Failed Vote New Account Manager function: Minting

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Non-stop Poster
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Most of us use a single for minting coins in the most cost effective way (using coin flag/royal streamer/double flag effectiveness.

However, as accounts get larger, this means monitoring the academy page as the resources arrive to the village to mint coins as the resources arrive. This can take 8+ hours for some accounts.

It would be great if we could assign a village to "automatically mint" using account manager, so that the tedious, annoying and boring task of watching the academy page for hours just to mint coins is no longer necessary.


Non-stop Poster
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It would be great if we could have a function to assign a village/group to automatically mint coins in the academy as soon as resources are available. Most of us use a single village to mint, because using things like the coin price reduction flag in combination with flag boosters, is the most efficient way.

This method means requesting resources from all of your other villages, with the arrival times sometimes lasting 8+ hours on larger accounts, meaning you watch the academy page for hours to make sure there is no resource overflow in the warehouse, which I think one of the most boring and menial tasks in TW. It shouldn't be necessary.

I think an AM function to allow specific groups/villages to auto mint should be easy to implement and would be appreciated by a lot of players.


Awesomest CM Ever
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This idea is approved for voting. Good luck!

(I also merged your two seperate topics into one ;) )

Deleted User - 11483970

yes yes yes!! i have had to sit more than one accounts so that their warehouses dont overflow all while mine are also minting so they dont overflow!!


Non-stop Poster
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Let's just put in "automatic faking" into AM if we first wanna go down this route removing the key aspect of the game which is activity.

This is a lazy workaround to the problem created by flag boosters being a thing in the first place. We should rather have a vote to remove the item or restrict it to non-coin flags.

Saint Laurent

Non-stop Poster
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Activity is key to success of course, but lets be real... To watch the academy screen on a large account for 48 hours straight is just too much, we're all humans after all. Especially if you use the royal streamer and have a decent amount of resource packages and have to do it for a whole week. Its takes a lot of energy and is not even healthy to do. Couldnt even look away from the screen for one or two minutes without overflowing resources for hours and hours. (Especially if you build super tight clusters so a lot of what you request flows in every 30 seconds or less.

If you dont want it to be automatic, just add something in event such as infinite warehouse space in one village for 48/168 hours ;) that would be cool too


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The AM has so many features by now, including automatic recruiting, village bulding, farming at the blink of any eye, even res deliveries! The minting is a thing that needs to remain in the hand of players themselves at least.


Non-stop Poster
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as much as i wanna kill myself while minting with flag doubler on 440 villages, that would take away the whole point of it..people who do this, do it to get ahead, you gotta put the work in for the reward.. with all the PP features and things money can get you this way a way to beat lazy people along with farming.. so with that the next thing would be automatic farming? what im trying to say is players that put in the effort would fall even further behind

i still voted yes cuz im retarded


Non-stop Poster
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This idea is approved for voting. Good luck!

(I also merged your two seperate topics into one ;) )

Thanks. I posted one and it never appeared so I thought something happened to it, which is why there are two now.

There are some mistakes/repeated sentences in the post. This is because I stayed up overnight minting manually..Lol


Awesomest CM Ever
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Please be aware that the votes on this poll have been reset to 0. It was brought to our attention that a certain player has created several accounts in order to rig the voting system. His access has therefore been revoked. Please note that we do not tolerate attempts to falsify these votings and actions will be taken against it.

Kind regards,

//edit: it will be taken into account that there were also non-rigged votes when the poll has closed.
Last edited:

Seven Devils

Still Going Strong
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The AM is great, but as a few is already pointing out, we are humans playing, or should we just automate everything and let the AM fight for us as well?

I mean, if EVERYONE is going to get it, why do we even use things as double flags etc? Make sure does who pay doesn't get the nobles? Sure one good way to ruin a game, making it completly p2w.

Something that would be more interesting is to make the templates better perhaps, instead of fixed numbers, make them % and if all 3 resources so that there will be no overflow of a single resource when minting, if you understand what i mean. (If a village has 400k wood 400k clay 12.5k iron, it will only request 14 15 12.5k resources)

I vote no, too overpowered features will not be good in the long run for the game.

0.2 Percent Nigerian

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If we keep advancing account manager we're going to have to change the name of it to account owner, because it's going to do everything for everyone. You can set up auto deliveries and everything for AM already. So you're telling me that I get this setup I just have to login to send nobles at barbs once every 2 weeks and not have to do a single thing other than make sure my account doesn't barb? Legit we're now saying that we don't have to do anything to maintain our own growth if we start pushing for these things to be approved. Every game has to have a skill gap, with the google train extension being approved, LA enhancer being approved, and this on the verge of being approved its taking away from the skill gap of the game. Even mainstream games are realizing that skill gaps are needed so their implementing AI players in them to give people the feeling they're doing good in the game. We don't have a skill gap and more people will start leaving this game at a faster rate than the people that are against P2W. I mean there's randoms on the rim with black flags now adays from flag farming casual worlds. You give these randoms on the rim auto-gen coins pretty much and they're now a huge player in no time playing regular worlds as casual worlds. If y'all wanna approve this throw this on a casual world just don't bring it to the regular worlds.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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Most of us use a single for minting coins in the most cost effective way (using coin flag/royal streamer/double flag effectiveness.

