Petition get rid of bonus and Barbarians?

Dj Dilated

If they have to reset the world now to get rid of them then they would have to reset the world later to get ris of them. Your post contradicts itself. Do not imply that you want them gone later but state a reason you do not want them gone now if the same thing will happen in the future. Better to reset one day in then any other time, but I also realize someone will say it is better to not have a reset at all.

Sorry, I meant to say "Keep Em Now"
I didn't mean to contradict myself
If they were going to get rid of them, of course I would prefer now


Anyone have the coordinates of a bonus village? I am not seeing any.


You must be talking about me when you say "poster before me" and yes i to expected it to be one way. I am just saying that things do not always work out and we must at least be grateful that we got to choose position for those with pre-made tribes and that we somewhat have a classic world. I mean, at least we have old units and a much smaller amount of barb/bonus vills.

Do not worry Ngoc, I am not aiming this at you, just those who may have been wondering exactly what I am trying to get at.

*Wave* Whooker
naaaa I am not worry at all actually i like arch and MA but i don't feel anything wrong in a world without i know this one doesn't and i will play according to it... I guess is right to wonder if everybody hate abandon in order to remove them if that's the case but i doubt everybody hate them... then just live with them! Saying abandon are the evil is just plain unfair i don't say old unit is the evil just because i like it more with arch.

I, as architect, am tired of listening "oh but the old good way"... sorry this is a personal nerve that bother me... old doesnt mean better just because we are used to it... actually change try to make things better even if sometimes they do wrong but complaining and bringing back the old is usually not the solution


Anyone have the coordinates of a bonus village? I am not seeing any.

Yesterday, 23:36 Top
Village Bonus village
Bonus village
Coordinates: 444|570
Points: 60

thought they werent enabeld in w16?


Okay all abandoned villages are called Barbarian villages. They should not be growing on your world though. As far as bonus goes there are none on World 16 as far as the settings go.


really i don't know why u are so scared... my enemy has too many bonus village... fine is harder for me i will have to play smarter or well or i will lose, is a game!!!!

what if your enemy area is full of noobs that make wood/clay/iron 30 and no troop and your area is full of Expert player that mostly make troop?

U call a bad day... I wonder what scare you so much? the abandon are few and are a bit everywhere why u think only your enemy will take advantage of it? cant you take advantage of it u too or ur tribe mate if not u in first person

you are exagerating

When bonus's are in "small numbers" as you said before it is not possible for anyone to get them. Thus me and my supposed tribe cannot take advantage of it Oo

and yes i was exaggerating to prove my point. Glad of you to notice OO


Okay all abandoned villages are called Barbarian villages. They should not be growing on your world though. As far as bonus goes there are none on World 16 as far as the settings go.

Very good news indeed. Thank you!


I say scrap them. I want to earn my nobles and on top of that it would make the game better.


Okay all abandoned villages are called Barbarian villages. They should not be growing on your world though. As far as bonus goes there are none on World 16 as far as the settings go.

Thank you. Any idea why it shows up anyway though?


Okay all abandoned villages are called Barbarian villages. They should not be growing on your world though. As far as bonus goes there are none on World 16 as far as the settings go.

Thanks for the information. Anyway I was being stupid before, but as long as it is small amounts of bonus villages I am sure that we can just "ban" them in some way so that attacks cannot be made on them. Of course the villages would need to be reported so that moderators can do this.


When bonus's are in "small numbers" as you said before it is not possible for anyone to get them. Thus me and my supposed tribe cannot take advantage of it Oo

and yes i was exaggerating to prove my point. Glad of you to notice OO

-.- i am confuse... i just state i dont feel the need of an absolute equilibrium.
following the Eastern mentality rather then the Western in and only in this case

western: everybody born the same has the same rights
eastern: everybody is obviously born different and have to gain his/her rights

I know it is unfair but is so much more realistic ehehe at least they don't bull***t each others


-.- i am confuse... i just state i dont feel the need of an absolute equilibrium.
following the Eastern mentality rather then the Western in and only in this case

western: everybody born the same has the same rights
eastern: everybody is obviously born different and have to gain his/her rights

I know it is unfair but is so much more realistic ehehe at least they don't bull***t each others


Anyways, we seem to have old setting restored.


Hoodoo probs got the settings wrong, he changed a few things last minute

Nothing at all is wrong. This is how they are supposed to be. The only difference over an old world is that they are called Barbarian. They will not grow and there are no bonus villages. I am not sure what this petition is really about since everying on 16 is as it should be and other than the naming thing as it has always been on an old world.


Thanks for the information. Anyway I was being stupid before, but as long as it is small amounts of bonus villages I am sure that we can just "ban" them in some way so that attacks cannot be made on them. Of course the villages would need to be reported so that moderators can do this.

There are no bonus villages. If anyone knows of any supply some coords please.


I am a little confuse me too now...

no bonus village it's pretty clear now... but what about barbarian?

i mean

a) there are no random barbarian
b) people that get inactive became barbarian
c) barbarian grow by themselves

is this true?


I am a little confuse me too now...

no bonus village it's pretty clear now... but what about barbarian?

i mean

a) there are no random barbarian
b) people that get inactive became barbarian
c) barbarian grow by themselves

is this true?

c) is not true. Barbs don grow by themselves, or at least they should not in this world.
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