Nuclear disarray world 48-50


Nuclear disarray world 44-48

Im sorry about reposting but we have decided to edit the title to

The world will be 45or more.

If you are interested plz mail me , D4ed- or flinny.
For all who want a spot on those worlds, Plz comment.

The day before the world opens, i will post the direction which is needed
to move to:
Random- never pick random.
North west-
North east-
South west-
South east-

Anyone outisde of the continent which we join will be booted or will not recieve and invite.

Our member limits will be 50 members.

I already have 35 -40 members from previous worlds, so only 10-15 spots left on joining.

Well theres is a very big possiblity that -NC- will be moveing to a world inbetween 50and80 deppending on the settings.

After to talking to my RL freinds and my CPF/tribemates. We have decided to make a New tribe named " Nuclear disarray" But it will have my personal freinds from different will have my personal freinds from different worlds.

Anyway , i got boored of all of the worlds that i was on and decided its alway s fun to restart on a world. :p agreed?

All of the juicy stuff is bellow.


Tribes Name: Nuclear Disarray
Recuitment ::Open::Limited::Closed

From my perspective recruitment will only be about a strict 30-40 members, but i cannot say , because the council will decide that number.

Im not going to say noob arent alowwed but, noobs/newbies arent allowed.

If you have played the game for over a month and you have around 50k points on another world then FYI YOUR NOT A NOOB.

If you just started And your a fast grower and your going to get the hang of thing .. Than your eh friggin noob.

If you have any question plz mail me , if you want to know my exp, on former worlds and how long i have been playing.
because i am under analias well FIND OUT

Diplomacy: ::Open::Limited::Closed

Well , duh , diplomacy has to be limited, we cant be allies with any noob tribe.

Alliances, Nooooooo, before you ask the question, we dont make naps or allies in our continent.

Strict diplomacy,
Our dipomacy is pretty much set , reason bieng that some of our allies on different worlds have decided to join the fun also.

If you mail us , asking for a NAP its just like asking for an alliance,
We dont accept Nap's if we decide to set you as a NAP it would be only for us to ignore you while we face a bigger target
and soon after that has passed you will be moved to ENEMIES

Same thing aplies with enemies.

If there any question dont hesitate to mail me. online 24/7 well more like 15/7

Oh courese there will be one duke, and a set number of barons

Council member chosen from exspereince.

Barons chosen by trust /exspereice.

We dont like or acept mass recruitment.


. Skype or Email and a faithful internet conncetion.
.Must have two months exp.
.Must be willing to devote time to the game, and stay active.If you dont feel like putting the time/effort in WE DONT WANT YOU
. must be able to answer a questionare(truthly)To be considered to join.
. Must be willing, to follow and take order well.
.Must be within our K's.

lesson in history,

about 4 years ago two average teens were searching the internet for something fun, something interesting, something that would keep the mind of a 16year old occupied. Then they came across this link ," /Massive online browser based strategy game". It was amazing, so the two boys sighned up for the game , the graphics were completely different then , but the setting were incredible and very easily to get addicted.

Soon , after the birth of -USA- came. USa climbed up the ranks to the top 20 until a fierece war happpend and teh letter was , Nobled lol,so me and my freind were in dissary until we found a tribe named Karma. Soon after that we went to schooll spreading the news that we needed as many people as possible to try the game. Before we knew it we had 40brave members ready to face the world, about 4months later , our short attention spann caused us to pretty much stop playing the game. Mostly because of the " Dial up " internet conncetion. But my freind continued to play..

Three years later, after i had been playing evony for five months , and becomeing rank ,7 in the world i gave up that dream and gave away my acount. So then i got back into tribalwars , i was amazed to see that . karma was still aliave and had moved to several different world , includeing , 13 , 14 , and 17, But soon after most of my friend moved on....(Y am i writeing this because im boored)

Anyway the point is we all are going to move to a world between those numbers in the heading....

If you have hate mail , sent it to George Bush he likes it.

Im going to sleep .. leave a comment and ill get back to you.
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Sweet, Nice to see you have already set up the PnP, much respect bruh.

Me and you have already talked and u know me and all your buds are with you 100%


Sweet, Nice to see you have already set up the , much respect bruh.

Me and you have already talked and u know me and all your buds are with you 100%


Sweet, Nice to see you have already set up the premade, much respect bruh.

Me and you have already talked and u know me and all your buds are with you 100%


MEmbers list.
Eat My Arsenal
Clubmeber2869 3
Sirfookalot 4
Tony-Soprano 5
scubar 19
Knight of Manchester
ts5567 22
Menson 23
thrhodes 26 1.316 1
ertert4 29
Noel Vermillion
Mushroom Addict
Lord Brutii