Recruiting tribe Members K13-14


Hi, I am Broc212. I created a clan called "The Flying Boxcar." I am not a tribe leader looking for big points.
Honestly I have been in some of the greatest tribes ever, I am a veteran and you can expect help from me. If your just a beginner or a Veteran I will always help you. My tribe has 2 aching members, but why should you join another tribe if they have 20-100k points? We want you to join because we promise you a good time. Contact broc212 or Robzombie for an invitation.​

Be active
Have fun
Be nice​


Please post your name here if you would like to join. Remember, if you join, that gives a better chance of other people joining. We are still looking for Forum moderators, Private annoucement editors, recruits, and recruiters.


I know this is nothing to do with recruiting... but maybe would you consider being allies with EOC? :)