Your language is very appropriate for an ex3DX leader:icon_neutral:. Your words reminded me about some frustrated persons in past:icon_biggrin:.
That you are stuck in the past seems fairly obvious by now...
Your language is very appropriate for an ex3DX leader:icon_neutral:. Your words reminded me about some frustrated persons in past:icon_biggrin:.
That you are stuck in the past seems fairly obvious by now...
I do not see the world in black and white as you do. I see it in colour. Respect that.
This is about SnM and us and if anyone else can be included here its ANARKY.
Who tell you this?:icon_neutral: We see two colours indeed, but not those:icon_wink:.
You contradict yourself...all the tribes on the map are conected each other.
Who tell you is forbidden for TSL members to post here?:icon_rolleyes:
................... Either that or just stay on topic please
On topic...Your fresh targets just run:icon_biggrin:...What is your move?:icon_eek:
the merge DOES interrupt the TSB war... it interupted it within hours, if not minutes by having SnM "running" (as some will call it) to ANARKY.guys cmon man lets all just have fun and enjoy the war ANARKY vs Skill? the merge made it fair for both sides no interupting the war TSB.
I can make a special declaration for Szi if she wishes :icon_wink:
Margarine and fireyflame.... What's cookin?
Margarine and fireyflame.... What's cookin?
we did not break our terms by discussing anything with other tribes. You must not know the terms of our NAP by saying that, and SnM came to us, and we did not accept their terms.david and chachi - you broke your NAP terms with TSB with an attempted merge of SnM a few days ago. This underhanded move was a clear fail.
You now recruit a member of SnM breaking the terms of your NAP a second time in as many days. Difficult to see any honour in this. Perhaps you should apply for a job in the US governement?