Real war aa vs creati


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made a new forum, since the other two where troll and I am sure many wont read those. so post here for the salt pls <3

was hoping for a better declaration but then forgot the member that made those good post is gone :(
so here it is the war everyone has been waiting for.

Subject The tribe Creative doesnt fi declared war on tribe Energizer!
Sent Apr 07, 2018 02:19:53
The tribe is now at war with Creative doesnt fi!

War name: Time to Change the Batteries

We have waited quite a long time for this war.

Perhaps the Energizer Bunny does stop going eventually!!

» Show war statistics
» Report offensive war declaration


Hope this is fun for everyone involved, sadly I'm too far away so I have to noble these free and clean villages in the south :(

Maybe I will join up there in some weeks too ^^

Deleted User - 11252347

Come on guys where's the PnP it's like no ones even trying :p

AA, I'm surprised you didn't send Tom (Truth Breaker) out to post something like this:



Non-stop Poster
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Come on guys where's the PnP it's like no ones even trying :p

AA, I'm surprised you didn't send Tom (Truth Breaker) out to post something like this:


they should just offer peace, get you back in the tribe and do a good pnp and declare again.
what can go wrong with that plan?

Deleted User - 11252347

they should just offer peace, get you back in the tribe and do a good pnp and declare again.
what can go wrong with that plan?

hahahahahah that's likely :D:D:D Do find that random forum lurking/shitposting is more fun than the game though .... so I've retired .... for now:p


Non-stop Poster
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hahahahahah that's likely :D:D:D Do find that random forum lurking/shitposting is more fun than the game though .... so I've retired .... for now:p

haha the salt is funny to read yeah :D

ow we can make a poll :
what will the fake name of the creati forum account be. Who will be the real player running the new fake creati account :D

Deleted User - 11252347

We will sub contract our next pnp out to you <3

Pfft good sir I'm no subcontractor! :eek: If you want me i need a more important sounding title like an executive producer or assistant to the PnP manager :cool::p

Or alternatively yous could make your own pnp just actually try a bit :D Happy to give some tips; but In the words of Kelis singing milkshake "I could teach you, but I have to charge." ;)


I feel like if we were the trash the world claims us to be we would be the same as KOBK right now. The fact that every tribe around us chose to not fight each other and fight us all at once speaks for itself.

Deleted User - 11252347

You realise the reason everyone Is "ganging up" on you is because Ronnie is untrustworthy & has multiple times backstabbed tribes & players he's allied this world and past ones o_O

You might wanna check up on some of the despicable past actions of the leader you hold in such high esteem.

Nothing to do with your guys skill, if anything everyone ganging up on you shows the weak character & widespread mistrust and dislike of your leadership. That speaks for itself.... And I'm just some lad who barbed & has no stake left in w97 so what do I care :p


If that's the case then I will still fight either way. Just see it as a silly petty move. I don't know anyone well enough to know their drama


That would honestly make a lot of sense. Both tribes would like to be part of endgame, the tribe that has 2 of the top 3 warring against it is the one less likely to achieve that goal.
I found it quite surprising that Creati would prefer to declare on AA, seeing that this will allow their true rival (imo, as the tribe in first place atm) IL to gain more ground (possibly). But what do I know...


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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That would honestly make a lot of sense. Both tribes would like to be part of endgame, the tribe that has 2 of the top 3 warring against it is the one less likely to achieve that goal.
I found it quite surprising that Creati would prefer to declare on AA, seeing that this will allow their true rival (imo, as the tribe in first place atm) IL to gain more ground (possibly). But what do I know...

In a three tribe world there is always going to be a 1 tribe that gets the short straw. That's the way the game works


In a three tribe world there is always going to be a 1 tribe that gets the short straw. That's the way the game works

Of course. However both top tribes fighting the third is what surprises me. I was thinking Creati would prefer to "use" AA against IL while they fight on the southeastern + core borders.
Perhaps that was just wishful thinking ;)
Anyway, this will be a challenging but fun war. Good luck to both sides.