Nubs bite back


Stats speak for themselves? Get a grip.

You have organised a full scale tribal op against a former NEW member who is over half a K away from potential AAA support - maybe our fault, but it can't be helped now. He was 140k points and surrounded. Luckily however, he has some skill and has been able to snipe some of NEW's 5 second trains and recapped one of the villages (I said he had some skill, but guess he hasn't needed that so far). So, as for the stats, lets wait for a bit to allow each tribe to settle before getting too egotistical over 30k points....

Less than half of AAA will be involved in this war as many are still fighting your allies W~E etc and others are too far away to effectively contribute. Unfortunately your dear friends @FEAR@, MG and 1heart (was that their name? I forget what we have eaten recently) are no longer with us to make up the numbers. So good luck. I also have heard (not from spies, but from dissatisfied NEW members) that a lot of NEW aren't too happy with this development. We will have to wait a week or so to see if their fears are well founded ;).


Stats speak for themselves? Get a grip.

You have organised a full scale tribal op against a former NEW member who is over half a K away from potential AAA support - maybe our fault, but it can't be helped now. He was 140k points and surrounded. Luckily however, he has some skill and has been able to snipe some of NEW's 5 second trains and recapped one of the villages (I said he had some skill, but guess he hasn't needed that so far). So, as for the stats, lets wait for a bit to allow each tribe to settle before getting too egotistical over 30k points....

Less than half of AAA will be involved in this war as many are still fighting your allies W~E etc and others are too far away to effectively contribute. Unfortunately your dear friends @FEAR@, MG and 1heart (was that their name? I forget what we have eaten recently) are no longer with us to make up the numbers. So good luck. I also have heard (not from spies, but from dissatisfied NEW members) that a lot of NEW aren't too happy with this development. We will have to wait a week or so to see if their fears are well founded ;).
So its their fault you recruited someone far away and didnt stack them before hand? :icon_neutral:


You have organised a full scale tribal op against a former NEW member who is over half a K away from potential AAA support - maybe our fault, but it can't be helped now.

As I had said, yes it is our fault. I was mainly objecting to him bragging on the externals when his tribe has nobled 4v1 against one player.... Especially given the history, when their gangbang failed so spectacularly previously. Another dose of humility must be in order to stop them running their mouths on the externals ;).


gotta love the irony, AAA asked for nap, Raveman9 made the criterias for the NAP, nr8 being "do no recruitment from eachother", and its here things get interesting, first the AAA council claimed their members didnt read the forums, when some minor attacks kept coming, then they stated that bashers should be in the nap aswell, then they attacked our bashers, again using some moronic exuses.

yesterday they topped it all, recruiting a member in new, we pulled the refugee card ofcourse, and in this raveman comes and state that WE broke the nap by attacking the refugee AAA recruited from us.

well stats speaks for itself.

My Dear Cookie,

1. There was Never a NAP in place. Sure discussions were going on, but looking at you and your tribes attitude glad that did not work out.
2. We are done with a few of our gang bangers and now you are left. We are not at WAR with you yet and will let you know if and when we decide.
3. You post all stats you want 100 vs 1 for you, immaterial. All will be set right in due course.

I don't want to get into any excuses. We tried to work out something, yes, but happy it did not work out. Our relationship is back to square one, which in case you do not understand is "NOTHING".

You want to put the entire onus of breaking a non finalized NAP on AAA, well so be it.

Trust me, please do not attach over importance to yourself, AAA has never looked at you as a threat and this will apply to the future as well. We will eat you at will, do what you can.


As of what I know the support has already landed and Shahzad is stacked and hopefully will survive and cookie please keep your damn mouth out I know you are a noob


awww how sweet, AAA members flocking around the external again, defending what ? your shady ways of accomplishing things ?

after having a mail with rave last night, he told me in person that we did have a FINALIZED nap, but it was broken cause one of OUR members attacked one of his bashers, i can ofcourse lay that mail out here if you like you ignorant ape.

So far you guys in AAA have done about every low move iv seen in this game, and that in only matter of weeks.

we all know you will come at us again, but hell you might find that things will change alot the next few weeks, lets find out shall we.

you never saw us as threats ? yet YOU came to us, YOU asked US for a nap, what does that tell you ??

want a little tip, go bang your head against the wall a couple times, and hope that delusional brain cell you have in there takes a vacation.


Cookie, you really had me worried. I thought you decided to ignore this thread. I am at peace now. Have a nice day :icon_smile: and no I will not bang my head against a wall. It hurts :icon_confused:


you never saw us as threats ? yet YOU came to us, YOU asked US for a nap, what does that tell you ??

You know cookie why I am calling you a noob as I think if you knew that you guys weren't a thread for AAA then you should not have had agreed on it when those guys were fighting the other small noobs like you If I would have been in your place I would have some fun irritating these guys but as I said your a noob they used you and you are done with NOOB


AAA have a habit of recruiting places that they shouldn't, and then having it backfire on them.

It'll be interesting to see what happens this time.


