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Jagulley and i trust each other and listen to each other

If i told him ill take over all talks with FARM-U,he would have stopped

I know Jagulley for 2 years and i fully trust him

And if i had knowledge i would have asked you what do you want to be done

as in all PLXGUE matters in =EoN=,we waited for your response before doing something

All I'm trying to point out is the big mistake you were going to make, which was giving Farm-U villages.

I'm not the only to point that out as you can see above, that truly showed who Jagulley was and what he would stand for just to keep your relations with Farm-U.


Look at all the 12 year old' on the forum, run along dears nothing to see here.


And i told you again,Jagulley did it,not me

He made a mistake,so what,it happens

he is your co-duke boy

what he wants to do must be therefore still discussed with you
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Back on topic, we're already dominating our home continent again which is k73.


All you guys are ridiculous. Godfather, for all your high sounding speeches, you acted like a petulant 4 year old. You took absolutely no time to discuss things with us. Thankfully you will be a bad leader if that is how you always respond. This whole thread is pointless. All EON and KON members should stop posting.


All you guys are ridiculous. Godfather, for all your high sounding speeches, you acted like a petulant 4 year old. You took absolutely no time to discuss things with us. Thankfully you will be a bad leader if that is how you always respond. This whole thread is pointless. All EON and KON members should stop posting.

godfather isn't exactly jumpy. I can think of a way more 'jumpy' leader in your tribe :icon_neutral:.

I sometimes had to calm them down and talk some sense into them :icon_neutral:.

Still, I never thought this would happen. Personally, I'm quite ashamed of you for whats happened. Still, you've always tried to walk a tightrope between your allies and Farm-U.

Goodluck because PHO will need it? yeh, they probably will need a lot of goodluck. Still, people don't forget what happens. You reap what you sow on this game.

I love how you say that PHO will have to merge to survive since its basically been =EoN='s survival trick, well, since as long as I remember. anyway, I'm not here to bash anyone but still, quite ashamed.

Goodluck PHO :icon_biggrin:.


Goodluck to PHO, I personally think Tico will make a good leader. I was always unsure that the merge would work out with Eon and i was right :)

Anyway goodluck to both tribes.


Goodluck to PHO, I personally think Tico will make a good leader. I was always unsure that the merge would work out with Eon and i was right :)

Anyway goodluck to both tribes.

Anything to do with our skype chat? :lol:


All you guys are ridiculous. Godfather, for all your high sounding speeches, you acted like a petulant 4 year old. You took absolutely no time to discuss things with us. Thankfully you will be a bad leader if that is how you always respond. This whole thread is pointless. All EON and KON members should stop posting.

Yes, I'll be as bad as I was when I lead PLxGUE.

Like I've said, I'll stay with my friends and won't leave them there to be nobled.



Yes, I'll be as bad as I was when I lead PLxGUE.

Like I've said, I'll stay with my friends and won't leave them there to be nobled.


Seems like tribal might get some kind of competition :)


Well since you consider it a stupid reason I may have to disclose what happened.

Then here we go:

PLxGUE and Farm-U were never in good terms. PLxGUE started negotiating the merge with =EoN= and one of the first offers was that we had to give Farm-U some of our players. Why?

Good question. No idea. Why would we give our players to Farm-U?

What happened, I refused obviously.

Then they said it was ok, if we just merged, well we did.

We had a yellow member, a friend of mine which I trust. I had someone in Farm-U informing me that Jagulley was giving them informations about our inactive players. And that Farm-U were going to noble them. Well shit hit the roof.

I asked Jagulley on the council and he admitted it that he had gave away one of our inactive to keep =EoN= and Farm-U in good terms.

Now my question is, you sell your friends for diplomacy? I don't, I stick with them.

David argues, that they were gonna give K53 so that we could have k73. Face something we would never lose k73 as it was ours, and giving them villages won't help. Why aren't they tributing you? Why are you giving them villages and it's not the opposite?! Because you're scared. Face it, you're the ones giving them villages not the contrary.

Seriously me leaving for a stupid reason made me laugh. I'll always stick with my friends even if that means I'll be rimmed.

If you're reading this and you think I'm an ass, what would have you done? Would you like to be sacrificed to keep 2 tribes relationship? Would you like to see you're friend getting screwed? I don't, that's why I left.

Go ahead, flame me all you want, but at least I have people who are loyal to me, and which I know that if I'm in need they will help and same will happen if they need.

Agree on tiaco. :) diplomacy isn't equal to friendship. Would say I'm impressed with tiaco. Backing him up in any case if he needs. :icon_cool:


That was a quick honeymoon.

I did not see that coming at all.


If you're reading this and you think I'm an ass, what would have you done? Would you like to be sacrificed to keep 2 tribes relationship? Would you like to see you're friend getting screwed? I don't, that's why I left.

Go ahead, flame me all you want, but at least I have people who are loyal to me, and which I know that if I'm in need they will help and same will happen if they need.

i just love this tiaco.. i love it :) seriously its much better to gain friends.:)


Friends first, keeping good relations with other tribes after.

That's why this is tribal wars, you're supposed to be on a tribe with people who you trust and who you go to war, people who support you who sit you when you need, who help you out, who listen to you, who are your friends. That people come always first.


firstly: tiaco i agree with you on the friend thing this game
would be no fun with out friends

secondly: zorw could you plz climb outa tiaco's ass
lol :icon_biggrin:
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