On the rim :)


Life, on the rim is good and easy. Why don't alot of people just go to the rim and try to be someone? I mean a rank 100 player in a k of K55 could be on the rim being rank 1. Its nice to own a K. Well, I am not rank 1 of my K yet. But, I will be. I mean why dont experienced players just join on the rim to get some relaxation time? Just play the game simple. Then, you start moving closer to the core obliterating everything in your way....

Well, you can answer the questions but I just wanna know why dont some experience players just join on the rim? Other then like 10 experience players per a k on the rim why not 50-100?


First of all, the rim is not made up of only noobs and newbs.

There are alot of experinced players on the rim. Infact a whole tribe full, RJ!.

But anyways, we don't (I don't) go because there is no action. In the core, you are either being attacked or attacking. Also in the latter stages of the game, everyone seems to want to move in the core. Meaning alot more action, which is a turn-on for me.

That is the main reason i stayed up all night waiting for this world to open, and why i was one of the first to join. Also the rim players are always two steps behind core players, points wise and everything else.Thats a turn-off.


I agree with Krieuk. there are many many experienced players on the rim, just less than the core.

the core is meant for the super active players that like camps at their computers just to farm (ahem not me of course... ;) )

The rim is more relaxed and more for those people who aren't as active or war hungry.

I think its more balanced this way how you wille ventually have all the active players clustred in the center, and all the casual players or noobs who are learning the ropes of the game outside. althought i think a noob should never join a new world, but a world that is maybe 3-4 months old so they are niceley on the rim with people near their level.


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First of all, the rim is not made up of only noobs and newbs.

There are alot of experinced players on the rim. Infact a whole tribe full, RJ!.

But anyways, we don't (I don't) go because there is no action. In the core, you are either being attacked or attacking. Also in the latter stages of the game, everyone seems to want to move in the core. Meaning alot more action, which is a turn-on for me.

That is the main reason i stayed up all night waiting for this world to open, and why i was one of the first to join. Also the rim players are always two steps behind core players, points wise and everything else.Thats a turn-off.

rj arent around anymore

and they werent exactly doing good even on the rim anyways

but yeah i hate the rim its so boring


rj arent around anymore

and they werent exactly doing good even on the rim anyways

but yeah i hate the rim its so boring

Oh to bad. But they were for example only.
I agree, Rim=Boring=Inactivity


There is no such tribe as RJ, not since edgey quit. It is now [H].

The action in the rim is a lot less dramatic than that of the core. I would say it is easier on the rim. A lot easier.

I Am King Cool

First of all, the rim is not made up of only noobs and newbs.

There are alot of experinced players on the rim. Infact a whole tribe full, RJ!.

But anyways, we don't (I don't) go because there is no action. In the core, you are either being attacked or attacking. Also in the latter stages of the game, everyone seems to want to move in the core. Meaning alot more action, which is a turn-on for me.

That is the main reason i stayed up all night waiting for this world to open, and why i was one of the first to join. Also the rim players are always two steps behind core players, points wise and everything else.Thats a turn-off.

incorrect actually... SOME not many but some of the best players come from the rim....
I myself and from the rim and not a noob, no the best you'll find but decent enough :D

I Am King Cool

There is no such tribe as RJ, not since edgey quit. It is now [H].

The action in the rim is a lot less dramatic than that of the core. I would say it is easier on the rim. A lot easier.

I second that.... but since school is still in full swing I can't play the core :(


incorrect actually... SOME not many but some of the best players come from the rim....
I myself and from the rim and not a noob, no the best you'll find but decent enough :D


Me and you don't know our neibors past TW history (In most cases). Your whole 7x7 could be full of "good" players. The rim for w32 could be a even amount of "good" players and newbs, or it could be more "better" players then newbs. Or the other way around. It is all very random.

I Am King Cool


Me and you don't know our neibors past TW history (In most cases). Your whole 7x7 could be full of "good" players. The rim for w32 could be a even amount of "good" players and newbs, or it could be more "better" players then newbs. Or the other way around. It is all very random.

yes.... I like to switch between rim and core... core is very fun in the summer... my hole 7*7 sucks :D nice juicy farms


Rim isnt as fun as the core but its great for easy exspansion and noob nolbing. If your arnt going to be hyper active on the world probably a smart choice to start there.

I Am King Cool

:p I'm hyper active as you call it :D
well you can build up oodles of points until the "core" players get closer to you so your better off...