Player Countdown


Players when the world closed: 5,500 (approximate)
Players on (23 January): 1,425
Players on (1 February): 1,314
Players on (12February): 1,163
Players currently: 960

The world is losing about 9 players per day (Average over past 22 days).
83% of players have gone barbarian since the world closed.

Ranks 832 through 960 have zero points.
Rank 750 has 1.299 points.
Rank 500 has 29.841 points and 3 villages.
Rank 200 has 278.233 and 36 villages.

Player data from 12 February
Ranks 1120 through 1163 have zero points.
Rank 1000 has 296 points.
Rank 500 has 34.242 points and 5 villages.
Rank 200 has 284.419 points and 34 villages.[/spoil]

Graph of players remaining:

I love tacos.


Players when the world closed: 5,500 (approximate)
Players on (23 January): 1,425
Players on (1 February): 1,314
Players on (12February): 1,163
Players on (6March): 960
Players currently: 901

Wow we went from 1,000 to 900 very quickly :)

Average for the past week is 8.4 players removed per day.
Half-priced packets were activated yesterday.

Rank 877 through 901 have zero points. Funnily, the Rank 900 peson has zero points. His name is mr.gone
Rank 750 has 765 points
Rank 500 has 26.666 points and 3 villages (incidentally it's mini hiter!)
Rank 200 has 264.043 and 32 villages.
Rank 100 has 1.555.082 points and 163 villages (incidentally it's Dagoneto!)

For comparisons see the previous post. Nobody spammed this week! Huzzah!


Players when the world closed: 5,500 (approximate)

Players on (12February): 1,163
Players on (6 March): 960
Players (13 March): 901
Currently: 856 players remaining.

Average for the past week is 6.4 players removed per day.

Rank 839-856 have zero points.
Rank 750 has 468 points (LOL, it's 2dark!)
Rank 500 has 25.430 points and 6 villages.
Rank 200 has 258.869 points and 30 villages.
Ranks 100 has 1.013.767 points and 93 villages. (This is a massive change from last week).


When do they stop the ability for people to restart? Am I correct in thinking that hypothetically every single person who has ever played this world could potentially restart?


No they can't restart if they wander away from the restart screen. Once their account is deleted it is deleted. If you rim someone they show as zero points and get the screen that allows them to restart. If they decline or wander away they no longer exist.


thank god for small favors


you know you hang around brits too much / are reading too much of The Economist when "favor" starts to look funny without the u...


That's because it is spelt with a u ;)

Should that be 'an u' or 'a u'? 'an u' doesn't sound right, but gramatically I suppose it must be?

FFE - good to hear that :)


Players when the world closed: 5,500 (approximate)

Players (13 March): 901
Players (20 March): 856
Players Currently: 780 (-76)

Average for the past two weeks is 5.4 players removed per day.

Rank 764-780 have zero points.
Rank 750 has 80 points
Rank 500 has 18.244 points and 10 villages (LOL?).
Rank 200 has 269.847 points and 20 villages.
Ranks 100 has 958.056 points and 100 villages.


Players when the world closed: 5,500 (approximate)

Players (13 March): 901
Players (20 March): 856
Players (3 April): 780
Currently: 736 (-44)

Average for the past week is 6.2 players removed per day. (Up a little bit)

Rank 724-736 have zero points.
Rank 500 has 15.468 points and 4 villages.
Rank 200 has 272.698 points and 25 villages.
Ranks 100 has 994.290 points and 100 villages.


Players when the world closed: 5,500 (approximate)

Players (13 March): 901
Players (20 March): 856
Players (3 April): 780
Players (10 April): 736
Players currently: 683

Average for the past two weeks is 3.7 players removed per day. (Down Sharply)
Quarter priced packets will be enabled at roughly the 500 player mark.

Ranks 666-683 have zero points.
Rank 500 has 10.020 points and 1 village.
Rank 200 has 258.640 points and 26 villages.
Rank 100 has 811.888 points and 88 villages.

Graph of players remaining:


Players when the world closed: 5,500 (approximate)

Players (3 April): 780
Players (10 April): 736
Players (24 April): 683
Players Currently: 653

Average for the past two weeks is 4.2 players removed per day. (Up Slightly)
Quarter priced packets should be enabled at roughly the 500 player mark.

Ranks 637-653 have zero points.
Rank 500 has 6.970 points and 3 villages. (down about 30%)
Rank 200 has 258.640 points and 26 villages. (unchanged)
Rank 100 has 796.192 points and 83 villages (down slightly)

I made a mashed potato pizza last night.. it's surprisingly good. PM me for the recipe.


mashed potato



i dont think there is much of a recipe here haha


Mashed potato is no pizza topping! If there is no meat and/or cheese, don't bother!