ONce upon a time, Jim, the pally was born.[As seen below]
As a young boy, he was given a Statue.
Here he trained, and became as fit as:
He did the whole village a huge favour, by raiding the near by enemys, called TeH GrEyS.
He is now doing his 40 minute exercises. 3 laps he has done now.
Until one day, the almighty Axes came, then he commited suicide on a 12355 point village, with the PWNZOR lvl 20 wall.
Everyone cried.
[First bit of decent proganda so far]
As a young boy, he was given a Statue.
Here he trained, and became as fit as:
He did the whole village a huge favour, by raiding the near by enemys, called TeH GrEyS.
He is now doing his 40 minute exercises. 3 laps he has done now.
Until one day, the almighty Axes came, then he commited suicide on a 12355 point village, with the PWNZOR lvl 20 wall.
Everyone cried.
[First bit of decent proganda so far]
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