Need Help


Our troops are almost as happy to see them as we are. :lol:

*spearman is holding his spear*
"Hey Steve, my spear, look at it, it's vibrating!"
"Oh my, the sexual innuendos are going to ensue now."
"I know, it's detecting something, woah, kind of like that time when we were in the locke-"
"Ted! I told you, I was thinking of Stacy, that wasn't like that"
"Oh sure oh sure, look it's pointing that way!"
"Axemen know how to wrap their weapons better with elastic. Send the scouts to see if there's any STDs"
"You know, there's a lot of sexually suggestive things here."
"Yes I know, but it's all for the sake of teaching, see, we must educate the children of this server, when a man loves a farm, he sends his romantic axemen in first, or if he's just using her, he quickens it up with light cavalry. But the ones who play hard to get, get the real rams. The swords are like her father, they scare away the casanova axemen, and us spears shoo away the 1 night standers with our long pointy sticks that are here to compensate for something. And this wall and the blacksmith, is like our queens chastity belt from any young and testosterone-driven noblemen."
"did I say sexually suggestive? Oh dear, I think we went past that line"
"We sure did Tedd...or Steve, I lost track who each of us was."
"Yes, amnesia on account of a lazy poster."
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Okay well letmeoutnow is well part of Devil's Advocates as a trainee...


He left us, and his friend who brought him to the game is teaching him :/


I have chosen to voyage out and give this a shot on my own. I appreciate everything you guys have told me and help I believe I can do this.