You know cookie why I am calling you a noob as I think if you knew that you guys weren't a thread for AAA then you should not have had agreed on it when those guys were fighting the other small noobs like you If I would have been in your place I would have some fun irritating these guys but as I said your a noob they used you and you are done with NOOB

dude you make no sense, if your argumentation is "your a noob, i am not" then please for the love of god, go practice your insults in a dark corner until you can actually produce something a little constructive and to the mark.

the "your smaller then me, therefor your a noob", argument will carry you just that far.

you call us noobs, yet you have taken how many villages ? 7 from us ? your hmm 12 mill points bigger then us, and YET you have captured 7 villages, i applaud you.

i do hope you realise, that when the tribe your size decides to take a nibble at you, you will fall hard.

if you think argumenting like rave does, will get you far, you are sorely mistaken.


dude you make no sense, if your argumentation is "your a noob, i am not" then please for the love of god, go practice your insults in a dark corner until you can actually produce something a little constructive and to the mark.

the "your smaller then me, therefor your a noob", argument will carry you just that far.

you call us noobs, yet you have taken how many villages ? 7 from us ? your hmm 12 mill points bigger then us, and YET you have captured 7 villages, i applaud you.

i do hope you realise, that when the tribe your size decides to take a nibble at you, you will fall hard.

if you think argumenting like rave does, will get you far, you are sorely mistaken.

I have just one thing to say I am not in AAA noob lol



Ok, so lets assume that this NAP was finalized. Surely that means that the 72 hour grace period that was put in the clauses should have been upheld....

Oh, but no it wasn't. So, the very upright and noble NEW decided it wasn't in their best interests and therefore resorted to "shady" and "underhand" tactics, alike to what AAA has supposedly been doing..... Doesn't quite cut it for me, sorry!

As I know what a sucker you are for stats, I thought I should update this:

Side 1:
Tribes: NEW
Side 2:
Players: xshahzad

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 6
Side 2: 2
Difference: 4


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 50,989
Side 2: 19,412
Difference: 31,577


Good job on the very successful op - looks like he rose in ~1mil ODD too and is not even properly stacked yet. Guess that is quite a few dead nukes and nobles, which earlier in this thread you guys were all about...

It also appears that a few of your members don't wish to be here either. I was under the impression we haven't even hit back yet......
dondakotenLeft08th December 2012 - 18:03141,873
Bone-CollectorLeft08th December 2012 - 06:03199,441

Now please give me a coherent response minus the insults which you seem determined to put in every sentence. An explanation as to the failings of your tribal offense would be gratefully received.


we have taken 6 he took 2 back, well done indeed, aaa stacks has started to flood in, wich again, we knew would come.

in defending, NEW has shown its worth over and over, in offense however i think many has alot to learn still, and will become better at in the time to come.

when it comes to bone and donda, i cant defend their actions as its their alone to make, all i can say there, is that someone will always leave when a greater force is targetting them, for all i know, their both trying to get into some safe havens.

like i said, the fact your 4 times as large as us, will always implement fear, and doubts in someone, in a few of us it only present a greater fun.

sure if we want more time here, we will make our respective moves here and there, not that we know at this time what that might be.

when it comes to hazad, AAA made the first breach in recruiting him at all. as no recruitment from each of the tribes, was one of the terms for the nap.


Thanks for the reply - nicer to read this time around ;)

With respect to NEW, we hardly focused on you when we had the other coalition tribes on our doorstep. This time however, we will pay you more attention. Your offense is lacking for sure. Your defense is ok, I wouldn't say good. Morale has been a large factor up until now and seeing that you have grown a bit, I look forward to hitting 100% targets.

As for the NAP - both tribes were at fault. To pin it on one would be unjust. The breaking of the NAP though is an act of aggression, ie an attack. Recruiting a player could be construed as such, but the situation was still savable at that point. Anyway, whats done is done. I look forward to some action now and hope you don't disappoint ;)


Why in the hell AAA recruited XShah in the first place is beyond me.


after having a mail with rave last night, he told me in person that we did have a FINALIZED nap, but it was broken cause one of OUR members attacked one of his bashers, i can ofcourse lay that mail out here if you like you ignorant ape.

dexa I just went and read all the mails we sent to each other I never told you that we had a finalized NAP. I did how ever find one where I stated AAA had broken terms in our agreement. A agreement that was never finalized.


I bet AAA gets owned.

They invite tribe hoppers who run from wars so you will see that tribe fail soon.:icon_cool:

He had to add them so they do not look like the noobs they are and be up a few in nobles.

A rank 3 tribe is having a time with smaller tribes.

Who wants to take bets AAA players splits after a week?

I am just laughing my arse off lol


I bet AAA gets owned.

They invite tribe hoppers who run from wars so you will see that tribe fail soon.:icon_cool:

He had to add them so they do not look like the noobs they are and be up a few in nobles.

A rank 3 tribe is having a time with smaller tribes.

Who wants to take bets AAA players splits after a week?

i bet you 500 premium points they wont.

The IG time now is 07:23.

Next friday at this time, well see.


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