Rate the player above you!



Player: 7/10 - I know of you, and you seem to know your stuff too.
Tribe: 9/10 - Low member count, impressive OD, your not killing your troops right?
Forum: 7/10 - Seen you around
Points: 8/10 - Nice.



Player: 7/10 - I don't know you, must've started late?
Tribe: 3/10 - vomits on your tribe
Forum: 7/10 - Seen you around
Points: 3/10 - Catch up due to late start maybe?
OD -I added this in, should be here.



Player: 7/10 - I don't know you, must've started late?
Tribe: 3/10 - vomits on your tribe
Forum: 7/10 - Seen you around
Points: 3/10 - Catch up due to late start maybe?
OD -I added this in, should be here.

Yeah why isn't OD in there. Well I can't do it again on you that wouldn't be any fun so I just wont rate anyone. RAWR!


Player: 7/10 - My liege
Tribe: 10/10 - Best tribe in k56 by a good margin
Forum: 4/10 - Posts too much - should be farming noobs
Points: 7/10 - Doing well
OD : 7/10 - See Forum.


Player: 7/10
Tribe: 8/10
Forum: 5/10 havent seen you around :/
Points: 7/10 isnt too bad (seems someone didnt have a late start ;))
OD: 8/10 -ca 3k isn't bad


Player: 0/0 couldnt find him
Tribe: Same
Forum: Seems to know a little bit about a little bit
Points: Same
OD: Same.



Player name: Khaotic1 4/10
Tribe: VectoR 6/10
Forums: 7/10
Known face: 0/10



Player name: Khaotic1 4/10
Tribe: VectoR 6/10
Forums: 7/10
Known face: 0/10

I guess being the last world I have played besides this one is W9 a lot of you guys don't know me. ;) haha



Player name: Khaotic1 5/10
Tribe: VectoR 8/10
Forums: 7/10
Known face: 0/10



Player name: pengu42 3/10
Tribe: D+C 6/10
Forums: 6/10
Known face: 0/10
Siggie: 8/10

Beer goggles


Player name: 6/10
Tribe: 8/10
Forums: 0/10
Known face: 0/10
Siggie: 4/10


Player: Beer Goggles
Points: 5/10 - 581 points, not too bad, but you've got 1 person right next to you with 700 points, obvious signs of a slight struggle in the future
Tribe: 8/10 - This may be a little generous, BUT I like your amount of members, small but a big enough threat, your OD is good,Rank 21 with only 36 members, and your Average points is not at all bad, so I wish your tribe good luck with keeping up with what it's doing
Area: 2/10 - one word, EWWWWW, what the hell is going on in your 7x7? You have like 7 targets that should have become farms by now. You best be getting on that to protect yourself.
Known Face: N/A - I am a new face, so I don't know any known faces... yet =)


Player: WhySoFail
Points: 7/10 - I've taken your rim start into account. You seem to have got off to a nice start.
Tribe: 8/10 - Looks good. Should be interesting to follow you guys' progress.
Area: 5/10 - Some decent farms I reckon, but not more than that.
Known Face: 2/10 - Who are you? I've seen you posting once or twice though



Player name: Te Birkis 5/10
Tribe: Who? 5/10 (The Recruitments open :icon_wink:)
Forums: 9/10
Known face: 10/10


Player: Beer Goggles
Points: 5/10 - 581 points, not too bad, but you've got 1 person right next to you with 700 points, obvious signs of a slight struggle in the future
Tribe: 8/10 - This may be a little generous, BUT I like your amount of members, small but a big enough threat, your OD is good,Rank 21 with only 36 members, and your Average points is not at all bad, so I wish your tribe good luck with keeping up with what it's doing
Area: 2/10 - one word, EWWWWW, what the hell is going on in your 7x7? You have like 7 targets that should have become farms by now. You best be getting on that to protect yourself.
Known Face: N/A - I am a new face, so I don't know any known faces... yet =)

I think you hit the wrong village. He is over 700+ points :/


player - dont know, does this mean past world experience?
tribe - 4/10 I think I'm pretty generous with a 4/10, you don't seem like a "mass recruit" tribe, but your low numbers and low points don't seem to make you guys look like a
forum - N/A - I just started this world, so I wouldn't know an experienced face if it slaps me and called me ____
points 3/10 - you have like literally NO control over your 7x7 or 15 x 15, There are so many players in your 15x15 who look to be growing exponentially compared to your points

Unless you have a HUGE :axemen::lightcavalry: army, I don't see much hope with all of those around you that you haven't taken control of yet.

I'm sorry if you find this "harsh" but, this is my opinion on how your doing SO FAR. I have no reflections towards your past goals, or future goals, I just grade you as I saw your 15x15 and your tribe's profile page.

wrong the players around me cant touch me dood :icon_cool:

no but seriusoly they will be shown who is boss soon :icon_biggrin:


I think you hit the wrong village. He is over 700+ points :/
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Average points per village

4897 Beer Goggles DS 595 1 595

This is not him?

If so, my bad I did the wrong person.

To keep my post on topic I'll rate Pengu42

Player: Pengu42
Points: 4/10 You seem to have a good amount of points, but some of those around you have better then you
Tribe: 4/10 At least not a mass recruit tribe, you seem to say that your from W16, but from your average points and the minimal OD I'd say you guys aren't doing to great for an inner tribe(assuming they are mostly in your K53
Area: 2/10 YIKES! alot of competition in your 7x7 and 15x15!
Known Face:
N/A Because I just joined and don't know anyone yet.



Player - Who? 6/10
Tribe - Don't know really 5/10
Forum - See's the name around once in a while 8/10
Points - Don't know the name... Till I read the bottom of the post.. too late. 0/10

And on another note, I laughed my --- off at this rating.

Can we take a look at his profile next? His first post was on this thread just like mine x D

I'm just messing around with YGP. me and him are bud's from the same clan and me and him were laughing when we read about his rating, and then his ego kicked in from this rating =P
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