[PSA] Warning Against Account Phishing

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x acid burn x

Even better take the list of all your tribes enamies and then enter each name of your enamies and for the pass just put password. With anyluck some one is going to be hacked.


Even better take the list of all your tribes enamies and then enter each name of your enamies and for the pass just put password. With anyluck some one is going to be hacked.

nope, as that is dishonourable...

i was doing this just to piss off the hackers


just put my other world account (it was unused and have just signed it up to W20, cba to play it though) into the fields and if they change the email, when they log on, i will be able to find out their IP through the system we have to prevents the stealing of accounts
change email screen message said:
Hacking other players' accounts is illegal. In case of an unauthorized E-Mail address change (e.g. by stolen password) we will supply the real account owner with log files, so he can press legal charges.

if they dont, i can then regain my pass via email, and then check ip logs with those of my real account (Abh0r53n) and find the one(s) they must have used...

the full source for both the pages they use if anyone can break down the css (i cant):

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
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						function redirect(){
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					  font-family:"Trebuchet MS";
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					If redirection does not work, <a href="http://en23.tribalwars.net/help2.php" target="_top">click here.</a>



I'd laugh if you actually gave them someone's name + pass by chance.

Especially if it was someone like Agariba. I think that dude would actually come kill you in real life if you got him hacked.. lol
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