Question Game


I did neither D:

Yus <33333 /snugglessss

Can someone one day sing me a lullaby before sleep? D:


Ooooh :D That could be fun xD

Yus, I'll transfer my weather to youu (After weekend, as we has rain than more sun :D)

Should I dream of flowers and fairies or Evil clowns and spoons?


Dream of one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

Also, RockMelt is a program that integrates Facebook with Google Chrome. If you want an invite you have to go to the site and request for one, or have one of your Facebook friends give you instant access (if they already have RockMelt). I have 4 more invites currently. We're not Facebook friends so I can't send you an invite. :3

Were you born free? (hint hint, Kid Rock, hint hint)


Will that dream ever happen? :[

Ahh, I do not use google chrome, Opera for me :D But sounds quite good!

Of I was, I was born free to roam the streets when I was young o.o wait that could sound wrong..

What is your fav song of Kid Rock?