Poll: World wide end of beta event.


Would you do something different for the end of beta?
I would take part in a free for all war for the last few days.
I would take part in a world vs strongest tribe war.
I would rush to get a nobleman and take over a village.
I would continue as normal.
I would do something different. Please post thoughts.

Just thought it would be fun to try and do something for end of beta.:icon_biggrin:


Kind of doing the nobleman rush. Definitely gonna attack some semi-actives to get a feel for the system. Trying to work out an agreement with my local rival-for-the-region (there's one village larger than me in any of the squares ajacent to me, and that's not by terribly much) so that our two tribes don't hit one another and just get a feel for killing things.


you would do better to hit that person to see what does and doesn't work in battle.

anyone can kill an abandoned village, but come reset the only people to logon will be those that have more than a semi interest in playing.


Maybe, but the problem there is that A: Strategically, his tribe has a better position in that region than mine, B: He's a little bigger than me, so he's likely to win, and C: There's just no sense in having a good fight for only one day.

I just want a brief look at the combat system, so a target dummy kinda works better for me. If this guy wants war, I don't know that I'll win. If it was a sure win for either of us, I wouldn't ask ;) We'd simply p0wn the other.


Unfortunately/Fortunately I signed up on the 25th so will never be out of preotection so will never be aattacked/ know how it feels to be attacked.
Im just gonna try to attack someone a bit bigger than me because I know that im safe :)