People who should never become mods...


Okay, I'm bored and I feel like spamming the forum. I have seen all sorts of threads but never one about who should or should not become a forum mod. I've been toying with the idea of becoming one, but the only issue is that if the TW gods were silly enough to allow me to be one, I would probably break every rule within the first month.

So with this said, please list who you think should never become a mod and why. I'd start with my candidate but I want to hear others first.

1 - ....
2 - ....
3 - ....

1 - No one is to flame existing or previous forum mods.
2 - The list is to contain people that have NEVER been a forum mod.
3 - Each person is to give a reason as to why that person would never get to be a forum mod.

(Note to the mods, this is just some good hearted fun. If I am breaking any rules, then please feel free to hit me over the head continuously with the ban stick...)


1. faaaaark, this is the first post I've read of yours but I can see you are waaaay too good at subtly instigating <3
2. Myself, because I have a list of infractions 3 pages long
3. Royalist, because I know he might read this topic and I need him to know that I love him


1. Bwah: In combination with a Royalist this dutchie gets real mean and flame the shit out of anything that moves. This spicy mouth and his patience would not allow for good modding of a-holes.

2. Ark Angel. Since 2007 I have never seen Ark post anything relevant to the topic until just now. Way to go Arkie!

3. Royalist. Why? I want my name to appear more on the search-list, Ive been infracted more then I want to remember and had my mod application denied twice so obviously something is way off!


Okay, so the TW gods have carefully tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me that this is to be all in good fun.

Let's not get into ANY mod bashing or insults. It's to have some fun and see what people think of their fellow posters in a light hearted way. Let's leave the insults and PnP for the main section of the forum.


1. Astro- because he has a severe problem telling the truth about anything, and when he does its in such broken english it probably couldn't be deciphered by google translator.

2. Me- obvious reasons.

3. Fark- because people kissing up to him as a mod would only make matters worse.
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no one has mentioned the cat o_O
surely a cat can't be a mod!.

or could it?


So you're saying I can't bash on Cracker?
You know i dont mind coz we both know i can give as much as i can recieve,:icon_wink: but then its not my forum so the other mods might object. :icon_biggrin: But thanks for the..implication that i should not be a mod :icon_cry: i thought everyone wuvved me.

On topic-

mod = no

Hotrodder - His 'forum-time' ambition is to do insult and critique how bad every DNY/ OCD / DIY /HUG player has ever been. His ambition as a mod would consist of him trying to ban everyone of these players for any imaginary reason possible.

Astro - i could quote a few posts from w50 by morthy regarding him (they still make me laugh) but his overall problem with trying to type a coherent post and our problem of deciphering it would be his true downfall.

Lee Walton - will manage to turn every subject in every thread in his forums about flaming him. As fantastic as that sounds, it gets rather tiring after a while.

mod = yes

Suko Sevato - to be honest if he was serious about it he would actually be pretty good but to get him to be serious for more than 5 mins will be impossible. He will end up spamming his own forum to hell. He has recieved every possible infraction so im sure so he knows the rules by now. Would possibly be risky but if its managed, it would be the most epic ,active and interesting forum i could every read. Cant wait to see the 'battle of the bulge' in his forum.

Jonathan1978 - His PnP skills are win!, his photoshoping and humour combined adds a fantatistic taste to the forum that would be really good to see, i could imagine the majority of the posters trying to think of a way to get their threads locked so they can see the new and interesting geschlossen pics he conjures up.

Lloyd-christmas - The great 'debater' of our time, no poster would ever argue with an infraction recieved from him, because they would know after 2 to 3 replies you will walk away with your tail between your legs + a " yes sir i understand, in fact i think you should give me two infractions instead of one, im sorry i wont be naughty again "
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mod = no

Hotrodder - His 'forum-time' ambition is to do insult and critique how bad every DNY/ OCD / DIY /HUG player has ever been. His ambition as a mod would consist of him trying to ban everyone of these players for any imaginary reason possible.

Astro - i could quote a few posts from w50 by morthy regarding him (they still make me laugh) but his overall problem with trying to type a coherent post and our problem of deciphering it would be his true downfall.

Lee Walton - will manage to turn every subject in every thread in his forums about flaming him. As fantastic as that sounds, it gets rather tiring after a while.
I forgot about these 3 :icon_redface:
Good picks :)


I'm only at 3, I'm a good boy!

Vote Lloyd for Mod, 2011!

Slogan: I don't have as many infractions as Cracker...?


No doubt my constant trolling, attention whoring and drug abuse would drastically effect my ability to read, understand and react to possible forum law breakers... So many people would get infractions because I thought I read something I didn't...

Hmm.. Astro, for being a tool, a lier, among other things.... Players like these should never be kept far away from mod privs :p

And the w53 crew of trolls... You know who you are.. this place wouldn't be nearly as fun if you guys started holding your tongues out of fear of loosing your jobs :/
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No doubt my constant trolling, attention whoring and drug abuse would drastically effect my ability to read, understand and react to possible forum law breakers... So many people would get infractions because I thought I read something I didn't...

Hmm.. Astro, for being a tool, a lier.... Players like these should never be kept far away from mod privs :p

And the w53 crew of trolls... You know who you are.. this place wouldn't be nearly as fun if you guys started holding your tongues out of fear of loosing your jobs :/
Last edited by darkaniken2 : Today at 22:32



why ppl vote for Googly? he's good :D

i vote for dawnrising27, dankman and Ark (we would be tortured)


1 - Twenty Seven
2 - Michael Corleone
3 - Myself
4 - Lisa
5 - Rest of Random.....

Cause then the there would be no-more mod-bashing.^^

p.s. On a more serious note, cause then the game would get biased :icon_rolleyes:


Lloyd-christmas - The great 'debater' of our time, no poster would ever argue with an infraction recieved from him, because they would know after 2 to 3 replies you will walk away with your tail between your legs + a " yes sir i understand, in fact i think you should give me two infractions instead of one, im sorry i wont be naughty again "

I've won ONE argument with Mr. Christmas, my record stands at 1-54

I would vote for Lloyd absolutely, always gives very well thought out opinions.
Sanchez because it would just be too funny watching him infracting people via mail
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