Pacman: The truth will out


DaBearo Sep 26,2012 16:36
I'd like to have a NAP for some time, but not too fond of the shared forum thing yet, but we can deffo have an NAP if you would like. :)

As you can plainly see we had an NAP with pacman. Until 2 hours ago. Now, without cancelling any agreements, we have 20+ incomings from them.

We spoke to DaBearo (or at least his sitter since he claims to be on holiday). This is what we received.

123callum Oct 07,2012 21:12

What happened to the days when tribes had some honour and respect? I thought [ally]pacman[/ally], with all their old timey charm and charisma, their experience and strength. I thought you guys were better than this. But apparently not.

DaBearo Oct 07,2012 21:14
We valued it for the time being but we heard many things that NEBULA were to start an offensive on us.

123callum Oct 07,2012 21:17
Why would we start an offensive on you? We have absolutely no desire to do such a thing. As I have said to many members of your tribe, we respect your tribe's past exploits but we do not fear them. I know you guys have a very good tribe and whilst at some point we are going to have to beat you to conquer this world, we would rather work with you for to clear it for as long as we can.

We respect and honour our NAPs.

Might I be so bold as to ask where you heard that from?

DaBearo Oct 07,2012 21:20
Heard it from EDEN

DaBearo Oct 07,2012 21:23
Anyway, we decided this upon rumours - risky I know, maybe the rumours were false, but we have decided that the NAP will be terminated. Purely based on the information told to us by [player]Clifford Harris[/player] who has recently quit and also been questioned by EDEN.

Maybe he fed us wrong info but at the end of the day we can't risk it.

DaBearo Oct 07,2012 21:26
Well if that's the case I'm sad to hear, Clifford Harris is the man to talk to (who's quit) but he has come up with this.

I feel bad if you're being truthful but at the end of the day it's something we have to go forward with, can't stop now.

DaBearo Oct 07,2012 21:35
Hmm it's not so much EDEN but Clifford, he's been desperate to feed us info from day 1. I'm not too keen on spying don't think it's the right way to play, but when he informs me of some juicy goss from his tribe, I had to think about it, and what you see now is I guess the result. It's only a little skirmish - it's not a full blown out offensive from us, with you lot in between us it just made sense to believe him.

However, I shall re-think this overnight and come up with a verdict tomorrow.


As you can see pacman have tried to employ 2 tactics. Firstly they have clearly attacked us numerous times whilst we have an NAP with them.

The second tactic they are using is one that I have been told they have done to at least two other tribes. They have a huge NAP hug with every tribe on k45 and then use rumour and lies to turn them against each other. DaBearo blamed info from EDEN for their attack on us. We have barely had any contact with EDEN. They have no knowledge of our diplomacy. I doubt EDEN know their name is being used. As I say, this is not an isolated incident. I have reports of this tactic from at least 2 other tribes.

So considered yourselves warned w65. pacman are not to be trusted. The plan is obvious. They will turn us all against each other and then try to swoop in and pick up the pieces.
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Had such high hopes when I saw the title of this thread.

Not fair to get my hopes up and dash them like that :icon_cry:.


pacman were also responsible for the nobling of yunaballad (NEBULA), done whilst we were still under NAP.


I didn't think Pacman had it in them to take the core, this just proves it. They look more and more like a noob tribe that needs to cheat to make up for their short comings. Cheap, classless, pathetic. I'm not impressed. Anyone can weasel their way through the game, only the desperate do. Will be interesting to see how many sucker tribes will fall for this amateur tactic.




(facepalm) here I was interested to see some inside goss leaked or some good PnP
And all I got was this rubbish :(
Very disappointed lol


I don't quite understand ....

The only way all those premades were going to survive there in a giant cluster is to hug everything in sight, are tribes these days unaware that NAP stands for Next Attack Plan ?


(facepalm) Here I was interested to see how Pacman would do on this world.
And all I got was this backstabbing crap :(
Very disappointed lol


It seems I'm one of the few people not at all surprised by this. These are the reasons when you agree to an NAP you have conditions, cancellation period, and someone to back you up if things go wrong. Rules can only be enforced if you have some power behind them. Without a cancellation period they can cancel whenever they want, and they've "honored" the NAP. So... looks like poor planning on the other tribe against a tribe that knows how things work.


It seems I'm one of the few people not at all surprised by this. These are the reasons when you agree to an NAP you have conditions, cancellation period, and someone to back you up if things go wrong. Rules can only be enforced if you have some power behind them. Without a cancellation period they can cancel whenever they want, and they've "honored" the NAP. So... looks like poor planning on the other tribe against a tribe that knows how things work.

Like you can expect someone to honor a cancellation period? Especially at this stage of the game :lol:

NAPs this early are normally just to keep a possible threat from attacking your tribe, once your tribe is prepared, then you take care of that threat when they are not ready. I suspect quite a few tribes will use this tactic.

Weird fetish you have there. oO

You guys dont want to even hear the fetishs Julia is in to :icon_eek:
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Tribes honor cancellation periods if they want to keep any other diplomacy they have in place.

You can only play this card one or too times before the words that always come out at start up are on the tip of everyone's tongue.

Lets gang up & destroy this treacherous tribe who have no honor.