made an honorary MuFFiN, would you celebrate with cheap alcohol or the expensive stuff?

I don't touch the cheap stuff - period.

91. Would you share with other MuFFiNs?

Why not, it would be amusing to see a band of drunk muffins would I'm still sober in the most likely case.

92. Would you share with cookie?

Cookies drink?

93. What about Shyt?


94. Do you think that the reason k55 smeels so bad is because of shyt?

There would be a connection between those two facts undoubtedly...

95. Would you like for Tyr Hades to be the w21 mod on the p&p forums? Vote yes....

Eh who?

96. What mod on the p&p forums is known for giving a record breaking 951 infractions, 3 warnings, and possibly thousands of bans out?


97. What is the color blue?

A color

98. What is a baby MuFFiN called?


99. Batman or Superman?


100. How many troops do you have this moment in time?

None I'm still under beginner protection.

101. What is my name?

TW or RS?

102. What is your name?

TW or RS?

103. How long did this application take you?

3+ hours
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i hope to god die and ctrl dont randomly appear here and eat the muffins again 0.0