Mozzi - did you just use that "F" word at me???
Looks like it:icon_eek:
Plunder then? maybe?:icon_razz:
Mozzi - did you just use that "F" word at me???
sorry about that i was looking in the wrong world lol but we are under 1000 dont we get half priced noble packets?
When will the half-noble prizes come?
//King Dragon
we are already on half nobles.
well I think with another noble price cut this world would be buzzing again.
I definitely would welcome it, I know KD is hurting, with nothing to farm and nobles cost so much.
Getting sniped must really suck at your stage. (Not a flame attempt or an argument starter just a general convo)
1 packet lost when sniped, doesn't suck too bad.
1 packet lost when sniped, doesn't suck too bad.
1 packet lost when sniped, doesn't suck too bad.
Err, impossible? :^|I even fell short on 5 nobles once on a 70 hr trip.
LOL JOker said the same thing so I showed took it down to 1.
TW doesn't like me much.
I've had nobles take villages down from 17 to 1. Impossible again you say....why because a nobles are supposed to take a minimum of 20....Right!
I've never taken a village with 3 nobles but I've seen it done even with accounts bigger than mine.
So I know for a fact that its not a moral thing. But its funny it only happens on this account. In the past 48 hours I've left 2 devils villages below 5 and 9 others at either 1 or 2. Almost made me hit the big red button today.
BTW we are on topic we're talking about ways to lower the player count in this world.
Please show us this reports.
//King Dragon