Player in this world


Honestly, I kinda like the snake... :) It looks good to me.


For the record Jermz never gave any intel on anything TDE was doing and did in-fact, fought his own friends for the love of the game. Fact...

Snake that coward.
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I never liked that Jeremy kid anyway. He looks at me funny.

Nice to see KD's still got it when it comes to putting his 'fot' in his mouth anyway.


as i told before i didnt like jerm either with his that alien smurffs on externals photo but honestly he have one good keep forums alive
also th eonly player that gave a fight in whole TDE was cerb and some small players like dbldeuce ( he only tried to recap few times)
the rest just ran away
like you did

Deleted User - 7531779

jeremyleite was a snake.

Anabolic was a fighter :)

King dragon was here and put in a fotprint :)

Quite frankly with every fleeting moment left of w39 I find it hard to believe I ever held any respect for you. The above comment makes me shudder at the thought of ever having dealt with you with courtesy.

To come on here, after abandoning your tribe at the final hurdle and attempt to slate one of your few capable members is simply astonishing.

Let me break this down - You came back to this world and called jeremyleite a snake and 'big' yourself up. How dare you?

You spent your time on w39 forums talking about how you had spies in all your enemies tribes, you openly recruited enemies in attempts to win wars without doing the actual fighting and you have the shear audacity to come on here and bad mouth a member of my tribe?? A member who stayed with your tribe after you and your Queen gave up and left it to rot? A member who stayed and tried to help the worlds long-time rank 1 player defend himself as long as he could? A member who was one of a small list in T.D.E who was capable of sniping and other such technical abilities that sat accounts in T.D.E and performed said actions, including yours......And then after all this decided he should join up with old friends in the world winning tribe.....You should be thanking him for his service and congratulating him for being part of w39's victorious crew.

T.D.E had some great members.....but you left them for dead. I witnessed it first hand, you left all those who trusted you so much to fend for themselves. You didn't even have the respect for them to make the appropriate arrangements before you quit your losing battle. Instead you rushed things so you could run away as quick as possible.

jeremyleite will win w39 and rightfully so.

You wont and rightfully so.

You left a footprint alright......A footprint of ludicrous proportions, a legacy of recruited all you shrouded yourself in lies and towards the end even the game mods stepped in.

We stood toe-toe once...You had the upper hand by over 2,000 caps.....I won. I crushed your empire. My battle record is impeccable and it so because I respect each and every one of my members. Name a world Per.....just name it and I will happily join with my crew and crush you once again.

Piss and moan all you want but the faith of T.D.E reflects directly upon you......crushed and embarrassed. Merry Christmas you pathetic, silly man.


Quite frankly with every fleeting moment left of w39 I find it hard to believe I ever held any respect for you. The above comment makes me shudder at the thought of ever having dealt with you with courtesy.

To come on here, after abandoning your tribe at the final hurdle and attempt to slate one of your few capable members is simply astonishing.

Let me break this down - You came back to this world and called jeremyleite a snake and 'big' yourself up. How dare you?

You spent your time on w39 forums talking about how you had spies in all your enemies tribes, you openly recruited enemies in attempts to win wars without doing the actual fighting and you have the shear audacity to come on here and bad mouth a member of my tribe?? A member who stayed with your tribe after you and your Queen gave up and left it to rot? A member who stayed and tried to help the worlds long-time rank 1 player defend himself as long as he could? A member who was one of a small list in T.D.E who was capable of sniping and other such technical abilities that sat accounts in T.D.E and performed said actions, including yours......And then after all this decided he should join up with old friends in the world winning tribe.....You should be thanking him for his service and congratulating him for being part of w39's victorious crew.

T.D.E had some great members.....but you left them for dead. I witnessed it first hand, you left all those who trusted you so much to fend for themselves. You didn't even have the respect for them to make the appropriate arrangements before you quit your losing battle. Instead you rushed things so you could run away as quick as possible.

jeremyleite will win w39 and rightfully so.

You wont and rightfully so.

You left a footprint alright......A footprint of ludicrous proportions, a legacy of recruited all you shrouded yourself in lies and towards the end even the game mods stepped in.

We stood toe-toe once...You had the upper hand by over 2,000 caps.....I won. I crushed your empire. My battle record is impeccable and it so because I respect each and every one of my members. Name a world Per.....just name it and I will happily join with my crew and crush you once again.

Piss and moan all you want but the faith of T.D.E reflects directly upon you......crushed and embarrassed. Merry Christmas you pathetic, silly man.

Damn Nuff in all our flaming we have never ever ever burned anyone this bad...

Not even combined.

I mean this alone would make me want to never ever ever show my face in another TW forum again.

So happy my name aint PER right now....

"So you want to come at the KING? Bow down BIA!" Hybrid Soul

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
I wish to add something to what Hybrid said...

King Dragon,


KD, you honestly still believe, what you are saying there??? If so, im really sorry to tell you this, but you are more than disillusioned. You would be blinder than a fully blind person. You would be dumber than a piece of stupid wood. Please don´t take this as me being rude and offensive, im just being honest.

Jeremy is a snake? erm, no... simple answer. He stood up and fought. You didn´t. If you call him of a snake, then you should call yourself not the king of dragons, but rather the king of running away. He was one of the, tbh more like the only, member, that was active and wanted to survive.

Honestly, I simply can´t believe what you are saying here. This post of yours, this whole thread, simply shows one thing. You are the same now as you were as duke of TDE, not knowing what your doing, spreading lies, always saying, that you were the one, that got cheated on. Serves you right. After you abandoned all your "friends" (if you can call them that) in TDE, you have absolutely no right to say anything about any other player on this world, that is still around.

Footprint??? Damn, that must have been a really tiny one. Well, you really showed, how good your tactics were at failing. I guess you taught all of TW, how to NOT lead a tribe.

This is pretty much what HS said before, but honestly, for me, after reading your post, just saying "HS is right" wasn´t enough for me.

In serious disappointment. Hold on, why am I disappointed. I actually expected you to write something like this.

So, in disgrace and disgust.

Proud member of A-21 and its leadership
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