1. Best All Around Player: Ngaz/Martin/Bullet
2. Best Attacker: Ngaz
3. Best Defender: Bullet/Martin/Ngaz
4. Best strategic player:Martin
5. Best Player that got rimmed: Some of the Apathy players probably
6. Biggest Barb Taker: W2V

7. Best Tribe: Contra/W2V
8. Runner up Tribe: Contra/W2V
9. The most enjoyable player to piss off: --
10. The player you never want to piss off:Ngaz
11. Best team (group of players): Contra council was a great group, large scale W2V takes it any day

12. Funniest Player: Crim
13. Best War: Contra vs Apathy
14. Who would you most like to meet?: --
15. Who's computer would you most like to break?: Vemork - Thats a lot of barbs if we could keep the account signed out i guess..
16. Most over rated player: Turtle Soup was a disappointment
17. Most Improved (went from noob to killer): RunningBullet, we had doubts in his early days but he stuck with it and hes one of the best I know
18. Most Annoying Player: Azazel Aziz probably, he split his trains and was sending the most fakes at me
19. Luckiest Player: Me maybe, I was on breaking point when Apathy started to delete

20. Best Alliance: W2V + UWR
21. Greatest Farmer: --
22. Best mail: Pinder had some great ones
23. Most Dramatic: Mayhem
24. Most Paranoid: --
25. Most Underhanded: al i guess?
26. Most Loyal: Contra council - We were practically family
27. Greatest Spy: Could say Mayhem maybe, but he wasnt that good at it more or less just had us in a tough spot.
28. Biggest Stat Padder: --
29. Best Leader: W2V leadership has been fairly flawless so far
30. Worst Leader: Mayhem