Points: 329.775
Rank: 106
Opponents defeated: 2.477.275 (34.)
Tribe: A*R
Points: 329.775
Rank: 106
Opponents defeated: 2.477.275 (34.)
Tribe: A*R
Points: 329.775
Rank: 106
Opponents defeated: 2.477.275 (34.)
Tribe: A*R
Points: 329.775
Rank: 106
Opponents defeated: 2.477.275 (34.)
Tribe: A*R
Don't be lame, actually rate Aslyum! Then you will get rated!
Grover is Blue
Grover Is Blue
Points: 780.938
Rank: 13
Opponents defeated: 2.159.708 (55.)
Tribe: Bwak!
Points: Top 20, so enough said there. 9/10
Tribe: I like this tribe, small membership and skilled players. 8/10
OD: High ODA, low ODD... You haven't been truly tested yet and I see about 1/3 of conquers are tribeless or barbarian, so its decent but could be better. 3:1 ODoint ratio is always a good thing though
Position: You have some options to choose from, but as a whole your tribe's position is horrible. As a player you got a couple options, keep doing the long distant atacks heading west like you seem to be doing and spreading out, or move south from your main cluster and take out that large gap in the middle of your tribe. Heading east will cause problems, so you don't have many options. 6/10
if i knew your ign i would rate you, shame im not too great at mind reading
Blah, sorry guys
IGN: 7 Trolls