Well it's been 2 years since i quit tribal wars (again) and am coming back. Was looking to get cotact info for some of my old friends on this world + bring some life back into these forums that i once called my home.
I played on this world as V3ngance an account that was gifted to me at 10k points. I raised it back in the days to 100k and decided to piss off all of TRI and die fighting them as one of the last few in PAWNS. I was betrayed by another player (who was banned as a result (wont name names)). And was rimmed. Grew on the rim and because my gameplay earned some respect of some good players in Dvader at the time. Grew on the RIM untill I hit 200k points when RL took over (Damn you RL!) I gifted my villages to my good friends and quit the game.
I was hoping to get in contact with
-gi.joe (pkiwarriors co-op at the time) if hes still around
-lustreonline (if on another account in someother world)
I was looking fir a co-player to play with in a new world, and well just to shoot the ship again with some old friends.
BTW looks like this world has reached the endgame and Dvader has pretty much won Gratz. A lot of you were worthy enemies, while i was in PAWNS. And some of you were worthy allies against TRI/~*S*~.
PS mods can move this to off topic if you want, i posted it here because i wanted to bring life back to these forums!

I played on this world as V3ngance an account that was gifted to me at 10k points. I raised it back in the days to 100k and decided to piss off all of TRI and die fighting them as one of the last few in PAWNS. I was betrayed by another player (who was banned as a result (wont name names)). And was rimmed. Grew on the rim and because my gameplay earned some respect of some good players in Dvader at the time. Grew on the RIM untill I hit 200k points when RL took over (Damn you RL!) I gifted my villages to my good friends and quit the game.
I was hoping to get in contact with
-gi.joe (pkiwarriors co-op at the time) if hes still around
-lustreonline (if on another account in someother world)
I was looking fir a co-player to play with in a new world, and well just to shoot the ship again with some old friends.
BTW looks like this world has reached the endgame and Dvader has pretty much won Gratz. A lot of you were worthy enemies, while i was in PAWNS. And some of you were worthy allies against TRI/~*S*~.
PS mods can move this to off topic if you want, i posted it here because i wanted to bring life back to these forums!