Oh please....
You extended the world by stabbing Apoc-N in the back.
Then you extended the world by booting various people.
Of course, you then decided to allow Wolfhunt1, a fine duke, to noble barbs so he could be #3 and be the #1 player in K51.
I see he is now --- not because of barb nobling, but because another duke, Andrew Done, DELETED! (not to mention notverygeordie, one of the other dukes, who also went barb!)
Of course, Morthy has now locked the world such that tribal changes are GONE --- no more kicking people (no matter what they do!).
You're down to... 20! villages before the "End of the World...."
Exactly how much time do you losers need to finish off the world? (sorry, rhetorical question... I know Morthy has given you all the time in the world, as it's quite clear that reasonable deadlines couldn't possibly be met!)