Personally i feel that this current meta of flag boosting a coin flag and then spamming resources at a specific village to be un-fun and not engaging gameplay, outside of having to check to mint coins every 5 minutes for 48 hours. Its a time sink and a burden on the individual to calculate how to maximise their gameplay around such a static and boring mechanic. Literally the entire game now (particularly the early-mid stage once you have a cluster of vils) revolves how to get the most possible value out of your resource packs. Its only a slight exaggeration to say that worlds can be won/lost depending on how much the members of a tribe exploit the doubled coin flag to its highest potential. If you want to be (long-term) competitive currently then you must be doing this or you risk falling behind by hundreds of vils compared to others who are doing this.

Right now the only down-side to this current meta is that it is extremely time intensive for a period of time while you are actually minting. This is the only 'check' that stops it from being completely out of control and toxic.

Therefore i think making the process easier is completely the opposite of what needs to be done. Instead of automating and making it a complete snooze-fest and p2w the coin boosting should be nerfed. Either reduction in time value or 50% increased value instead of 100%. There should never be a single strategy hands and feet above other methods of growing your account correctly. I feel like it should be a viable method that is an asset if used correctly of course but it is currently too strong already as it is and this change would only make it stronger


Master Commander 2019
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A lot of the game is "unbalanced" from a P2W perspective by the existence of the Flag Doubler.

Currently, there is at least an advantage to be gained by a player with the activity and drive to sit and mint with a doubled flag. Automating this completely takes away the advantage from the player who is willing to grind to close a gap, at the same time pandering to the player who is willing to just spend stacks upon stacks of cash and not have to struggle through the process to reap the benefits.

Alternative options for adjusting the "meta" of minting would simply be to nerf the doubler itself. As Minty suggests, reduction in value or duration would be great - and while it is likely not a feasible option, I am heavily in favor of removing the item from the game. Would the game be in a sorry state without doublers? Personally, I think not. Doing this would add more value back into accounts with larger stock of lower level flags, without directly taking away the benefit of those who have a top tier black flag. A black coin flag would still be immensely valuable in a startup scenario, while a collection of 200 mid tier flags can be applied in mid/late stages to replace the "grind" of flag double minting. This also takes away the annoying "Get Out Of Jail Free Card" from bad defensive strategy. I think most people can relate that seeing a flag doubled stack is just an anti-fun experience.

In summation, I believe the system should either stay in current state, or the flag doubler should be removed from / raised in rarity on the "drop table" for event rewards.

Deleted User - 10770065

Making p2w warriors have an even bigger advantage than they already have? No thanks.


Contributing Poster
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I am 44, two kids, a job, a normal life. Still, I am online a lot. 10 years ago I had alarm set every two hours to check for incoming and to send farming parties and my wife almost took kids and left. if you define activity by not having a life beside TW good luck to you. I have no problem to be beaten by player who can read my moves and send attacks and fakes so I lose villages, but when I am beaten by person who has no job, no life and 24 hours to do nothing but to oversee warehouse, I do not see that as his win.

I vote YES, but I would like to see restriction that it can be active only on village with double flag and only during double flag is active. So not a premium feature but flag feature as an addition to double flag.


Master Commander 2019
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I am 44, two kids, a job, a normal life. Still, I am online a lot. 10 years ago I had alarm set every two hours to check for incoming and to send farming parties and my wife almost took kids and left. if you define activity by not having a life beside TW good luck to you. I have no problem to be beaten by player who can read my moves and send attacks and fakes so I lose villages, but when I am beaten by person who has no job, no life and 24 hours to do nothing but to oversee warehouse, I do not see that as his win.

I vote YES, but I would like to see restriction that it can be active only on village with double flag and only during double flag is active. So not a premium feature but flag feature as an addition to double flag.

So, you would prefer not to be beaten by the guy who is willing to sink time into the game, rather the guy who is willing to just shell out as much cash as possible to get flag doublers? Sound logic there.


Contributing Poster
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So, you would prefer not to be beaten by the guy who is willing to sink time into the game, rather the guy who is willing to just shell out as much cash as possible to get flag doublers? Sound logic there.
if a guy has money, a guy can boost up the village in one day, buy flags until he has 18% res, plus 20% from premium, and have full nuke for scavenging in 15 days from acquiring village. full village+full nuke is 3+ coins per day without flag booster. so his money on flag booster is the least problem.
And if you read my post you can read "I have no problem to be beaten by player who can read my moves and send attacks and fakes so I lose villages " so I am not sure how can you quite me and still not get me right.